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Author Topic: Trouble in Terrorist Town VIP  (Read 14103 times)

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Offline Tictactoe360

Re: Trouble in Terrorist Town VIP
« Reply #30 on: December 05, 2013, 01:01:53 AM »
people are complaining about being 1 hit and what not but there are already normal weapons that are 1 hit like the deagle and scout and having those doesn't make the game unbalanced and either way even if they get the weapons that doesn't mean they can aim people can still fuck up shooting it and miss there target.

Deagle and Scout aren't unbalanced because A) Anyone can get them B) They're only an an insta-kill if they're head shots.
Melon Cannon and Infector Rifle are insta-kills no matter where you hit and can only be accessed by the those who paid the Donation fee.

Offline HerpDerpMike

Re: Trouble in Terrorist Town VIP
« Reply #31 on: December 05, 2013, 01:07:19 AM »
Tic, you're taking things a little too serious. That's what donations are, perks. If the perks are too OP then Cortez will nerf them, give them a chance atleast. You just plain out raged at Cortez without even giving a lot of the other players input, lets just see how things roll out for the weapons.


Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Trouble in Terrorist Town VIP
« Reply #31 on: December 05, 2013, 01:07:19 AM »

Offline Kountd0wn

Re: Trouble in Terrorist Town VIP
« Reply #32 on: December 05, 2013, 01:13:02 AM »
From the time I've had on the server, and experienced people using the Melon Launcher (pretty much only Nexus and Cortez), it's caused nothing but laughs for the whole server. No one's complaining that it's OP, or is a "Pay to Win" weapon - it's a silly weapon that's fun to use, and fun to watch people use.
Pretty much the same thing for the Zombie Infector. If the majority of TTT players start complaining, and want it nerfed, Cortez will deal with it. But come on, it's a zombie gun. The only reason it's there is to give a twist to the server, and make people laugh, and it's doing a fine job with that. Besides, I'm almost certain that donators will buy it once or twice, just to check it out, and then never use it again.

Offline Tictactoe360

Re: Trouble in Terrorist Town VIP
« Reply #33 on: December 05, 2013, 01:15:47 AM »
Tic, you're taking things a little too serious. That's what donations are, perks. If the perks are too OP then Cortez will nerf them, give them a chance atleast. You just plain out raged at Cortez without even giving a lot of the other players input, lets just see how things roll out for the weapons.

When someone comes in and basically goes "Shut up you don't play anymore so you shouldn't post here" when I've got valid reasoning behind my post, I'm going to get angry. I didn't come in and go "Lul this is gay" or "This is stupid don't do it" I came here and posted legitimate concerns and reasons for why I thought it might be unfair along with an example. He chose to blow me off on the grounds that "I don't play it" and then told me I wasn't allowed to post here.

Now we wait for the post where someone goes "You're derailing this thread!!!!1" When in actuality I'm just defending my posts.

Offline Kwaurtz

Re: Trouble in Terrorist Town VIP
« Reply #34 on: December 05, 2013, 01:21:10 AM »
How about who cares the game isn't balanced around being competitive. How about we embrace the fact we have something that is going give more incentive to donate. I think its ridiculous to argue about a weapon when so very few people actually have access to it right now/

Offline Christovski

Re: Trouble in Terrorist Town VIP
« Reply #35 on: December 05, 2013, 01:28:44 AM »
You might as well just throw in a points shop then if we want to unbalance the game

Luna started the rover's engine.  "AEIOU!" She shouted as she slammed the gas and crashed through the wall.
whenbananasattack: Hot stuff is my life
Toukun: I wanna rock the fuck out.
Ninja Bunn3h: !sex @all

Offline matthew

Re: Trouble in Terrorist Town VIP
« Reply #36 on: December 05, 2013, 01:31:23 AM »
but really i have yet to see anyone complain about the weapons its all been fun with them when they where on so coming from someone who plays ttt regularly its not over powered

Offline Billy

Re: Trouble in Terrorist Town VIP
« Reply #37 on: December 05, 2013, 01:35:02 AM »
Tic, you're taking things a little too serious. That's what donations are, perks. If the perks are too OP then Cortez will nerf them, give them a chance atleast. You just plain out raged at Cortez without even giving a lot of the other players input, lets just see how things roll out for the weapons.

When someone comes in and basically goes "Shut up you don't play anymore so you shouldn't post here" when I've got valid reasoning behind my post, I'm going to get angry. I didn't come in and go "Lul this is gay" or "This is stupid don't do it" I came here and posted legitimate concerns and reasons for why I thought it might be unfair along with an example. He chose to blow me off on the grounds that "I don't play it" and then told me I wasn't allowed to post here.

Now we wait for the post where someone goes "You're derailing this thread!!!!1" When in actuality I'm just defending my posts.

When did Cortez say ANY of that? He didn't. You're taking from his post things that aren't even there. Why?
Purity of heart;

corruption of man.

Offline Kwaurtz

Re: Trouble in Terrorist Town VIP
« Reply #38 on: December 05, 2013, 01:35:41 AM »
Tic, you're taking things a little too serious. That's what donations are, perks. If the perks are too OP then Cortez will nerf them, give them a chance atleast. You just plain out raged at Cortez without even giving a lot of the other players input, lets just see how things roll out for the weapons.

When someone comes in and basically goes "Shut up you don't play anymore so you shouldn't post here" when I've got valid reasoning behind my post, I'm going to get angry. I didn't come in and go "Lul this is gay" or "This is stupid don't do it" I came here and posted legitimate concerns and reasons for why I thought it might be unfair along with an example. He chose to blow me off on the grounds that "I don't play it" and then told me I wasn't allowed to post here.

Now we wait for the post where someone goes "You're derailing this thread!!!!1" When in actuality I'm just defending my posts.

When did Cortez say ANY of that? He didn't. You're taking from his post things that aren't even there. Why?

Thats what Tic does when he gets riled up, same way I get really angry and rage.

Offline Tictactoe360

Re: Trouble in Terrorist Town VIP
« Reply #39 on: December 05, 2013, 01:45:36 AM »
Tic, you're taking things a little too serious. That's what donations are, perks. If the perks are too OP then Cortez will nerf them, give them a chance atleast. You just plain out raged at Cortez without even giving a lot of the other players input, lets just see how things roll out for the weapons.

When someone comes in and basically goes "Shut up you don't play anymore so you shouldn't post here" when I've got valid reasoning behind my post, I'm going to get angry. I didn't come in and go "Lul this is gay" or "This is stupid don't do it" I came here and posted legitimate concerns and reasons for why I thought it might be unfair along with an example. He chose to blow me off on the grounds that "I don't play it" and then told me I wasn't allowed to post here.

Now we wait for the post where someone goes "You're derailing this thread!!!!1" When in actuality I'm just defending my posts.

When did Cortez say ANY of that? He didn't. You're taking from his post things that aren't even there. Why?

How about instead of instantly criticizing the concept we wait for the people that actually play on the server to give feedback. If it really is unbalanced then I will make changes, otherwise don't post here.

I read that as "Don't critize it because you don't actually play" and at the very end he literally say "otherwise don't post here"

I used to play constantly and as I said before I'm stating my concerns I'm glad to hear its working. But if I think there might be a problem with something I'm not going to just wai and see I'm going to speak up, and If everything works out that's great.

Also shit doesn't need to be competitive for something unbalanced to ruin it.
I'm well fucking aware TTT is competitive, I'm also saying if I joined a server and noticed the same say 3 Traitors winning every round because they got a bunch of stuff for donating, I'd find a different server.

ZM severs used to do that with upgrades one person would have all sorts of unfair advantages that made it nearl impossible to beat them and that's why I'm stating my concerns here

Offline HerpDerpMike

Re: Trouble in Terrorist Town VIP
« Reply #40 on: December 05, 2013, 01:49:16 AM »
It's a new item, it has only brought good things so far to the server. It has also been quite populated (more then normal I should say). I think all these new things are good. Btw, tic they dont bring much as an advantage, you should just wait to see the downsides of the weapons.


Offline Tictactoe360

Re: Trouble in Terrorist Town VIP
« Reply #41 on: December 05, 2013, 02:02:03 AM »
It's a new item, it has only brought good things so far to the server. It has also been quite populated (more then normal I should say). I think all these new things are good. Btw, tic they dont bring much as an advantage, you should just wait to see the downsides of the weapons.

And that's good to hear, but I'm going to voice my concerns in advanced about potential downsides before they come into focus.

If someone came up to you with a design for a completely new thing and you saw a potential problem with it, would you not speak up? Or would you just choose to sit and wait? Even if the person chooses not to head your advice and everything works that's good be happy for them, their idea worked. But if it fails horribly at least you didn't just sit on your concerns and watch someone crash and burn.

Offline otterfiend

Re: Trouble in Terrorist Town VIP
« Reply #42 on: December 05, 2013, 05:10:18 AM »
Okay, trying to put this thread back on track a bit from the arguments.

Zombie Infector: Probably needs to be nerfed a bit. Maybe something along the lines of percent chance to reveal the location of where it was fired for a set amount of time via a particle effect or something else similar. This would make it so you would have to be tactical with where you are when you shoot it, on the off chance it backfires. Not sure how difficult this would be to code, but it could work.

Melon launcher: Difficult to use for the most part, but instant kills. So it makes sense to keep it close to where it is.

Turtle Grenade: I don't see any real problem with it. It doesn't have a lot of application where you can stay stealthy and still get people killed with it, though. I consider it a joke weapon, for when you are the last T and have no chance to win anyways.

Offline RalphORama

Re: Trouble in Terrorist Town VIP
« Reply #43 on: December 05, 2013, 11:53:00 AM »
Okay, trying to put this thread back on track a bit from the arguments.

Zombie Infector: Probably needs to be nerfed a bit. Maybe something along the lines of percent chance to reveal the location of where it was fired for a set amount of time

If something could be added to it like the tracer the Machina in TF2 leaves, I think that would probably be a good balance.
[on HerpDerp's beautiful laugh]
IAMBOT<try.hard>: i'm fapping to you
IAMBOT<try.hard>: really really hard
IAMBOT<try.hard>: i am cumming ontop of my keyboard

Offline Finniespin

Re: Trouble in Terrorist Town VIP
« Reply #44 on: December 05, 2013, 11:56:29 AM »
How long should the smoke trail live?

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Trouble in Terrorist Town VIP
« Reply #44 on: December 05, 2013, 11:56:29 AM »


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