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CG Community Suggestions / Re: New TTT Weapons/Items
« on: 12 Jul, 2010 02:22 »
Finished a special Detective shotgun. I would love to test it but the test server is down.
Please turn it back on :3

CG Community Suggestions / Re: New TTT Weapons/Items
« on: 11 Jul, 2010 22:57 »
Yes Double Post.

Beretta is done, but there is a slight problem. Every TTT map we have has to be redone since the beretta is going to be a weapon for everyone we have to add beretta's to every map so people can use them. Ill download the item locations from the FTP and then reupload ones that are complete.

I used this model for the Beretta (

Beretta Stats:
Recoil   = 2
Damage   = 24
Delay       = 0.35
Cone        = 0.04
ClipSize    = 15
Uses Desert Eagle Ammo

Normal Pistol Stats:
Recoil   = 1.9
Damage = 20
Delay = 0.4
Cone = 0.02
ClipSize = 20
Uses Pistol ammo (dur)

Desert Eagle Stats:
Recoil = 6
Damage = 30
Delay = 0.6
Cone = 0.02
ClipSize = 8
Desert Eagle ammo

Beretta will still need some balancing however, probably a speed increase.

CG Community Suggestions / Re: New TTT Weapons/Items
« on: 11 Jul, 2010 22:26 »
well remscar you have done a great job with your work and i must say i love the AK 47 my fav weapon. one thing i was only on the test server for a little while and i wanted to know is there ammo for the AK. just asking if there is then that's fine i just wasn't on the server that long to notice.
AK47 uses M16/Pistol Ammo, might switch to Desert Eagle ammo though.

Golden gun would be cool but it would probably never be used.

Currently i am coding the Beretta which will have power in between the Desert Eagle and Pistol, less recoil then Deagle, but not as accurate.

Help Section / Re: Help On.... Emotions?
« on: 11 Jul, 2010 11:39 »

CG Community Suggestions / Re: New TTT Weapons/Items
« on: 11 Jul, 2010 11:34 »
Mines would be interesting but the problem is balancing. How much damage would a mine do, if it could kill instantly then a traitor could just drop it in the middle of a group and blow himself and everyone to hell.

Everything costs 1 credit, you cant increase the number of credits things cost. A bomb on a dead body would be cool though, yet also kinda lame.

A invisible zombie that follows you around would make being a traitor harder.

A buy menu for innocents would just make finding the traitor harder. The purpose of TTT is to make the players find the black sheep in a herd of white sheep. (Except your blind)

CG Community Suggestions / Custom Models for TTT
« on: 11 Jul, 2010 11:28 »
Ima start trying to work out a system that allows you to unlock special character models for the TTT server, since i know you wanted that WholeGrain. Im thinking of making a Numerical system that lets you give each player a rank (between 1 and like 100), and the higher your rank the more models you can choose. That way you can create a bunch of preset special models and then increase peoples ranks when needed.
Dont know how well the derma will work with the TTT gamemode though...

Suggestions on a new system/what the menu should look like please.

What server are you applying for: | Terror Town (IP:

Were you recommended by an admin? If so state the name:  (CBWA)FearlessTHOR707(=CG=)

In game name: Remscar

Link to your steam page:

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:20749231

Do you have past admin experience:
-[Schu] Head Admin for 3 months (was led by SchuMacher who is now my most hated enemy, just ask Kuromeku who he is.)
-Moderator in D3vine (I left so i no longer am a moderator)

What are some good qualities you possess: Im smart, i try to be impartial when i judge people, i prefer to find new techniques to solve a problem compared to old techniques, im charismatic, i have a "good" personality, Im coding new weapons and items for you.

What country are you from: United States of America

Age: 15 (February 1995)

Additional notes: I think i would be a great extension to your community, i know how to admin and ive had 800+ hours on Garrysmod. Ive been an admin before and i know where the bold line between a good admin and a bad admin is., i prefer to stay on the good side... unless your playing good cop bad cop.

WHo is Michael Moore?

I dont know but in case you haven't realized. We aren't fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan because our nation wants to, we are fighting because the major corporations want us to. The government caters to major corporations, not to us.

CG Community Suggestions / Re: New TTT Weapons/Items
« on: 08 Jul, 2010 02:56 »
M16 has been made stronger
Mac10 slightly weaker
Ak47 Added
MP5 Added
Jihad will not be added
Need to work on icons for AK47 and MP5 aswell as ironsight placements. Also going to add a Beretta or another type of pistol to bridge the gap between Pistol and Desert Eagle for all players.

Also buffed the detective UMP45 to have more of a stun, so detectives actually use it.

CG Community Suggestions / Re: New TTT Weapons/Items
« on: 07 Jul, 2010 02:13 »
Can i get a test server for 2 people so i can test?

CG Community Suggestions / New TTT Weapons/Items
« on: 06 Jul, 2010 04:20 »
Give me a list of Weapons or Items you want coded for TTT, this includes more grenades, guns, traitor items, detective items, ect.

Maps Area / TTT Map Suggestions
« on: 03 Jul, 2010 22:55 »
Here is a few different maps that may work for TTT, they just need the items.

Category A (These are maps from an old mode called Parasite:
Space Station: This map is pretty big and has vents and air-ducts the player can run around in. It also has a power switch which will turn off all the lights on the map, making the map pitch black except for your flash light. Very good for the parasite gamemode but most likely equally good for TTT.

Auriga: Its a remake of the AVP map from 2001. It has jail cells and its pretty fun, has lots of custom sounds.

OutPost: Supposedly its good, Ive never tried it though, its not the most detailed map though.

Category B: Maps that need some things to be removed most likely, like NPC's. (Some of these are not the most detailed but will server the purpose of TTT)

Category C: Random Maps *AGES 18 +*

Thats all for now
a cow has 6 legs

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