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Messages - symbolzzzz

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Debate Forum / Re: Black Ops 2 a waste of money?
« on: November 19, 2012, 11:58:11 AM »
Nnnnooooo. It feels fresh enough so it's wort my money at least. On top of that at least the Quake engine WORKS, unlike the other AAA fps engine we got lately (Frostbite2), it looks pretty decent, the levels are nice and varied, zombies is as much fun as ever and the SP has its moments.

I am better at this then I ever was at 1.6 or css, so I assume the hardcore players will say its terrible for bringing in n3wb13s like me.

Team Fortress 2 / Re: Saxton Hale Rule #2 Clarification
« on: August 09, 2012, 06:54:17 PM »
But yeah I can see how this rule is a little on the grey side and should probably be adjusted to sound better and be more easily understood.
Eh you could just add a small clarification text similar to what finni did with his trading rules. Something like (Only counts if the person is hiding with the sole intention of just getting last stand critical hits, look at Rule 7 for guidance)

Team Fortress 2 / Re: Saxton Hale Rule #2 Clarification
« on: August 09, 2012, 05:57:19 PM »
Three things
1) There is a difference between hiding and camping. (Having a big fuckoff turret that shoots the Australian is hardly what I'd call stealthy hiding)

2) I'm pretty sure the rule applies for cases when the person hiding is, lets say a scout, and he just sits in a corner waiting for the rest of the team to die, and then runs out and starts shooting the Hale.

3) As for engineers, the maps are hardly so large that the Hale shouldn't be capable of finding the nests, if he does't look then you can hardly blame the engineers, that's the Hales on incompetence. Even then if the Hale doesn't know the map, you can always beacon the engineer, if the Hale is ignoring the engineer then that counts as being friendly and he gets a slay.

All that being said that's just how I see the rules, the HA's might very well disagree with me on this.

Team Fortress 2 / Re: Saxton hale rule addon re-request
« on: July 06, 2012, 10:55:05 PM »
That's a fairly [terrible/bad] rule (In my opinion).

Like those kids know what "Common sense" is.
That's why we don't give admin rights to the kids, we have admins to enforce the rules, kind of the point of having admins wouldn't you say?

Besides there is another problem that if someone wants to waste time they could do it fairly well as a soldier (mantreads jumps get you across the map, demomen with a few heads and the charging target can keep running forever, spy with the stranger can stay invisible pretty much forever and so on and so forth)
So there are admins to see that this doesn't happen. If we let the kids voteslay then they will abuse the living shit out of it, if we just add bleed to the last one alive then the hale will just camp.

And least we forget the gamemode already has things in place to avoid this the last stand crits being one: more damage = faster rage = faster game over, secondly the hale builds rage over time as well. As long as yahtzee manages to keep a decent admin staff it shouldn't be a problem.

Team Fortress 2 / Re: Saxton hale rule addon re-request
« on: July 06, 2012, 10:38:16 PM »
It's fairly good for players to have more playtime rather than spectating.
That's why I'm saying we use Rule#7 "Use common sense", if the scout is doing well the hale will rage him and he will die, everyone gets to play, if the scout/whoeverthefuckhappenstobealive isn't doing any damage at all and is just wasting time running away from the hale then we slay him and everyone gets to play.

DAMN IT CROW, the second time you posted something while im writing a terrible response to finni but what I am trying to say applies anyway.

Team Fortress 2 / Re: Saxton hale rule addon re-request
« on: July 06, 2012, 10:22:38 PM »
2k damage is easy as hell to do with last stand crits, especially if you can just run backwards and keep unloading on the Hale.
Can't we just use common sense to determine if the scout is wasting time or is trying to kill the Hale/HHHJR/Vangineer/CBS, if he is trying to kill the Hale then he is going to get raged, if he is just running around not doing any damage then we get to slay him. On top of that we have a 3 scout limit in place.

I can't comment on if its even possible to add a bleed effect to the last one standing, and if we did there is still the matter of bonk/mad milk/plain old medkits to heal the scout and it encourages camping as the hale, which is the last thing the we need.

Damn it people posting while I'm writing this shit. Crow if you have last stand crits a pistol shot does 45 damage, a clip has 12 bullets that means with one full clip a scout can do over 500 damage, that's more than most crappy soldiers and pyros manage with their whole lives.

I'm talking about 4 or 5K not 2K. Sometimes I see scouts try to kill a hale with 10K and usually that scout is somebody that is not good, not somebody that is good at playing scout or epic, just a nobody that runs after he shoots one clip in the general direction of Hale.
Would be amazing if you pointed that 4/5k health out because finni was talking about 2K. And this come back to my first point, lets just use common sense, if the scout is shooting at the hale then going for ammo while doing decent damage then let him until he gets raged. If he misses 11 out of his 12 bullets each time and keeps running around in circles then we tell him to man up and fight the Hale/whoever or get slain.

And I don't know if it's a timezone thing but I almost never see a scout running around for too long against a hale, they either die early on or get raged. That being said quite often I am the scout that is shooting at the hale with last stand crits, but in my defense I usually do 3k+ damage, excluding the times when the hale is good and then this whole rule thingy wouldn't apply anyway.

Team Fortress 2 / Re: Saxton hale rule addon re-request
« on: July 06, 2012, 10:03:41 PM »
2k damage is easy as hell to do with last stand crits, especially if you can just run backwards and keep unloading on the Hale.
Can't we just use common sense to determine if the scout is wasting time or is trying to kill the Hale/HHHJR/Vangineer/CBS, if he is trying to kill the Hale then he is going to get raged, if he is just running around not doing any damage then we get to slay him. On top of that we have a 3 scout limit in place.

I can't comment on if its even possible to add a bleed effect to the last one standing, and if we did there is still the matter of bonk/mad milk/plain old medkits to heal the scout and it encourages camping as the hale, which is the last thing the we need.

Damn it people posting while I'm writing this shit. Crow if you have last stand crits a pistol shot does 45 damage, a clip has 12 bullets that means with one full clip a scout can do over 500 damage, that's more than most crappy soldiers and pyros manage with their whole lives.

Solved Ban Requests / Re: Unanimous speedhacking
« on: June 24, 2012, 06:48:57 PM »

Old Time Aways / Re: Symmy in finland
« on: June 24, 2012, 05:50:46 PM »
1126 kilometers, it was fucking wonderful. Anyway back now, didn't see tendovvi.

Old Time Aways / Symmy in finland
« on: June 01, 2012, 04:25:53 PM »
Name: (=CG=) Symmy

Time you are leaving: June 2

In Which server you are admin on: TF2 and TTT

Additional Comments: Going to go sailing in Finland for 3-4 weeks. Kind of came as a surprise since I mixed up the date for when I was supposed to be leaving (originally thought it to be the second of July). Don't really have anything else to say, so see you all next month.

Didn't see him following anyone through walls, and if he had wallhackz then why would he shoot the walls at 14:44?
Doesn't look like his aimbotting either, at least I cant see him snapping like an aimbotter would.
14:44 did he rdm that person when he turned? and People im just here to give video of him im not saying he has aimbot/wallhack just so Towersheep and other people saying he has some hacks. Witch Towersheep still hasn't looks at....
No he plain shot a wall. And I understand, just offering my opinion on this.

Didn't see him following anyone through walls, and if he had wallhackz then why would he shoot the walls at 14:44?
Doesn't look like his aimbotting either, at least I cant see him snapping like an aimbotter would.

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Banned for stalling the game?
« on: April 15, 2012, 07:10:34 PM »
Camping as a spy is a offense but I really dont think it warrants a permaban...
It was a day ban and he was camping as the hale.

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Banned for stalling the game?
« on: April 15, 2012, 04:07:24 PM »
Btw remember when I was in the middle of the map waiting for you?
Yhea, that's whats called "camping".

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