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Messages - Inject OH 4

Or maybe have it pause when you accidentally click outside like here?
Not sure if any of this is possible because it may be stuff coded into the flash game itself, not the website with the game on it.
Yeah, pretty sure that has to be coded into the game it self. I'll look into it though.

Discoracer, Dolphindash, Dotops

Removed Discoracer.
I'd have to look at Dotops again, since I haven't had this issue.

And as for my favourite all time arcade game.... Dolphindash...

Yeah I understand Dolphindash is a little bit max/random luck based.
So I'll probably remove that from rewards too, unless I make a dolphin award.

 Militarysnow - No idea if their is a max but looks like their is. You can bounce off the snow if you do it right.
Either way it's exempt from being part of awards.

Xmas Boarding, Babyshute, and Funkypong are also exempt from getting awards.

I'm leaving avoider because while it can glitch at times still poses a good threat and need of skill.

General Gaming Talk / Re: DayZ Standalone Release
« on: 13 Jan, 2013 17:40 »
I like how everyone assumes slow zombies wouldn't pose any threat. They would.
I wish games would understand that. Few have, but some do.
Dead Rising has slow zombies, not the best example, but games tend to not use slow zombies. It's annoying.

Which poses a greater threat, a single slow zombie or a single Pillz zombie that's jumping off tables and doing spins in midair?
Who said anything about a single zombie?

No More Room In Hell, anyone? NMRIH is amazing.

Fine, 20 slow zombies or 20 pillz whitey's?
lol, sorry Slow zombies are better. A couple fast mixed in with the slow is fine tho.

But when every Zombie is as fast as Usain Bolt theirs a problem.

  • They could be slow and weak which would be pitiful and not very fun.
  • They could be slow and hard-hitting, which IMO is the perfect match, nothing really beats a Romero zombie.
  • They could also be fast and weak, which is actually fun as documented on L4D, and for a fast-paced game works very well.
  • they could be fast and hard-hitting - which is frankly a terrible idea for a platitude of reasons.*
*: If the game was a one-bite-kill game then this could work, if you look at 28 Days Later as an example.

A mix between Romero (Slow) and 28 Days Later (Fast) zombies would be wonderful - and is already in DayZ - albeit the fast ones are fidgety and annoying to shoot.
No 28 days later zombies are terrable.

Play no more room in hell, next to perfect zombies.
Sigh... That's a mix of 28 Days Later, and Romero, Fast zombies and child zombies are... well fast.
Fast =/= always = 28 days later.

Also can we stop referring to a mediocre movie?

And stop classifying them as MOVIE zombies. Just fucking zombies.
I'm tired of all this I LOVE 60's MOVIES stuff lol.

General Gaming Talk / Re: DayZ Standalone Release
« on: 13 Jan, 2013 17:03 »
I like how everyone assumes slow zombies wouldn't pose any threat. They would.
I wish games would understand that. Few have, but some do.
Dead Rising has slow zombies, not the best example, but games tend to not use slow zombies. It's annoying.

Which poses a greater threat, a single slow zombie or a single Pillz zombie that's jumping off tables and doing spins in midair?
Who said anything about a single zombie?

No More Room In Hell, anyone? NMRIH is amazing.

Fine, 20 slow zombies or 20 pillz whitey's?
lol, sorry Slow zombies are better. A couple fast mixed in with the slow is fine tho.

But when every Zombie is as fast as Usain Bolt theirs a problem.

  • They could be slow and weak which would be pitiful and not very fun.
  • They could be slow and hard-hitting, which IMO is the perfect match, nothing really beats a Romero zombie.
  • They could also be fast and weak, which is actually fun as documented on L4D, and for a fast-paced game works very well.
  • they could be fast and hard-hitting - which is frankly a terrible idea for a platitude of reasons.*
*: If the game was a one-bite-kill game then this could work, if you look at 28 Days Later as an example.

A mix between Romero (Slow) and 28 Days Later (Fast) zombies would be wonderful - and is already in DayZ - albeit the fast ones are fidgety and annoying to shoot.
No 28 days later zombies are terrable.

Play no more room in hell, next to perfect zombies.

General Gaming Talk / Re: DayZ Standalone Release
« on: 13 Jan, 2013 15:47 »
I like how everyone assumes slow zombies wouldn't pose any threat. They would.
I wish games would understand that. Few have, but some do.
Dead Rising has slow zombies, not the best example, but games tend to not use slow zombies. It's annoying.

Which poses a greater threat, a single slow zombie or a single Pillz zombie that's jumping off tables and doing spins in midair?
Who said anything about a single zombie?

No More Room In Hell, anyone? NMRIH is amazing.

Fine, 20 slow zombies or 20 pillz whitey's?
lol, sorry Slow zombies are better. A couple fast mixed in with the slow is fine tho.

But when every Zombie is as fast as Usain Bolt theirs a problem.

General Gaming Talk / Re: DayZ Standalone Release
« on: 13 Jan, 2013 14:26 »
I like how everyone assumes slow zombies wouldn't pose any threat. They would.
I wish games would understand that. Few have, but some do.
Dead Rising has slow zombies, not the best example, but games tend to not use slow zombies. It's annoying.

Which poses a greater threat, a single slow zombie or a single Pillz zombie that's jumping off tables and doing spins in midair?
Who said anything about a single zombie?

No More Room In Hell, anyone? NMRIH is amazing.

Help Section / Re: Pillz's PC Problems
« on: 13 Jan, 2013 14:25 »
It's weird that you can't initialize it.

Maybe you should try a CHKDSK.

After that try right clicking and initializing it.

EDIT: I dunno how helpful that link is, but I thought about it and I'm actually unsure how you would even go about running a chksdk even with the command line if the drive isn't assigned a letter or anything.

Yeah it only offers chkdsk for my C drive; and inject watch the video. That's as much as I can get it to appear; and when I view my Disk drives it shows both of them and says they're both working but I don't see it anywhere else and any attempt to initialize or view the disk results in error.
Theirs a button in disk management to make them active and assign a drive letter. Right click on it.  You may have to format the drive and then mark it as drive F from that window.

Solved Admin Abuse / Re: TRolling on the server
« on: 13 Jan, 2013 14:12 »
Sending porn link
Using admin command @@ for personnel use (to play a game where haft of the server switch they name from X subject)

also killing 2 inno when they said kos caboose with 10 people with my name wasn't the best idea i had, but i had to do it so people will stop using random name and maybe start doing something else then prop killing ( ttt_forest), then starting the game '' I switch my name every round because it's fun'' (country Train + island)
Sending Porn Links? I know English is your second language but come on.
You live in Québec, I know, but with 75% of your country speaking English, ahgr I don't even know anymore.

Point is The last line is italics, I don't even know what your trying to say there.

So did they send porn links, or did they change their name to sex positions. And in what way did they use Admin Chat for their advantage?

Now, on to the admins: @ Oobla, Nurse, Linkster, blazyd
I do feel it was immature to have you all set as sexual names when you are representing CG. You names are highlighted Yellow, everyone knows you are an admin and thus you represent CG.

From the sounds of it, at the very least some immaturity occurred.

General Gaming Talk / Re: DayZ Standalone Release
« on: 13 Jan, 2013 14:06 »
I like how everyone assumes slow zombies wouldn't pose any threat. They would.
I wish games would understand that. Few have, but some do.
Dead Rising has slow zombies, not the best example, but games tend to not use slow zombies. It's annoying.

Help Section / Re: Pillz's PC Problems
« on: 13 Jan, 2013 14:00 »
Too late black - he fixed it a good 4 hours before you posted! xP

Good to hear you fixed it.

I fixed the original problem, now we're trying to figure out why my 1TB HDD hasn't been working
Whats wrong with it? Does it not appear?

General Gaming Talk / Re: Steam's "Piston"
« on: 12 Jan, 2013 17:17 »
Yes, but there are not more GAMING pc's than gaming consoles =P  In general more people game on consoles than they do on PC's these days.  Maybe its different in Canada?

There are actually more Xbox 360's out there than there are users on Steam.

I mean there are no concrete numbers to back up this sorta thing so not exactly fact, but you gotta ask yourself out of all the people you know IRL, how many play on console vs. PC?
You can't compare it that way. That's very unfair. You don't need a gaming grade PC to game. You can game casually on a nongaming computer.
And considering Consoles are acceptable for only casual gaming, I don't see how you can make that comparison.
40 Million, which is the same number of XboxLive users.

So no wrong again. Their actually very closely equal in the number of users. Also not every gamer uses steam. So no. More people most defiantly do not game on consoles vs pcs. PC's are still the most gamed platform. People who play PC games just tend to not be as "loud" so to speak in that we don't hear about it as much since Consoles are more of a social experience.

So, their actually is things to back that up ;)

Either way I'm not having a god damn PC vs Console Debate,

So while staying back on topic I only have to say, I await the arrival of Piston but I'm not about to get excited as I do not have enough current information to go on as to weather I'd like the idea.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Steam's "Piston"
« on: 12 Jan, 2013 16:40 »

The word "console" means many things.  The phrase "gaming console" refers to specifically what we are talking about.
Words update as time passes, when we are referring to Xbox as a console, it's understood.

Lets not be smart asses here.

Fact is their are more PC's then Gaming Consoles.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Steam's "Piston"
« on: 12 Jan, 2013 03:45 »
Its more a case of more people have gaming consoles, than gaming PCs.  I have an xbox so I can play with my friends on xbox live who dont have steam.  Plus there are some rather good console exclusive games.  I love PC gaming and have always been primarily a PC gamer, but consoles have their place, they are much more accessible for non-techie people and more of my friends have consoles than gaming PCs (everyone has a PC but not good enough to play new games well)

i like the idea of Piston cause that way i can choose whether I want to play steam games at my desk on my PC with my 32" HD monitor, or on the couch on the steam console with my 32" HDTV  ;D
That's misleading, since all consoles are by definition "Gaming Consoles" who has any "non gaming consoles"

So I'm not so sure that's true.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Steam's "Piston"
« on: 12 Jan, 2013 03:05 »
Well I could probably hook up xbox controllers to my pc hock it up to my pc and call it a console and invite friends over too.

Debate Forum / Re: Gun control: Due to recent events
« on: 11 Jan, 2013 23:57 »
You guys don't wanna blame video games for it, why blame the guns?
because as hard as I try, I can't kill someone in real life with a video game.

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