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Messages - Pillz

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The Art Forum / Re: Twilight!!
« on: January 26, 2011, 01:18:13 AM »
I meant to say I like watching football and playing xbox.

The Art Forum / Re: Twilight!!
« on: January 26, 2011, 01:11:38 AM »
Well I like to suck cock sometimes, so I mean it works out.

The Art Forum / Re: TRON: Legacy
« on: January 25, 2011, 06:43:27 PM »
It's really that good? I need to see it.  Because I want to see blue guys killing red guys. :)

Come to my neighborhood then, x.x

The Art Forum / Re: Twilight!!
« on: January 25, 2011, 06:42:18 PM »
Hay. I actually liked the books. I read them to get bitches. But not really. It was basically due to influence by my girlfriend before we dated, and Panda. The fourth book was written in Jacob's(LOLTHATSMYNAME) perspective at first, which was really cool, I just liked her overfantasystyle writing. And the description of the sex is so funny, they wake up with torn pillows everywhere, the beds broken, etc. Then like, lol, a week later, she's pregnant. Then Jacob ends up falling in love with bellas baby, and has tons of beastiality sex with her. Dog x Loli anyone?


It's cool too, because I'm on topic.

Debate Forum / Re: Being Nice
« on: January 25, 2011, 10:27:15 AM »
Treat others the way you want to be treated.

But if they're pricks to you, be a prick back.

If they're a prick to you, laugh at them, and be nice to them anyway.

The Art Forum / Re: Twilight!!
« on: January 25, 2011, 10:26:23 AM »
Just watched the first two movies the other day. I read all the books within two weeks. lol

CG Community Suggestions / Re: More formal/organized promotions
« on: January 24, 2011, 12:33:49 PM »
Maybe for earlier stages of admin like Trial - to Regular have an automated system that also announces it as well as changes rank based on time from original start date.

fucking genius!

sounds like a good idea and probably pretty easy to implement the only problem is making it automate on the servers as well

Have it automate on the forums, with the option to extend their trial period a week. In case we aren't sure yet, then when the announcement happens, someone with the power, will update them on the server they have admin. An automated admin promotion plugin on a server sounds like a bad, and possibly buggy idea..

Debate Forum / Re: The Existence of God/Gods
« on: January 23, 2011, 12:52:00 PM »
I have to agree that there is some level of ignorance to arguing about religion. Especially when you're being that hostile, crypto. I mean I agree with most of what you say, but when you call someone stupid, they stop listening to you, rendering the argument useless, and a waste of time. This doesn't mean you shouldn't try, but all it does is start conflict and flaming. Any argument on religion that doesn't involve flaming, usually just ends when someone gets bored. I'm sure that a majority of the time, nobody's opinion changes, online their disposition towards the other debater.

Debate Forum / Re: Being Nice
« on: January 23, 2011, 12:30:29 PM »
Happiness is just a better emotion. That's why I enjoy making people laugh, making people happy, and yeah. I just avoid negative situations, like arguments with friends and shit.  Sure I provoke a lot of anger on the internet, but I don't feel the negativity like I would if I told someone they were a stupid****gotidiotretard to their face. I hate that feeling in a room when someone is pissed off, because everyone notices, and everyone gets a little quieter, or upset themselves. Especially when the upset person is talking shit or complaining. Though I'm not always happy myself, I'd rather the people around me be happy, as a result of me, then upset, as a result of me.

As a pothead, if I were an asshole, I probably would of smoked 90% less weed than I have over the past year. The key, is just not to let anything anyone says get to you. Sure some things will, but you can't let it provoke you into the illogical state of anger. People just like you more in general that way, and as you live it, you become it.

It's not an ethical thing for me. I could care less about ethics and morals and shit. I just like it when people are happy and laughing. It makes me happy. It lets me stay happy. When everyone's pissed off and upset, I don't want to be there anymore. That's just how it works. So why not make it my goal to keep everyone happy.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Pokemon
« on: January 21, 2011, 06:03:29 PM »
Smugleaf the coolest motherfucker ever.

why does he have a marijuana symble for a tail?

You mean the five leafed marijuana plant? The one that clearly isn't on his tail? The one that clearly isn't a "symble" either? Not sure man.

Debate Forum / Re: What do you believe is the most overrated game??
« on: January 20, 2011, 07:10:54 PM »
Quake 4.  Poor crappy game play with useless sequence videos you had to sit and watch.  Waste of $.

L4D2 - should have been a free add on.

Black ops. No new game play. No new graphics. More of the same.

Duke Nukem... vaporware...
How DARE you bring up Duke Nukem :<
And I agree, L4D2 should've just been a damn add on... It's far from a full game. Just cuz' you change character models, weapon models, and have new maps doesn't make it a new game...

Then what was soul caliber 2, 3, and 4? I mean sure they can throw in new story lines and shit, and that's basically what they did for this. Same kind of zombie apocalypse, different location, weapons and special zombies, plus the old ones. Plus they added melee, which is cool as dick. They weren't going to change it into the god damn penguin zombie apocalypse to change the game. It's more like L4D:pt2, and even if it was an addon or some shit, it would probably of been 30-50 dollars still anyway, like fucking sim addons and shit. It's as long as the first one, actually longer in all, so it's a new game. If the first one was a game, then the second one is too, by far.

Debate Forum / Re: Origin of Life
« on: January 20, 2011, 06:25:54 PM »
I know it had something to with electromagnetic shit, and like, lightning. Me and my friend "Kiyka" were talking about this shit once a while back and he was reading it to me from the internet and were talking about it.

Debate Forum / Re: Origin of Life
« on: January 20, 2011, 11:58:34 AM »
Well I mean I remember reading about shit that was going on, idk if it was a pressure thing in the atmosphere, or something, but it- oh fuck it, i don't remember.

There was an explanation somewhere, that made sense. lol

Debate Forum / Re: What do you believe is the most overrated game??
« on: January 19, 2011, 09:35:20 PM »
Portal is horrendously overrated and amongst one of the few games that I actually dislike but I'll state its good parts for the record.

-Its mechanics are fantastic
-Good dark humor
-It's brought many people to the gaming scene
-It's too short
-It's only got two characters, only one of them talks.  Constantly.
-It has a glaring lack of depth
-Most of the people who were brought into gaming by Portal are obnoxious. (ie: "THE CAKE IS A LIE. XD")

Not to mention Valve pulled an epic troll moment at last year's E3 with it.  They said that they have a "big surprise that had nothing to do with Portal.  And then they announced Portal 2.


Your cons minus the last one, (which, by the way, is a problem for tons of games) are a direct result of Valve creating Portal not as a full-length game. They weren't trying to make a whole game. It was a short project started by some third party guize, and then valve was like HAY. It was a short game to play around with the idea. That's why they threw it on the orange box. It was designed to be short. That's what made it so accessible to casual gamers also, it doesn't take a tenfold of hours to enjoy.

It works, it's smooth, it plays well, GlaDOS's voice acting is funny and entertaining, the idea is creative, the storyline is humorous and so much more. For a project that was just suppose to be something on the side, and that was thought to go unseen and ignored, it did pretty fucking good. I would say Portal is the most well known Valve game. People without steam, or internet, have heard of this game probably. Unless their friends don't have internet either, then they probably live in the jungle.

I don't even feel like it's "over" rated. It has great reason to be liked. That's like saying Tetris is overrated. It's easy, short and fun to play. As it goes on, it makes your brain work more and more.

All I've heard people complain about is either that's overrated, or too short. I've heard others say they hate it cause of Glados but that's just because not everyone likes robots I guess. QQ

Debate Forum / Re: Origin of Life
« on: January 19, 2011, 09:20:11 PM »
Origin of life on earth?

Oh and Jorgen, understand the creation of humans, with acids and whatnot, were with ancient molecules, atoms and the such. There may of been elements on the earth that are now extinct. Perhaps there (in the pool theory) were a few protiens and whatnot, but element X jumped in the equation and we have life. That may be the reason for the creation of a lot of things. We're the answer to an equation we can't solve. We won't find x.

Perhaps the earth was at a certain temperature for some event after creation, or some other event, that caused element X to form, and there may of been other factors too. Once again though, this is speculation.

Let's play minecraft irl and dig up every square till we can be sure there is no more. :D

I could come up with semi-plausible ideas for how life started all day. God's idea wasn't too creative, can I be him instead? Oh well, I guess for it to be a "God" grade idea, it'd have to be completely un-explainable so people think I'm amazing and worth praying and devoting their life to. I guess that's all they really had back then though, "He said he just made em up outta dirt man, that's all it was". So yes, of course their knowledge was limited back then, I know, I know, but everything just seems so much like human ideals of the time, not.. a gods. I'm usually less bashy than this, and I apologize. Perhaps it's the baby crying in my house non-stop.
Fuck that baby.


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