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Zombie Panic: Source / Infection Rate?
« on: 27 Oct, 2010 19:40 »
Vote! The two highest voted for will go to finals and be voted for individually. I want the community to agree on this issue as much as possible. Let's clear it up early. It may change in the future, depending on how we like it. :)






If you vote 35%+, post how much you think it should be? Honestly I don't want it any higher...

Zombie Panic: Source / ZPS Suggestions
« on: 27 Oct, 2010 01:59 »
Right now I'm thinking of adding the melee mod health plugin, geoIP, nominate/rtv(It doesn't come stock?), advertisements and shit. Me and Emo are working on getting a way for me to do things easier.. >.>

Debate Forum / Keyboarding Early
« on: 23 Oct, 2010 14:17 »
I think they should start teaching kids how to type when their like in 2nd grade. Have them doing keyboarding classes, teaching them the letters on the keyboard, while they learn cursive and shit. Lot's of kids would probably being able to access the computer at such an early age, and it would get them familiarized with computers. In this day and age, all of those kids would have one later on anyway. It's just assumed that everyone has a computer nowadays. Might as well teach kids how to use them early on right? They could be learning C++ in fifth grade if they wanted. They could have Java, and more advanced shit mastered by the time they're a freshman in high school.

Zombie Panic: Source / ZPS Server Rules
« on: 12 Oct, 2010 14:38 »
ZPS Slaughterhouse Rules
If we are playing an objective based map, please play the game and do the objectives. If you're the last survivor, yes you can tactically take your time but don't just sit in a dark corner and draw the timer out as much as possible. You'll have more success if you play with the group next round, and more fun!

Don't be a Troll or Asshole
We're all here to have fun, and sometimes that can be at the expense of others- let's keep any trolling or dickheadedness to a minimum please.

No Ghosting
Unless someone is AFK, exploiting or being unfair, there is no reason to ruin the game by giving away other players positions from spectate. Zombies can freely discuss humans whereabouts and the such- but no ghosting from spectators.

No Racism/Sexism/Disrespect
Joking around is one thing, and trolling is another- but if we hear genuine disrespect because someone's a different race or sex than you- we don't really want you here.

No cheating/hacking
If you use any form of hacks or cheat/exploit, you are unwelcome on this server. Permabans for anyone seen speedhacking or other forms of hacking.

No Disgusting Sprays
Sprays are back, and we're not going to be too strict on this; but if you're asked to change your spray or not spray, please do so. Disobeying this rule will result in temporary bans.

Respect Everyone, Even the Admins
We're all here to have a good time- if you have an issue with an admin please report them on this forum or to Pillz- but if you're asked to do something, try your best to do it.

The Art Forum / What do you listen to?
« on: 31 Aug, 2010 20:42 »
Here I just want people to post the genre of music they enjoy most, and any other genres they mainly listen to. A lot of people tend to say "Everything cept [insert type of music here]" and I would prefer people to be more specific. Most people that say that, are only found listening to one general kind of music. What music do you LIKE the most. Not what can you bear listening to.

Once you post that, go ahead and list your top three favorite artists at the time, and feel free to repost when they change. If you want, you can discuss each other's likes and dislikes. Keep the flaming down to a minimum. lol

Oh and links are optional, I just kind of guess that hardly anyone listens to the youtube video's other people post unless it looks interesting to them. So yeah.


I'm not sure why, but I prefer the techno category. Especially anything that samples other songs. It's the knowing that they take all these different sounds and turn them into music. That's how music started, now it's just done with computer generated noises, opening a new window of capabilities. So it IS music, haters.

A lot of people argue that techno is it's own kind of music. I use it to categorize anything that sounds techno-like. My favorite kinds of techno are DnB, BreakBeat, Hardstyle and Trance.

1. Renard Queenston
2. Basement Jaxx
3. Juno Reactor

Zombie Panic: Source / Filter Removed
« on: 29 Aug, 2010 18:49 »
I forgot to post about what I did, so here I go. lol

I decided out of rage to remove the stupid chat filter. Yes, the one I put in.

I liked it at first and thought it was superdoopercool, but in the last 2 months I have really gotten sick of it.

It was just annoying when trying to say some things and instead saying you liked the shower scene in top gun.

PLUS, people, when gagged, could still spam the chat with the filter, so it just was really annoying once it was a weapon for the gagged.

I finally just deleted it. I get no lulz from it anymore, just rage.

90% of what it prevents you from saying, wouldn't recieve any punishment if you said it on the mic.

If people do say anything we don't like, we can just mute them, or gag them. Like the old days.

Zombie Panic: Source / ZPS Screenshots
« on: 29 Aug, 2010 07:51 »
This is a thread I want to make, where basically you post a screenshot, any screenshot from ZPS and explain what is happening in the picture. It can be for lulz, or for informational purposes like I'm about to do.

So here is this one...

This is the Crypt Super Cade on Church siege. It's a shitty map, and ridiculously overpowered if you have 2 mintues to spend cading. Figured I'd share with everyone how to do this overpowered, and unbreakable cade. So it's fair to everyone.


The Art Forum / Awesome Ramen Recipie
« on: 09 Aug, 2010 07:10 »
IMO Cooking is an art and I always liked sharing recipies and ideas. xD Cooking is a hobby of mine that I rarely ever practice.

This is a good ramen recipie for potheads when they enough weed to spare half a gram to a gram of it on something like this. I just did it and I was very please with the way it turned out. If you're not a pothead you can try the same thing just without the weed.

Whatchu need is:
-a pot to cook it in on the stove
-2 packs of ramen
-1 chicken flavoring packet/(flavor of your type, but I haven't tried it with others)
-onion powder/garlic powder (and/or garlic/onion salt)
-some Basil
-0.5g of weed or 1g of weed if you're feeling bold enough to spare some (finely ground, don't throw a big bud in there..)
-Mrs. Dash optional

Cook the ramen in boiling water as usual, stirring for 5 minutes and whatnot, then drain about 90% of the water from it, leaving enough to make a little bit of broth when you mix the spices in. Stir it in the water some then take the bit of weed and sprinkle it all over it. You'll immediately smell the weed in the steam, and it will smell amazing. Proceed to pour the 1/2tbs of old bay(more or less to your liking) and add the single pack of chicken spice, then stir it all for a good minute. Then get a big bowl and pour it in, and just stir the noodles in the bowl, flipping them over letting the steam escape easier and helping them cool down. Hold your face/nose over the bowl as you do this because there's THC escaping in the vapor(I think, I could sure as hell smell it and I felt high) Then eat it once it's cool enough for you.

It will have a nice semi-spicey taste to it due to the oldbay+chicken packet, you will taste the weed in there too. It was the best bowl of ramen I had ever had.

I love experimenting with ramen. xD

The Art Forum / Pillz's Techno and Shit.
« on: 21 Jul, 2010 05:19 »

Renard.- This Place will Grow.
This is just one of many of Renard Queenstons productions. His site @ youtube has all of his productions, over 70 albums he has produced on his own, with no record label. He goes under personas of random characters he creates for different genres of techno. He is truly a magical musician, and a furry. Each of his aliases are a different furry or whatever. He's the coolest guy ever though, I love him and all of his creationss.

The Art Forum / Somebody fix this up for me.
« on: 21 Jul, 2010 03:02 »
Hello! xD

So I had an idea when I saw someones spray in ZPS, it was just a yellow diamond shape but it reminded me of doing this.. I would like to know how to remove the wood/cedar the object is sitting on in my picture, so when I use it as a spray in ZPS, it will just be the eye-switch thing on the wall. As opposed to having the wood around it in the background like it currently does.

So if someone could possibly trim it up and make it so I can use it as a spray like I intend, I would be forever grateful.

And to those of you who understand how awesome this idea is, thank you. I wish there was a better picture of an eye-switch to use but this was the best I could find.

Old Time Aways / Pillz's Away Thread
« on: 19 Jul, 2010 23:33 »
Name: Pillz

Time you are leaving:
July 25- July 30th I believe.

In Which server you are admin on: <lolwut
KAT Slaughterhouse

Additional Comments:
Going to the beach for around 5 days. Will have forum access I hope. If my new phone can't check the forums, then I might be forum deprived.

Way Off Topic Box / FORUM GAME
« on: 19 Jul, 2010 01:56 »
We used to do this back in SKG. Web came up with this one. I miss the forum games.
So I shall bring some back. :3

^ : Say something about the person who posted above you.

< : Say something about yourself.

v : Say something about the person who will post under you.


^ Isn't a real person.
< His name is pillz.
v Will have skin.

Zombie Panic: Source / Where has everyone gone?
« on: 17 Jul, 2010 19:52 »
Seriously. What's been going on? Is everyone on vacation or does nobody play ZPS anymore.

This whole past five days or week or so, has left the ZPS server very inactive. People who are admins pop in for a round or three then leave. I mean seriously, who here remember spending more than an hour on KAT in the past few days? Me and tictac have played practically alone, with a few people there at times, but never more than like 6 or 8 people.. I just think it's sad when tictac who "has the attention span of a turtle" is playing more than most of everyone..

Just wanna know what's going on with our KAT peoplez. Are you guys just bored with ZPS finally? For some reason? If that's the case let us know.

Zombie Panic: Source / Interesting Plugins
« on: 10 Jul, 2010 06:08 »
For your consideration and discussion.

Infection Protection?

Carrier/Infected Chat

Character Selection(Why not? lol)
^^ lol @ comments ^^

Maps Area / Map Update Thread
« on: 10 Jul, 2010 05:58 »
Junk said to post when I add/remove/doanythingto maps on the ZPS server, or tinker with anything.

So this is where I shall do so.

I removed the resident evil map because.. I don't think I need to explain myself.

[Map names are not accurate because I'm lazy]
I uploaded: zpo_sasuke, zps_pizzeria, zps_arcatraz, zpo_deadandbreakfast(:3 oh the memories..), zpo_graveyard(I MISS THRILLER), zpo_zombietown(temporary, I just miss it), zpo_boneshack, zps_night, zpo_rescuepoint.

Nomination Updates
I added clubzombo back into nomination because it's an amazing level :D and I added everything above into nomination.

Changes aren't permanent so if you see a map you don't like, don't shit your pants. That's why I'm posting about it.

There is no argument for shitty maps when maps like the resident evil town map are on the server, because all of these are better than that. xD

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