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Introductions Forum / Re: Hello all, i'm Taba.
« on: 14 May, 2012 01:39 »
First thread to ever get such bland responses, WHAT AN INTERESTING GROUP OF PEOPLE WE ARE HERE.

Anyway it's nice to see you posting around; if you ever want a playtester or anything I and the other ZPSers here will be glad to help you out! <3

General Gaming Talk / Re: Elder Scrolls ONLINE.
« on: 13 May, 2012 21:12 »
Well aren't we a pessimist sniper? Give it a chance to grow and aspire to the heights of gaming history!
Im just being realistic. There have been so many hyped up MMOs lately and they all fall after a couple months. I'm just saying this is likely to do the same.

I think just the media hype dies down, but player base only continues to grow. Of course you stop hearing about it but probably because you and the group of people you're involved wth doesn't care to track the games progress all the time. If you legimately do do this than wut. Regardless a game like this won't die down easily, skyrim was too awesome and too many people loved the other games of the series. This is like when warcraft went WoW: idk but it's going to be better than most mmo's out there

General Gaming Talk / Re: Elder Scrolls ONLINE.
« on: 13 May, 2012 18:26 »
It's in Third person and it uses action bars and cooldowns. Just hyped up cuz it's Elderscrolls.

I played half of skyrim in 3rd person and it has the same stamina bar system; you can travel through all the Elder Scrolls universe. If not immediately, you definitely will in the future with expansions or something. Regardless I think this is going to lead the MMO's for a while.
I highly doubt it, most likely they are going to lose at least 1/3 of their subscribers after about 2-4 months of playing.

Hahaha, yeah that's likely, I get what you're saying but people will continue to find out about it forever; there are too many Elder scrolls fans who've been wanting an MMO of ES since Morrowind, and before that.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Elder Scrolls ONLINE.
« on: 13 May, 2012 16:13 »
It's in Third person and it uses action bars and cooldowns. Just hyped up cuz it's Elderscrolls.

I played half of skyrim in 3rd person and it has the same stamina bar system; you can travel through all the Elder Scrolls universe. If not immediately, you definitely will in the future with expansions or something. Regardless I think this is going to lead the MMO's for a while.

You may hear zombies coming from a deriction, but in TTT is different, the sound system in Garry's mod is shit, and the footsteps in TTT are quite to hear , you can hear your own footsteps but not other footsteps made by players, And I also said that they were between walls and thier were no noise made by the other player that he was aiming for.

I failed to notice this in the video though, and if someone knows the map, they know where on the other sides of walls people may be coming from or hiding. I didn't see him following anyone through walls though.

General Gaming Talk / Elder Scrolls ONLINE.
« on: 13 May, 2012 15:52 »
IN CASE YOU DIDN'T KNOW. We all knew it was coming sooner or later. Now the time is upon us.


I'v been reviewing him in spectating and from what I see, it appears he weither not is aimboting becouse it takes up 1 frame for him to aim at a target, if he had aimbot.
but his crosshair appears to be aiming through walls, he was aiming/following the person in the other side of the wall, as if he knows they are their. I don't believe he gots aimbot but what Im wondering is how can he follow somone with his crosshair when they are unable to see.

I follow zombies behind walls with my crosshair in ZPS because I can HEAR them there. I hear footsteps/growls and I know where they are. As zombie I could hear humans walking and communicating and I know exactly where they are in the map; and when it comes to my magnum skills I get called aimbot all the time. I probably snap to heads faster than an aimbot wishes it could; some players just are extremely talented and he WAS NOT aimbotting. His aim was SHIT half the time; and also the video quality is laggy and retarded; before the 2 minute mark the video just derps out.

I watched 13 minutes of that video before wondering why the hell he was accused of aimbot to begin with, it doesn't look like it at all.

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: ZPS Map Suggestions 2.0
« on: 13 May, 2012 15:33 »

Yeah he's the creator of those deathruns we play sometimes; Hey Tabajara, are you going to do any work on Corrida?

Why? You want something new at Corrida?

Yeah; I'm our head ZPS guy so I got to play lot's of Corrida, it got to the point where I could beat it 3-4 times in a row before I accidentally died. Perhaps add two buttons for every trap so the humans can't learn the pattern as easy to, or just for every trap, one of four things could happen. (If you've played the Guinea pig deathrun you'd know what I was talking about but that might be hard to do in corrida) I feel like the walls could use a retexture because it feels like running around in a pizza box(the white concrete walls are just depressing xD), and I also have ideas on re-arranging the traps because you know how the beginning has the big jumps? Well almost nobody can ever make it and many that claim they can; say they can only do it if gravity is low, and then if they make it; they're probably not going to make the second wave of the jumps near the end. Hahah too many noobs just fall right in the holes at the beginning 20 times in a row before they ragequit the server. I'd say 8 times out of 10 I'm the only human that makes it because I know where the floor breaks. Anyways I don't care what you do with it; it's probably one of the most popular deathruns but if you added a trap or two it would be sweet, the beginning spot is a little GIANT for zombies too, maybe you could add more super speed rails for zombies at the beginning.

Also you're new map looks really interesting but GameBanana seems to be down so I'll play that as soon as I can. Sorry for typing so much, I tend to do that. X_X

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: ZPS Map Suggestions 2.0
« on: 13 May, 2012 02:22 »
Hello everybody, i'm Tabajara. Nice to meet you all ^^
Well, i'm here to post one of my map that i just created for fun and for new players at ZPS.

See more here :

Suggestions and comment everything :)

Thanks !

Who are you...

I'm Tabajara, one mapper on ZPS.
I created some deathruns (Corrida, Buildings, Jungle), Area41, Core Complex and others.
Nice to meet u sir. ^^

Yeah he's the creator of those deathruns we play sometimes; Hey Tabajara, are you going to do any work on Corrida?

The Art Forum / Re: Why Choir is Awesome
« on: 12 May, 2012 15:29 »
I'm the only potential crypto.  Meme5 I wish he were here to tell us how he feels about choir. :C

The Art Forum / Re: Why Choir is Awesome
« on: 12 May, 2012 04:08 »
I never did Choir ever in school. I did a musical or two but only sang backstage and shit; never thinking I had a voice at all.

Then I did a church choir when I randomly joined a youth group (they didn't know I was atheist) and they all were like OHMYGOD A BOY WANTS TO SING WITH US? OHMYGOD AND HIS VOICE IS SOOO AWESOME. So they had me sing lot's of bass and tenor; but I could sing some soprano and most all Alto too. So the few months I sang with them, after every service all these old people who haven't seen me before were like YOUR VOICE WAS SO BEAUTIFUL THANK YOU FOR SINGING TODAY; and I was like LOL MY VOICE IS AWESOME.

Then I took over the world.

Haha why were you in a choir as an atheist? Not that that's bad, just wondering

Kinda crazy when you think about it.

Also pretty cool stuff Accan, I find it nuts that people can sing like that together and make it come out real good.

Well, at my sisters Trophy ceremony for her church soccer bullshit, some girl I knew from school asked me to join the youth group and go with them to Kings Dominion in a month, so I was like HELL YEAH.

Joined the youth group; 8-12 people, and they rarely even talked about anything religious; and when we did I just played along and managed to offer the insight the youth minister was looking for when it came to bible lessons. :l So they thought I was this amazing insightful christian-like kid when really I'm a pothead who believes God may be real but not in the sense anyone else believes via historic texts. Etc. Then they were like JOIN CHOIR; so I did and yeaaap. Was a fun time honestly, I loved those kids, though the middle school boys were the most annoying twats on the planet.

Basically I did it for social reasons cause I was bored and they were aiiiight. I don't hate people for their beliefs opposing mine and if anything it was a learning experience; at first it was to humor their ideals/free amusement park but in the end it probably helped me become the more understanding person I am today.. as opposed to the raging atheist I was a while back. I wouldn't consider myself an atheist anymore, I'd rather be my own religion given everyone has a different belief regardless of what they classify their religion to be..

Etc; enter my thoughts on religion. No need to turn the thread into that; Choir =/= Religion I was just stating how weird my experience was in realizing I could sing, old bitches at churches are the best critics.

The Art Forum / Re: A couple songs by Renard Queenston.
« on: 11 May, 2012 18:40 »
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Probably one of the first that i heard.
From his previous youtube account.

Guy's from Ontario  Meme4

and has so many aliases.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Also more from the This place will grow album;
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Renard is how I found most any music I listen to; well I hear the samples first, then find songs later and I'm like OH MY GOD RENARD MUST LIKE THESE GUYS

The Art Forum / Re: Why Choir is Awesome
« on: 11 May, 2012 18:38 »
I never did Choir ever in school. I did a musical or two but only sang backstage and shit; never thinking I had a voice at all.

Then I did a church choir when I randomly joined a youth group (they didn't know I was atheist) and they all were like OHMYGOD A BOY WANTS TO SING WITH US? OHMYGOD AND HIS VOICE IS SOOO AWESOME. So they had me sing lot's of bass and tenor; but I could sing some soprano and most all Alto too. So the few months I sang with them, after every service all these old people who haven't seen me before were like YOUR VOICE WAS SO BEAUTIFUL THANK YOU FOR SINGING TODAY; and I was like LOL MY VOICE IS AWESOME.

Then I took over the world.

Debate Forum / Re: Biological Warfare
« on: 11 May, 2012 18:35 »
Yeah; tainting a water/food source would only slow us down a very small bit. The only way to do it without anyone noticing immediately is to have whatever you taint the water with, be a long term thing; so they don't realize it kills immediately.

Regardless it seems silly when you can just nuke/lazerbeam everyone to death. Biological warfare is hardly scary because it's impractical against masses of people, only really good for the battlefront.

Yeah feel free to post any links of maps you have and I'll see if they're worth keeping. I've heard a lot of the bus map so I'll add that later today. The RQ update too, but we've tried silent hill before, if it's the one hat starts on the boat, but we've been cutting down on maps so I won't add too any. So try to post the best of the best :D

Also we have a map suggestion thread for ZPS so if you could post the links there I'd be a bit happier, ya know, organization and shit.

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