Show Posts - Cortez (Mr. T. FOO!)


Messages - Cortez (Mr. T. FOO!)

Admin Department / Re: Admin Post Count Requirement
« on: 02 Feb, 2013 12:57 »
I really don't see what's wrong with 20 posts. I had over 400 when I applied.

Admin Department / Re: Admin Post Count Requirement
« on: 02 Feb, 2013 02:11 »
I think someone needs to stop reminiscing about a pass system with an entirely different playerbase. Incase you haven't noticed the majority (and by that I mean at least 95%) of admin applications that come in are for TTT. Although there are a lot of good people that play TTT there are also a lot of total fucking morons. Every once in a while we have a person come in and spam posts to try and get admin even though they never would anyways but this is a rare occurrence. Personally I would support raising it to 30+ just for the sake of getting to know that person better but hey, it's fine where it's at now. If we didn't have it all of those morons would be applying.

Also read the literature quoted in my signature.

What's the deal with the plus/minus ones on unban requests? Seems kind of silly to me, people aren't so much looking for your opinion as your side of the story/evidence.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Surgeon Simulator 2013
« on: 01 Feb, 2013 18:22 »
Holy shit, that was hilarious. The very end of the video, oh man.

-1, too immature.

Still the same cool headed guy he was half a year ago.

Back in the day ahaha, no offense but back in the day was a long time before you were an admin, but while you were an admin it was damn good. You were a good admin I the welcome mat is still there for you.


Solved Applications / Re: StormOfAshes TTT application
« on: 30 Jan, 2013 22:51 »
+1, one of the guys from the good old days. Knows what's up.

Debate Forum / Re: Assisted suicide at hospitals­.
« on: 30 Jan, 2013 11:36 »
The only substantial reason a government could deny euthanasia, if the patient was under a government healthcare plan, which I think Canada is ?(No private health care insurers) Correct me if I'm wrong there. Someone who doesn't believe in euthanasia shouldn't have to pay for it through their taxes.
We have red cross if that's what your asking?
But btw It's illegal in America to. It's an moral/ethical issue that society hasn't agreed upon yet. That's the reason I see it as being how it is.

There are about a hundred more private health care ensures than red cross.

Debate Forum / Re: Assisted suicide at hospitals­.
« on: 28 Jan, 2013 10:16 »
Like I stated earlier, who is anyone here or anywhere to tell someone what they can and cannot do to their own body?
The American Government  trollface

The government should not have the authority to decide my own decisions. I remember reading this article of a man who was in immense pain over paralysis but the doctors wouldn't euthanize him so he had to starve himself, which is just painful to think about.  :(

I hate to say it, but part of the purpose of having a government is to make decisions that you just aren't capable of making. I'm not really saying that a government should have control over euthanasia but rather that some people shouldn't be allowed to make decisions like this for themselves especially when their judgement is blurred by pain and/or medication.

What kind of complaint?: Weapon - Flare gun
Why are you complaining?: The flare gun no longer ignites people - tried to blind a detective with it, did nothing and was instantly killed.
Suggested solution?: Fix it
Screen Shot: N/A

I saw holydeath ignite someone yesterday with it...

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Corrupt-a-wish!!!
« on: 26 Jan, 2013 22:33 »
Granted, but it works so well that it comes to the conclution that eventually it will be replaced and finds a way to kill you and eventually wipe out humanity so that it can't be.

I wish America had a better anthem

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Corrupt-a-wish!!!
« on: 26 Jan, 2013 11:49 »
Granted, but one day while your sleeping that start to inch closer and closer to you until they are all around your bed. You wake up and say, "Oh 1000 discofrogs, what are you doing h-" and they jump on you and bite you throat. As you bleed out you here the discofrogs softly chanting, " Death to all humans..." What?

I wish that people would actually put more effort into corrupting wishes.

Solved Applications / Re: [NS2] oobla
« on: 25 Jan, 2013 20:36 »
+1, was a good admin on TTT except for the one upset.

+1, defantly the right man for the job.

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