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Messages - Pillz

Debate Forum / Re: Genetic Testing.
« on: 23 Dec, 2011 21:07 »
They are ineresting scenarios, sure, but fictions still fiction. Also, being gay is a birth defect? If that's what you think we should probably start a new thread for fighting.

Debate Forum / Re: Genetic Testing.
« on: 23 Dec, 2011 15:37 »
imo tv shows and video games are unrelated. Things aren't going to be like that.

also don't use god as an explanation for things in the debate thread, never a good idea.

One day were all going to be able to exchange our old bodies for new ones like we would a car, so who cares if you pick the sex of your child, this is only the beginning of the FUTUREEE.

Debate Forum / Re: What is the meaning of life?
« on: 19 Dec, 2011 20:42 »
Yeah I fail to see any trolling, only the derailment of the thread.
well he was trolling at least everyother post however he was crypto and hes gone so unless people still want to talk about this close?

Ugh you people are soooo lame.

Debate Forum / Re: What is the meaning of life?
« on: 19 Dec, 2011 17:28 »
Yeah I fail to see any trolling, only the derailment of the thread.

Debate Forum / Re: What is the meaning of life?
« on: 19 Dec, 2011 01:41 »
Bitches are throwing punches in this thread.
you mean like yourself?

quit being a fucking try hard, it only makes you look retarded.

Maybe you shouldn't post in this thread till you have something on topic and sensible to contribute.

Also Jorgen, I understood what you typed, I just don't get why, is that supposed to be the ultimatum on the meaning of life? I said what I said because I don't exactly agree, nor do I think I have found any specific reason for my life.

Debate Forum / Re: What is the meaning of life?
« on: 18 Dec, 2011 20:27 »
I need but one sentence "We all forge the meanings we live for, every life has their own dreams and things they wish to achieve. This in terms creates what they would see as a meaning of their life. It does not matter if his is about science or reproduction, all that matters is the fact that you believe you have a meaning, and you have defined said meaning."

So kids, subjectivity, learn what it means and why some topics are not that open for debate.

So if I haven't found a meaning to believe in, or to define, what do I do?
I'm sorry, could you try making some sense or actually reading?

I'll make sense when you make sense.

Debate Forum / Re: What is the meaning of life?
« on: 18 Dec, 2011 18:58 »
I need but one sentence "We all forge the meanings we live for, every life has their own dreams and things they wish to achieve. This in terms creates what they would see as a meaning of their life. It does not matter if his is about science or reproduction, all that matters is the fact that you believe you have a meaning, and you have defined said meaning."

So kids, subjectivity, learn what it means and why some topics are not that open for debate.

So if I haven't found a meaning to believe in, or to define, what do I do?

Debate Forum / Re: What is the meaning of life?
« on: 18 Dec, 2011 18:29 »

It is/used to be one of the most popular debates around, I believe.

Debate Forum / Re: What is the meaning of life?
« on: 18 Dec, 2011 02:13 »
This thread was actually a trap. There is no meaning of life. All the people who tried to come up with meanings are fruitcakes.


Debate Forum / Re: What is the meaning of life?
« on: 17 Dec, 2011 19:02 »
The meaning of life, is to reproduce.

It's as simple as that.
Again that is a purely subjective thought Pillz, there are actually people who are quite close to asexual. Does this mean they have no meaning?
So it is not as simple as that, but the common miss perception is that reproduction is our only meaning. I would believe a life dedicated to bring the human kind further, science, is also a life of meaning is it not? Even if said life did not reproduce.

The meaning of LIFE, is to reproduce. Science wasn't a "life meaning" until these recent centuries, and while it helps aid life, it also helps destroy it, so perhaps not. Asexual people who can't reproduce for whatever freak reason, like millions of others probably find their on reason.

People create their own meanings of life to comfort themselves and inspire themselves and others to live on. I plan on dedicating my life to medical science and research, though it is not the meaning of my existence.

Are we assuming only humans have a meaning of life? Or the meaning of life for everything? What's the meaning of a bear's life, or a fly? Or an ant or spider? Or a dove? Sure you could tell me Spider are meant to build webs and capture bugs, but that's what humans have defined as their only useful purpose, perhaps that's not the reason for their existence.

There is no MEANING for anything, outside of what us humans say there is. Really there is no answer, but from a biological standpoint, we are created through sex, we live our lives desiring sex, we make sex, then we have babies. We used to die soon after that happened, and now we live 4 times longer, trying to figure out what to do with ourselves in the meantime. There's 7billion of us, each of us don't have a single purpose, it's different for everyone, it's what the individual wants to do. We're going to keep having babies until there's a giant ass concentration of people doing things, perhaps furthering science, discovering the fourth dimension, figuring out all the shit the universe has to offer us tiny little peons.

Then one day all inhabitants of planet earth will be dead and our glorious past and lives will mean nothing. That day could be next year, it could be millions of years away. Either way, we'll keep on reproducing till then.

Debate Forum / Ron Paul for President
« on: 17 Dec, 2011 18:27 »
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

2:00 onward, for Ron Paul.

I've always kind of thought this guy had more of a chance than anyone else, and then last night I was like I'M FUCKING VOTING FOR HIM.

This is probably one of the best political interviews I've ever seen. And this guy is 76..

Comments? Concerns? Is he going to win? I think/hope so.

17:00+ for opinions on other candidates.

"How bout Michelle Bachman?"

"She.... doesn't like Muslims..  She hate's Muslims. Yeahh, she hates em, she wants to go get them."

*Crowd cheers*

I lol'd. So fucking hard.

Debate Forum / Re: Your views on Marijuana 2
« on: 17 Dec, 2011 17:56 »

Yea man let's talk about something and try to get the pro's always above the con's...
Smoking > Bad.

Smoking is greater than bad?

Also, for weed, I'd say there are more pro's than con's.

Although I agree with you Jorgen there are still much better drugs out there.  Taking the example of morphine which is made from opium as well as heroin and codeine it can be mass produced inexpensively. Also it has much less artificial chemicals in it than some types of weed. They are both addictive but morphine is much harder to quit unlike marijuana which is fairly easy to quit. But take a minute to think of the people that smoke regularly. They seem pretty addicted to me...

So wait. "Also it has much less artificial chemicals in it than some types of weed" < What??? Weren't you talking about morphine? Then you said it has less artificial (man made) chemicals than some types of weed? (Wtf is some TYPES of weed)

We've covered addictions before, kthnx

Debate Forum / Re: What is the meaning of life?
« on: 17 Dec, 2011 17:26 »
The meaning of life, is to reproduce.

It's as simple as that.

Debate Forum / Re: Your views on Marijuana 2
« on: 17 Dec, 2011 02:07 »
Who are you, why are you here and why are you arguing with me? And for a matter of fact I believe that weed should be legal for the purpose of taxation and regulation.

He's a guy, he's here to debate, and he's arguing with you because it's a debate thread, probably because your views are very.. "targetable", in such a section.

Also, just for taxing and regulating? That's the only purpose you think it should be legal for? How does that work?

Debate Forum / Re: Your views on Marijuana 2
« on: 16 Dec, 2011 00:47 »

In basics, it takes about 20,000-40,000 joints within 15 minutes.

According to which US Government authority you want to believe, the lethal dose of marijuana is either about one-third your body weight, or about 1,500 pounds, consumed all at once


         15.  In strict medical terms marijuana is far safer than many
foods we commonly consume.  For example, eating ten raw potatoes can
result in a toxic response.  By comparison, it is physically impossible
to eat enough marijuana to induce death.

         16.  Marijuana, in its natural form, is one of the safest
therapeutically active substances known to man.  By any measure of rational analysis
marijuana can be safely used within a supervised routine of medical care.

All from the link he posted, so anyway, you can only die if you eat way more than your bodyweights worth. Which should be the case for any substance or food, not a drug. You die if you take a whole bottle of asprin, (maybe) but it takes literal tons of weed to kill someone, and they have to consume it all at once, which couldn't happen.

So in theory, nobody could ever die from marijuana unless they were trying their fucking hardest. Being a "drug" has nothing to do with it, because as most people argue, it's not a drug as we know them.

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