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Debate Forum / Re: Intelligence/Wisdom/Idk?
« on: 25 May, 2011 14:18 »
It's a little bit more than that. It changes nothing as it is, but if you're IQ changes, same with your weight, your life changes. You might encounter different things. For example, with a higher IQ, perhaps think differently, faster, etc, and with weight, attract more girls maybe, repel girls, heart attack, bad cholestoral, bad health in general.

It isn't JUST a number. Just like your heart rate, if your heart rate is 5, or fucking 500, for whatever reason, it's no longer JUST A NUMBER. It never was.

But you can look at it like that if you want, I guess.
That wasn't what I was referring to. I referring to the numbers ability to change over time. In that sense, it is just a number. Whether it has an emotional impact on you is irrelevant. My IQ is above average but it's not as if I spot things that others don't. The only thing it changes is my anxiety as it further complicates it. Your life isn't going to turn upside down because you scored 160 on an IQ test...

Well that's not exactly what I'm getting at, I believe it does change things, not drastically, but every single little insignificant thing in everyone's life, affects them somehow. IQ doesn't mean you're better than everyone else, and thinking so is counterproductive. Whilest I brag of my intelligence, I don't knock people down anymore for being "dumber" because like I said before, we all had different experiences, and they're going to know things I don't know, and vice versa. All we can do is help each other out and try to figure IT OUT TOGETHER. I dunno.
thing is an IQ test can be majorly flawed when it comes to theese savants, by that I mean some people actually just excell at one point and at that point they are extremely good, mainly the best ones in that area actually. They get a shit ass IQ score due to them being not that good at anything else.
They are also quite flawed when it comes to just how litle of the IQ test will really come in to play any other place.
I know some1 who does terriblein IQ tests yet he gets very good grades.

As I said before, grades aren't a reflection of your intelligence, it's a reflection of your ability to do what you're asked to do. If you can hear, read and write, you have the potential to make A's. Like there was a seriously, dumb, kid, and he had autism or something, but he was in our classes, his jokes never made sense, he never made sense, and he'd always try to insult you with some lame ass insult. Then if you made fun of him, he'd snarl at you like it's supposed to be scary. He made A's. Because he went home, and sat in his room, and did his work.
I am sorry to want to laugh now, but that is different because that is probly not higher up classes. When it comes to advanced mathematics and advanced chemistry you won't do well unless you are rather smart. Your logic is basically a guy geting a physics degree is not smart he just has nothing to do with his time?

Woah, woah woah, that's something completely different. I agree though, I was talking everything high school and below. I was taking "honor" and college level classes at first, but once I stopped giving a fuck, my grades started to slip. The point being, I'm smart, but I made terrible grades. Surely it can work the other way, I've seen it happen. BUT my classes weren't advanced anymore after about 10th grade.

I started taking the very basic classes and was always just the smartest kid in the class, which was funner, when in my AP classes there'd be 5-7 people of rivaling intellect, it was fun in those classes though. Especially in writing, Me, Spencer and Caleb always competed to make the most amazing and epic stories, and our teacher would read them to the class and they'd judge. 

So basically, I stayed the fuck away from classes like that to create the easiest experience possible. I STILL don't know what I want to do with my life. When I know, I'll build my curriculum in college to suit me, so I can be something worth being.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Duke Nukem Forever Gold
« on: 25 May, 2011 13:08 »
I want to get one if the special packages (if they come for console versions) I have 20 bucks right now and by my birthday which is June 7th I should have enough. I'm so stoked for this game.


Debate Forum / Re: Intelligence/Wisdom/Idk?
« on: 25 May, 2011 13:06 »
It's a little bit more than that. It changes nothing as it is, but if you're IQ changes, same with your weight, your life changes. You might encounter different things. For example, with a higher IQ, perhaps think differently, faster, etc, and with weight, attract more girls maybe, repel girls, heart attack, bad cholestoral, bad health in general.

It isn't JUST a number. Just like your heart rate, if your heart rate is 5, or fucking 500, for whatever reason, it's no longer JUST A NUMBER. It never was.

But you can look at it like that if you want, I guess.
That wasn't what I was referring to. I referring to the numbers ability to change over time. In that sense, it is just a number. Whether it has an emotional impact on you is irrelevant. My IQ is above average but it's not as if I spot things that others don't. The only thing it changes is my anxiety as it further complicates it. Your life isn't going to turn upside down because you scored 160 on an IQ test...

Well that's not exactly what I'm getting at, I believe it does change things, not drastically, but every single little insignificant thing in everyone's life, affects them somehow. IQ doesn't mean you're better than everyone else, and thinking so is counterproductive. Whilest I brag of my intelligence, I don't knock people down anymore for being "dumber" because like I said before, we all had different experiences, and they're going to know things I don't know, and vice versa. All we can do is help each other out and try to figure IT OUT TOGETHER. I dunno.
thing is an IQ test can be majorly flawed when it comes to theese savants, by that I mean some people actually just excell at one point and at that point they are extremely good, mainly the best ones in that area actually. They get a shit ass IQ score due to them being not that good at anything else.
They are also quite flawed when it comes to just how litle of the IQ test will really come in to play any other place.
I know some1 who does terriblein IQ tests yet he gets very good grades.

As I said before, grades aren't a reflection of your intelligence, it's a reflection of your ability to do what you're asked to do. If you can hear, read and write, you have the potential to make A's. Like there was a seriously, dumb, kid, and he had autism or something, but he was in our classes, his jokes never made sense, he never made sense, and he'd always try to insult you with some lame ass insult. Then if you made fun of him, he'd snarl at you like it's supposed to be scary. He made A's. Because he went home, and sat in his room, and did his work.

Debate Forum / Re: Intelligence/Wisdom/Idk?
« on: 25 May, 2011 12:20 »
It's a little bit more than that. It changes nothing as it is, but if you're IQ changes, same with your weight, your life changes. You might encounter different things. For example, with a higher IQ, perhaps think differently, faster, etc, and with weight, attract more girls maybe, repel girls, heart attack, bad cholestoral, bad health in general.

It isn't JUST a number. Just like your heart rate, if your heart rate is 5, or fucking 500, for whatever reason, it's no longer JUST A NUMBER. It never was.

But you can look at it like that if you want, I guess.
That wasn't what I was referring to. I referring to the numbers ability to change over time. In that sense, it is just a number. Whether it has an emotional impact on you is irrelevant. My IQ is above average but it's not as if I spot things that others don't. The only thing it changes is my anxiety as it further complicates it. Your life isn't going to turn upside down because you scored 160 on an IQ test...

Well that's not exactly what I'm getting at, I believe it does change things, not drastically, but every single little insignificant thing in everyone's life, affects them somehow. IQ doesn't mean you're better than everyone else, and thinking so is counterproductive. Whilest I brag of my intelligence, I don't knock people down anymore for being "dumber" because like I said before, we all had different experiences, and they're going to know things I don't know, and vice versa. All we can do is help each other out and try to figure IT OUT TOGETHER. I dunno.

Debate Forum / Re: Intelligence/Wisdom/Idk?
« on: 25 May, 2011 02:57 »
I used to be pretty indiscriminate about it, but I think I've actually gotten more conscious of differences in the IQs of the people around me and I feel like I've gotten less tolerant which I guess doesn't make sense.

To be fair, your IQ is nothing more than a number...

So is your weight/age/speed/moneyinwallet/penis size/etc
That's the point. It's nothing more than a representation of what might or might not make you happy... It's just a number. It changes NOTHING.

It's a little bit more than that. It changes nothing as it is, but if you're IQ changes, same with your weight, your life changes. You might encounter different things. For example, with a higher IQ, perhaps think differently, faster, etc, and with weight, attract more girls maybe, repel girls, heart attack, bad cholestoral, bad health in general.

It isn't JUST a number. Just like your heart rate, if your heart rate is 5, or fucking 500, for whatever reason, it's no longer JUST A NUMBER. It never was.

But you can look at it like that if you want, I guess.

Debate Forum / Re: Intelligence/Wisdom/Idk?
« on: 25 May, 2011 02:06 »
I used to be pretty indiscriminate about it, but I think I've actually gotten more conscious of differences in the IQs of the people around me and I feel like I've gotten less tolerant which I guess doesn't make sense.

To be fair, your IQ is nothing more than a number...

So is your weight/age/speed/moneyinwallet/penis size/etc

Debate Forum / ADHD
« on: 25 May, 2011 01:51 »
I probably made a thread already somewhere about this, but it's been a while.

Here are points I'd like to discuss.

1) The possibility medication for ADHD, Adderall, Ritalin, Stratera, etc, makes you more intelligent, after taking it for years and years. Not just the medication, the effect it has on your brain, allowing you to think more, and for longer, without feeling the urge to do anything else. The only reason I believe this, is most people I knew who were diagnosed with ADHD and took meds, had higher IQ's and shit than average.. like me and a few of my friends. Not sure though.

2) Does the medication, cause you to continue having ADHD? You stop taking it, you'll be really hyper. Insulin withdrawals and shit cause you to become retarded hungry and you become crazy insane hyper. That's how I got the name pillz. When I was on my medication, I was boring, when I was off them, I was crazy. Crazy me was Pillz and normal me was just Jacob. Backwards, but yeah.

3) Does being on ADHD Meds change you completely? I really don't even know this one, who the hell knows how I would of been without it..

4) Would you medicate your children in the future? If they were insanely crazy and you had the opportunity to?

I have a one take video on youtube about my experiences on it, I'll post it later thoughh~

Debate Forum / Re: Intelligence/Wisdom/Idk?
« on: 25 May, 2011 01:43 »
I had a whole fucking response typed up and I lost it.

But basically, yeah, I agree that the wisdom you get from experience—you can't get it from anything else and it's priceless.

I don't know about innate intelligence. I used to be pretty indiscriminate about it, but I think I've actually gotten more conscious of differences in the IQs of the people around me and I feel like I've gotten less tolerant which I guess doesn't make sense.


Well come seventh grade, I took a test and was told my IQ was 138, and I took two more unofficials that said 140 and shit, so I just assumed I was smarter than everyone, given the average is 100. That was six years ago.. I was always an arrogant dickhead after that, I mean I always was told I was smart and felt smart, blah blah. I would sit on wikipedia and read about black holes, time travel, string theory, etc. I was always more witty and smart than people so I would just be a dick and make people feel stupid, I mean it was always in jest, but I did make a girl cry once, because her IQ came out to 101, and she took a few online ones and had to try 4 times to get over 120. I bashed her for an hour convincing her she was stupid and apparently it made her cry. Now I just feel really bad for being an asshole. I don't like how I treated people I cared about and shit.

So up until the past year or two, I started feeling more open to other people, and became more and more tolerant. Maybe it's because I started smoking weed, but now it just irritates me when people think they're smarter than other people and come off on you like you're dumb. I had this one chick at work who thought I was an idiot because I always act like one because I fucking know how to be funny, and I was like bitch your the only one using a calculator, but yeah.

I just think everyone deserves to be treated equally, like the golden rule says. I don't like it when people treat me like shit, and I rarely ever treat anyone like shit, I try to be kind as possible, I don't know everything. I expect other people to know things I don't, just as I know some things others don't. WE JUST ALL HAS TO WORK TOGETHER AND ONE DAY KNOW EVERYTHING.

The main point I think, was that everyone has a different kind of intelligence. They were raised different, so your idea of intelligent, yourself, or perhaps a role model, is completely different from theirs. Like Finnie. I'm sure he's a really intelligent guy, there's just a language barrier, so to us, he sounds dumb, and if we spoke (I want to fucking say finnish, but it's dutch), we'd sound fucking stupider. I thought the same about Jorgen too but I understand he's a rather intelligent person. It works the same way for other humans, you just have to get to know them and understand them, and as long as you remain hostile, you won't be able to see their knowledge. You're too busy denying it exists..

Debate Forum / Intelligence/Wisdom/Idk?
« on: 24 May, 2011 23:27 »
I'm not really sure what a good title would be..

I'll just start writing.

People are simply a collective of their experiences, their experiences affect what they know, how they act, how not to act, who to trust, how to drive, how to play games, how to- Yeah.

So, our intelligence, is a result of our experiences also. For example, I believe my 10-12 years of being on adderal, coming home from school and being able to stare at the wall for hours on end, just sitting there, thinking. Other people have other reasons, but then you come across people who tell you they're smart, and other people think they're smart, yet you don't think so. Usually this is result of a negative disposition or something, but mainly because you don't fully understand them. This probably sounds hypocritical of me, it's a recent thought development though.. but recently I was thinking, perhaps we're all our own kind of intelligent.

Like I said, we're a collective of our experiences, we work with and get along with people who've had similar experiences. For example, the rich dislike the poor, and like the rich. The poor dislike the rich, and hang out with the poor. Yeah that's a big derp, but it's a valid example. Regardless, so you can only know, what you know. People often revere others as stupid, because they didn't know something they did. That just fucking happens. Once you learn it, you know it. You're good, you can't help you didn't know it before.

You learn every day and as life goes on, your wisdom grows more and more. I'm starting to wonder if wisdom is all that matters. I used to just assume everyone knew this and that, street smarts, but not everyone has high intelligence. This is still true, with really dumb people, but usually, we only assume people we don't really know to be dumb. If you sat down and talked with them for a while, your opinion might change. You can only see intelligence in someone if you're looking for it, if you hate them, you probably will assume their really an idiot, etc.

Everyone is different, and we get mad when people believe completely different things, seemingly incorrect things. Kind of like how other cultures have different rights and wrongs, we're very diverse across the world these days and we have to be more tolerant.. and I know this probably sounds weird coming from me, since I'm usually so blunt here, but I am IRL, I just come off as friendly and funny in person, not angry and mean, so you can take it easier and I'm understanding, and never come off like I want to fight, you know? Anyway, yeah. I think this is enough.

OPINIONS? THOUGHTS? I've been pondering on this whole thing for a while, and just wanted to throw it up somewhere. Yeah it's kinda a common sense thing, but compared to I WAS BORN TO BE THIS WAY, it's a fucking revolution, so yeah. DISCUSS.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: FORUM GAME
« on: 24 May, 2011 20:18 »
^ Maybe if you change your signature already.

< Today was stupid.

v Assbeads.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: FORUM GAME
« on: 24 May, 2011 00:44 »
^ No such thing.
< on CG during computer applications class. Easiest A EVER!!!
V Is jelly.

^ Is peanut butter

< About to play DJ Hero and drink more WHIPPED CREAM VODKA WITH ROOTBEER

v Wants to buy me weed.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: FORUM GAME
« on: 18 May, 2011 14:57 »
^ Knows way too much about me.

< Has pretty nails.

v Hasn't gotten nailed.

Troll lock, go.

Debate Forum / Re: Your Views on Marijuana
« on: 07 May, 2011 21:52 »
I'd like to side-step my way into this argument and express my opinions on it.

First, to whoever was talking about it killing brain cells, it doesn't. This has been disprooven 100%. In recent studies, marijuana has shown to possibly stimulate brain cell growth.

On the addiction thing, marijuana is less addictive than coffee. Marijuana is classified as non-addictive, which basically means that a user will not experience withdraws. It is not physically addictive. It is, however, psychologically addictive. The thing is, every substance in psychologically addictive. Psychological addiction is basically just a strong craving for something. You are probably psychologically addicted to many things at this very moment. Does that mean these things should be illegal?

About cancer, marijuana has not been proven, ever, to cause cancer. At all. There has not been a single case of somebody getting cancer due to marijuana use alone.

This is widely known, but it's worth stating anyway: Nobody, in the vast history of marijuana use, has ever died it. It is physically impossible to overdose on marijuana.

Now: to the benefits. Marijuana has shown to treat a WIDE range of illnesses, from a common migraine to Parkinson's. The potential money from marijuana regulation is ridiculous. What's arguably better, is that the DEA's budget would focus more on drugs that actually harm people, such as crack and heroin. 90% of the DEA's budget is currently focused on marijuana only.

Murders and rapists are being let out of jail to make room for people who were put in jail for possessing a plant. YOUR tax dollars are going towards punishing people who possessed a plant. Billions of dollars.

Marijuana can be abused. Somebody can have the "SMOKE WEEED ERRYDAY' mindset, and they can mess their lives up. This isn't marijuana's fault though. These people were going to ruin their lives anyway. You don't see the 40 year old father of two who occasionally smokes pot ruining his life because of it. It's always the lazy guys who would have never made anything of themselves anyway.

So yes, marijuana can be abused. But so can cheeseburgers. I can take a fork and jam it in my eye, but does that mean we should make forks illegal? We should make it illegal because some dumbasses don't know how it use it properly? No.

I guess that wraps things up for now. I'll gladly talk more about it if you guys want me to, though.
Actually I am pretty sure no1 has said it kils brain cells,
One person did, but I can't remember who they are. They said something about not wanting to try marijuana because they don't like the idea of dead brain cells.

what has been said however is that it does lower the production of endorphins in the pituitary gland (We have a completely different name for it so if my spelling is bad just don't think about it). Whiiich means if you become a lazy bum who smokes every day 24/7 for a year you'll have a hard time stopping because the usage of marijuana is your main release of endorphines by now, which also means this can be met with two responses anger and depression. I am pretty sure that one was never proven wrong, since I am pretty sure i've seen a chemical reason for this.
The pituitary gland controls sex and reproductive functions. It has no control over the endorphins passing through your brain, IIRC. Maybe you just named it wrong.

Like I said, marijuana is scientifically classified as non-addictive. This means that a user will not exdpierence withdraws. When you say that marijuana as the main release of endorphins causes either anger or depression, where are getting this information? Because this is withdraws. That's what being physically addicted to something does, but marijuana is not physically addictive.

Let's say you're right though. Let's say that if you smoke marijuana too often, it can give you wild mood swings. I still don't think ti should be illegal. Like I said before, you CAN abuse it, but you can abuse anything. These people who fuck their lives up because of marijuana, they were going to fuck their lives up anyway. It's just part of the marijuana culture. 

To the post above me, if you're trying to make a joke about how long my post is, then get the hell off the debate section. You don't belong here.
Actually the B(beta)endorphine that goes on to the spinal cord is released from the pituitary gland. Might be a flaw in that but I don't know since I am debating in another language =)

What I meant by it causing depression or anger is due to the fact that you have a lower amount of endorphines surfing trough your body which may cause 1 of two anger or depression, the fact is that your main endorphin rush comes from smoking weed when you are that far gone. By that I mean that your body is so used to smoking weed and getting it's endorphines that way that it is literally the main way your body knows how to get endorphines released. When you have less endorphines small things like lets say a break upp can be as catastrophical as your girl dying in a car crash, which can lead to a depression due to how litle is needed to break you down. It may also do anoter thing which is you get anoyed about how few good thoughts you can muster upp about yourself so you literally go crazy just thinking about how you can't say anything good bout yourself and get very very angry.

I am not against legalisation I am just stating that it is not completely without side effects, and people should know what they are getting into.

I guess that makes sense. My only problem is that there really isn't any science to back it up.

I completely agree that there are side effects that people should know about. For instance, inhaling smoke is never good, no matter what kind of smoke it is. Marijuana can also slowly damage the cilia, and with abuse can leave it so damaged that you get sick much easier and much more often.

I hate seeing ignorant people go around talking about how it's completely safe, because it simply isn't. But as long as you know how to control yourself, it isn't a problem.
There actually is science backing it upp we actually delved quite deeply inside of it in chemistry there was something about the chemical ingrediants and to much stimulation over time breaking down the gland and so forth.
Again sorry for my bad grammar =P Also it pretty much does not need scientific backups either due to the effects being so obvious, I have seen it first hand many times both the depression and the anger side. Hell i've even felt a very limited amount of it, so it just annoys me to see people being all like OOOO IT IS ALL FINE IT IS GOOD FOR YOU IT WILL MAKE YOU BETTER....

Well.. Jorgen.. it is fine and good for the spirit and it will make you better...

Not having it after a year of smoking will make you sad though.. xD

Way Off Topic Box / Re: FORUM GAME
« on: 05 May, 2011 20:48 »
^ What is this, I don't even...

< Fucking Genius

v Possibly a Fucking Genius



v Likes butts.

^ Dirty NECRO

< Loves women's butts

v Is a furry, bisexual, lives in the UK, and begins with "Dino"

^ Got the first two right, I guess.

< Can Necro his own goddamn thread.

v Do me plx.

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