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Author Topic: Make ZPS Server have 10 maps or under  (Read 3657 times)

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Offline Pillz

Re: Make ZPS Server have 10 maps or under
« Reply #15 on: January 13, 2011, 01:43:35 AM »
It's kind of hard to read run on sentences when you're high.

Anyway, the thing where people leave the server after map change? I've seen that happen on biotec, shreddingfield, even on armory, coming from snuggles with like 10 players, and so on. It can happen anywhere. The end of a map is just a convinient place to leave the game, or rage if you rather not play the next map. Etc.
Sure, sometimes the map deters them from continuing, but where some players really like maps, other players really hate them. The server doesn't stay full after you change to any given map, usually, someone will leave, one to three on average I'd say. Five or more and it's a kind of a problem, but you'll get over it, and if it's like eight or more, it's time to RTV again.

Yeah, the adding people thing is really the key, it keeps it kind of personal and makes people you've added feel more inclined to come play again, rather than forgetting about the experience on our server completely and never returning.

Meh, if they rather play somewhere else than help start our server up, to hell with them! Not really, but rawr. It'd be nice if they tried to help us out..
This whole thing is a travesty.

For starters, Pillz is obviously the sexiest.

Offline Scotty

Re: Make ZPS Server have 10 maps or under
« Reply #16 on: January 13, 2011, 01:56:29 AM »
haha ya i probably have the worst run on sentances in the world  lol.gif but i admit periods are just not my thing XP anyways ya uve got a point so whenever someone (probably wholegrain) gets the chance just add a few more maps back.
actually i think what we should do is put all the maps we currently have on a forum and then take a close look at them and get all the admins opions on what maps should stay and what should go.

cause from many past experiences i dont know if its just me which it could be but every single time the map gets changed to zomboing it seems to crash, that was one of my favorite maps which i think most of u knew, oh plus snuggles thats the best XP but ya just everyone should have their opions and will quiet frankly im really not even sure who is admin on zps anymore cause the list isnt very updated and i dont see very many admins on when im on so just sayin the admin list should be updated and reveiwed.(this should probably be added to the list of things to do)
keep it kool, keep it simple, and keep it on the down low.

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Make ZPS Server have 10 maps or under
« Reply #16 on: January 13, 2011, 01:56:29 AM »

Offline Pillz

Re: Make ZPS Server have 10 maps or under
« Reply #17 on: January 13, 2011, 02:07:14 AM »
Zomboeing was STUPID RETARDED HUGE. That's probably why. We played for like 14 minutes, assuming this annoying little foriegn kid raged on map change, but then he finally connected and complained about how long the map took to download. We can't really come down on admins like that atm anyway, since I myself, have hardly been playing. We, as a community, haven't been playing ZPS, basically. Once I get control panel I'll start managing it more though, removing completely inactive people unless they're important or something and etc.
This whole thing is a travesty.

For starters, Pillz is obviously the sexiest.

Offline Scotty

Re: Make ZPS Server have 10 maps or under
« Reply #18 on: January 13, 2011, 02:12:51 AM »
ya i remember all of that, I also remember learning a BIG lesson from that map experience XP but ya okay
keep it kool, keep it simple, and keep it on the down low.

Offline Patty Cakes

Re: Make ZPS Server have 10 maps or under
« Reply #19 on: January 16, 2011, 04:27:42 AM »
I like smash cannon :D

Offline Scotty

Re: Make ZPS Server have 10 maps or under
« Reply #20 on: January 16, 2011, 05:10:51 AM »
lol patty
keep it kool, keep it simple, and keep it on the down low.

Offline CearBear007

Re: Make ZPS Server have 10 maps or under
« Reply #21 on: January 16, 2011, 02:08:06 PM »
We need new maps... maybe a few new death runs everyone plays those

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Make ZPS Server have 10 maps or under
« Reply #21 on: January 16, 2011, 02:08:06 PM »


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