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Author Topic: Trying to Expand My Small Collection  (Read 7585 times)

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Offline oobla37

Re: Trying to Expand My Small Collection
« Reply #15 on: June 04, 2013, 11:39:48 PM »
I agree with tic. Pay for gameplay if you want to, not "bonus pixels". Never pay for bonus pixels.

By kwuartz
Quote from: Inject OH 4
The Good, The Bad, The Ulgy!
Quote from: Old Crow
Give me all the lube ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Offline Tictactoe360

Re: Trying to Expand My Small Collection
« Reply #16 on: June 04, 2013, 11:50:24 PM »
I agree with tic. Pay for gameplay if you want to, not "bonus pixels". Never pay for bonus pixels.

Yeah, I can understand paying for DLC (As long as your paying a fair price) But they're Fake hats in a video game. You'll only see them when you taunt and in the case of the ear buds, that two extra lines running from your ears, that's it.

If you pay 60$ for two extra lines running down your head, you probably shouldn't be aloud to make financial decisions on your own.

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Trying to Expand My Small Collection
« Reply #16 on: June 04, 2013, 11:50:24 PM »

Offline UnknownError

Re: Trying to Expand My Small Collection
« Reply #17 on: June 04, 2013, 11:50:37 PM »
Buds = $30
not bills

I usually am able to buy those "virtual pixels" (keys) and trade them for a game, usually at a lower price. (e.g. I payed with Empire Total War Master Collection for just 3 keys)
"my nipples are hard" - Mrs.TheNurse (MeOwMoO)
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"+1, seems like a guy who doesn't abuse power, etc."- Death
"He betta wrap dat sheet, ho. Don't want no baby unknowns runnin round" - Oobla

Best on TTT: 12 Kills, 8 Headshots

Offline Inject OH 4

Re: Trying to Expand My Small Collection
« Reply #18 on: June 05, 2013, 01:11:15 AM »
You guys and your silly hat fetish.

I play TF2 not Hat Simulator 2013
I dunno about now but If I recall a bills hat goes for $30 dollars on the grey market. Probably $40 on steam market.
And Buds... $60.

30 * 10 = $300
Who's laughing now? :P

I am

Anyone who is willing to spend 30$ on a fake hat inside a game is a little fucked in the head priority wise.
Anyone who is willing to spend $60 on fake ear buds in a video game would be better off setting their money on fire in order to stay warm.

I was fine when hats were something people traded now and again, but if we've really gotten to the point where people are spending 30$ - 60$ on fake items, I'm done.
How this any different then what we do anyways? What value does a sheet of paper that says 100 on it really have? It's no different.
Quote from:  Winston
We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.
Quote from:  Zombie
Valuve Admin Steve: If not we at valve can act as a "guardian gateway".
Valuve Admin Steve: I will be your daddy.
Looking for graphic artist, Photoshopers, and other graphic related people. Hit me a PM if you can help!

Offline Tictactoe360

Re: Trying to Expand My Small Collection
« Reply #19 on: June 05, 2013, 01:26:07 AM »
You guys and your silly hat fetish.

I play TF2 not Hat Simulator 2013
I dunno about now but If I recall a bills hat goes for $30 dollars on the grey market. Probably $40 on steam market.
And Buds... $60.

30 * 10 = $300
Who's laughing now? :P

I am

Anyone who is willing to spend 30$ on a fake hat inside a game is a little fucked in the head priority wise.
Anyone who is willing to spend $60 on fake ear buds in a video game would be better off setting their money on fire in order to stay warm.

I was fine when hats were something people traded now and again, but if we've really gotten to the point where people are spending 30$ - 60$ on fake items, I'm done.
How this any different then what we do anyways? What value does a sheet of paper that says 100 on it really have? It's no different.

That physically hurt my head to read and it has nothing to do with what I'm saying

Offline Inject OH 4

Re: Trying to Expand My Small Collection
« Reply #20 on: June 05, 2013, 01:33:46 AM »
You guys and your silly hat fetish.

I play TF2 not Hat Simulator 2013
I dunno about now but If I recall a bills hat goes for $30 dollars on the grey market. Probably $40 on steam market.
And Buds... $60.

30 * 10 = $300
Who's laughing now? :P

I am

Anyone who is willing to spend 30$ on a fake hat inside a game is a little fucked in the head priority wise.
Anyone who is willing to spend $60 on fake ear buds in a video game would be better off setting their money on fire in order to stay warm.

I was fine when hats were something people traded now and again, but if we've really gotten to the point where people are spending 30$ - 60$ on fake items, I'm done.
How this any different then what we do anyways? What value does a sheet of paper that says 100 on it really have? It's no different.

That physically hurt my head to read and it has nothing to do with what I'm saying
Actually it has everything do with what you are saying. Things have value. People want things. Point closed. It's not weird it's life.
Quote from:  Winston
We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.
Quote from:  Zombie
Valuve Admin Steve: If not we at valve can act as a "guardian gateway".
Valuve Admin Steve: I will be your daddy.
Looking for graphic artist, Photoshopers, and other graphic related people. Hit me a PM if you can help!

Offline OMG_ZombiePenguin

Re: Trying to Expand My Small Collection
« Reply #21 on: June 05, 2013, 01:36:39 AM »
You guys and your silly hat fetish.

I play TF2 not Hat Simulator 2013
I dunno about now but If I recall a bills hat goes for $30 dollars on the grey market. Probably $40 on steam market.
And Buds... $60.

30 * 10 = $300
Who's laughing now? :P

I am

Anyone who is willing to spend 30$ on a fake hat inside a game is a little fucked in the head priority wise.
Anyone who is willing to spend $60 on fake ear buds in a video game would be better off setting their money on fire in order to stay warm.

I was fine when hats were something people traded now and again, but if we've really gotten to the point where people are spending 30$ - 60$ on fake items, I'm done.

It is a real item in a virtual realm with a very real amount of demand which would set a very real price.

Offline Cadaver

Re: Trying to Expand My Small Collection
« Reply #22 on: June 05, 2013, 02:11:54 AM »
It is a virtual item, with real world value, to some.

Not to me.

But, I guess one can call me hypocritical, as I do have pay to play tanks in World of Tanks.  Virtual items with no real world value to some, but it helps the game.  A key difference, it helps the game, the hats do not aid you in any way in the game.

Offline oobla37

Re: Trying to Expand My Small Collection
« Reply #23 on: June 05, 2013, 03:41:20 AM »
You guys and your silly hat fetish.

I play TF2 not Hat Simulator 2013
I dunno about now but If I recall a bills hat goes for $30 dollars on the grey market. Probably $40 on steam market.
And Buds... $60.

30 * 10 = $300
Who's laughing now? :P

I am

Anyone who is willing to spend 30$ on a fake hat inside a game is a little fucked in the head priority wise.
Anyone who is willing to spend $60 on fake ear buds in a video game would be better off setting their money on fire in order to stay warm.

I was fine when hats were something people traded now and again, but if we've really gotten to the point where people are spending 30$ - 60$ on fake items, I'm done.
How this any different then what we do anyways? What value does a sheet of paper that says 100 on it really have? It's no different.

That physically hurt my head to read and it has nothing to do with what I'm saying
Actually it has everything do with what you are saying. Things have value. People want things. Point closed. It's not weird it's life.
Yeah, except you use the medium of paper for exchange, paper is worthless, as paper money is a promise to pay metal. That's the purpose of paper money. Pixels are worthless as well in the real world, paper is not. Why pay for somethithing that's worthless? Paper has power in the real world because it's a medium that's accepted as a medium. Nobody will let you buy groceries with pixels.
TL:DRWe give paper value so we can carry around paper and not heavy metal. We have no reason to give pixels worth.

By kwuartz
Quote from: Inject OH 4
The Good, The Bad, The Ulgy!
Quote from: Old Crow
Give me all the lube ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Offline Acebombastic

Re: Trying to Expand My Small Collection
« Reply #24 on: June 05, 2013, 05:07:23 AM »
You guys and your silly hat fetish.

I play TF2 not Hat Simulator 2013
I dunno about now but If I recall a bills hat goes for $30 dollars on the grey market. Probably $40 on steam market.
And Buds... $60.

30 * 10 = $300
Who's laughing now? :P

I am

Anyone who is willing to spend 30$ on a fake hat inside a game is a little fucked in the head priority wise.
Anyone who is willing to spend $60 on fake ear buds in a video game would be better off setting their money on fire in order to stay warm.

I was fine when hats were something people traded now and again, but if we've really gotten to the point where people are spending 30$ - 60$ on fake items, I'm done.
How this any different then what we do anyways? What value does a sheet of paper that says 100 on it really have? It's no different.

That physically hurt my head to read and it has nothing to do with what I'm saying
Actually it has everything do with what you are saying. Things have value. People want things. Point closed. It's not weird it's life.
Yeah, except you use the medium of paper for exchange, paper is worthless, as paper money is a promise to pay metal. That's the purpose of paper money. Pixels are worthless as well in the real world, paper is not. Why pay for somethithing that's worthless? Paper has power in the real world because it's a medium that's accepted as a medium. Nobody will let you buy groceries with pixels.
TL:DRWe give paper value so we can carry around paper and not heavy metal. We have no reason to give pixels worth.
No. Just no. Tictac was saying that paying for hats in TF2 with real money is stupid (it is), then Inject came in with an argument that had nothing to do with anything. This mind-numbing argument ends here.

Offline oobla37

Re: Trying to Expand My Small Collection
« Reply #25 on: June 05, 2013, 07:28:20 AM »
You don't understand economics, do you? Inject was saying exactly what needs to be realized to have stable economy. We give a medium (money) value, because we need to facilitate exchange between someone who has stuff, and someone who needs that stuff. That's why paper has value. He is saying that we give pixels value so that we can facilitate exchange in a game world. Which I agree with, but I disagree with him saying that pixels=paper, (in principle). I believe that pixels should always be worthless, regardless of how much worth we give them, as does tic. Learn something about how money works, and you would see that inject has a very valid point, but one that is opinionated.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2013, 07:30:03 AM by oobla37 »

By kwuartz
Quote from: Inject OH 4
The Good, The Bad, The Ulgy!
Quote from: Old Crow
Give me all the lube ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Offline CashPrizes

Re: Trying to Expand My Small Collection
« Reply #26 on: June 05, 2013, 09:30:12 AM »
Wow. This thread was just simply to show the hats and maybe get a 'yes' or 'no' simple response. Now it's a heated arguement/conflict and we sound like a pissed off puerto rican.

Just my thoughts.

Offline Tyber

Re: Trying to Expand My Small Collection
« Reply #27 on: June 05, 2013, 09:34:21 AM »
we sound like a pissed off puerto rican.

I am offended, requesting ban.

Offline Leetgrain

Re: Trying to Expand My Small Collection
« Reply #28 on: June 05, 2013, 09:42:16 AM »
we sound like a pissed off puerto rican.

I am offended, requesting ban.

Quote from: CashPrizes
10/10 agreed. couldn't have said it any better.
Quote from: Inject OH 4
The whole point of CG is ruined if no one post.
I know what you would do you would hump the shit out of that car, then you would get run over  :D
Quote from: Inject OH 4
It's an ulgy dem file.
And you're do not look any thicker. I've had Creaps.

Offline Christovski

Re: Trying to Expand My Small Collection
« Reply #29 on: June 05, 2013, 11:53:56 AM »
Welcome to the internet Cash.

This is what happens everywhere all the time.

Luna started the rover's engine.  "AEIOU!" She shouted as she slammed the gas and crashed through the wall.
whenbananasattack: Hot stuff is my life
Toukun: I wanna rock the fuck out.
Ninja Bunn3h: !sex @all

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Trying to Expand My Small Collection
« Reply #29 on: June 05, 2013, 11:53:56 AM »


* ShoutBox!

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