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Messages - Weazel

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Way Off Topic Box / Re: Really Bad Jokes
« on: 16 Dec, 2013 19:32 »
Why'd the turkey cross the road?

to prove he wasnt chicken

Introductions Forum / Re: Heyyoo~
« on: 11 Nov, 2013 21:35 »
Always a pleasure to have a fellow hidden player join the ranks!!
A humble greeting from the Lord of Weasels. Welcome to the forums.

Welcome to the forums milday!
The honorable Lord of Weasels at your service! (thats an honorable intro rite??)
Ah well, hope to see you online.

If your stay is not as glorious as you would like, please press 1 now...

Or just game harder...

Introductions Forum / Re: Well hello there!
« on: 11 Nov, 2013 21:28 »
Welcome to the forums underling! I hope your stay will be glorious! And if it isn't... let me know

Minecraft / Re: Cool Builds?
« on: 11 Nov, 2013 20:33 »
ah ok. Vanilla. Its gonna make floating stuff a challenge.

Minecraft / Re: Cool Builds?
« on: 11 Nov, 2013 19:41 »
mesa biome?
Wait is that out in 1.7? or does the server have mods?

Minecraft / Cool Builds?
« on: 11 Nov, 2013 19:19 »
How do you guys feel about flying machines? Airships? Balloons? etc... Any build in minecraft will have to have a section dedicated to a floating island city thing. Just wondering if anyone else would have any interest in building one. Unless of course its already done.

Introductions Forum / Re: Hello World!! Name's Weazel...
« on: 11 Nov, 2013 19:12 »
I'm pretty sure you've guys have seen me, im like... that creepy guy in the distance. Ah well. Not gonna lie, haven't been playing on the servers very much

The Art Forum / Re: Songs you listen to!
« on: 11 Nov, 2013 19:06 »
Liar - Taking Back Sunday

Introductions Forum / Re: Hello
« on: 07 Nov, 2013 05:26 »
Welcome to the forums, I look foreword to killing you soon!!

you know... online or something...

General Gaming Talk / Re: Early testing on Steam
« on: 25 Sep, 2013 21:46 »
Aight, I never passed a drug test anyways...

only because ive never been tested.

Introductions Forum / Re: Hello World!! Name's Weazel...
« on: 25 Sep, 2013 02:12 »
Awesome! Thanks for the welcomes guys, and i also play TTT... its just... not my best

General Gaming Talk / Re: Early testing on Steam
« on: 25 Sep, 2013 02:09 »
Good thing they're still working on State of Decay. If it was finished and everyone is getting 1 to 10 fps, then its like... why bother? Thanks for the feedback, I think i'll stay away from early testing for now.

General Gaming Talk / Early testing on Steam
« on: 24 Sep, 2013 04:05 »
Ok, so I've obtained an early prototype copy of Castle Story (now released for early testing on Steam), like super early... pre-alpha early. And I thought that it had a cool concept. I was in a minecrafting mood, so anything with building and voxels caught my interest. So after obtaining it, I tried out the mechanics, and i thought the gameplay flowed well for a compounded RTS and sandbox game. Obviously it was as glitchy as hell, making me rage multiple times. But now thats it out again, (for testing) I'm think of trying it again. I just didnt wanna spend 20 bucks first to find out they havent fixed anything, or that it sucks (for some reason). So for those who are into testing, lemme know whatcha think.

Also for early testing is State of Decay. Zombies have always been a... fetish of mine. But the idea of surviving in a post-apocolyptic world always gives me such a nerdgasm. I fell in love with Day Z after seeing it on youtube and bought all the arma 2 crap just to play it. But trolls and crap ruined it, so now I'm more into fighting just Zombies... or AI controlled bandits... so when it comes out, I'm gonna be all over that. Once again, I ask for assistence of those who are testing, lemme kno how it functions on PC.

Introductions Forum / Hello World!! Name's Weazel...
« on: 24 Sep, 2013 03:38 »
So hey, I'm kinda new to this whole forum crap, so i figure since there was this whole introductory part of the forum, I'd give an awesome hellllllloooo to you all.

So like... some info, my name's Weazel, or Wes for those who know me better. I'm just a dude, who likes games. especially epic ones, like the ones... that are epic. For example: Minecraft, Skyrim, Hidden: Source Beta 4b, and uh... like... Halo (the first one)... I'm more into games with cooler concepts than ones that are about the action. HL2 and portal are my two favorite PC franchises (if i can call them that). So if you're into analyzing the crap outta awesome games, like I am, I think we could be friends. Or if you are into creating them (I'm learning development on the internet, and like I draw crap).

Ahem... um... see me on steam? or you madly in love with my voice (Burgers-13)? Game with meh!

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