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Messages - Redcow17

Pages: 1 [2]
Maps Area / Re: [REL]ttt_concentration_b1
« on: August 19, 2010, 02:47:51 AM »
hope you dont mind if i changed the name of the thread from wip to rel
it threw me off i thought it was still being worked on until emo told me otherwise
putting it on the server now!

If you're going to put it on the server use this one:


I fixed some FPS issues people with lower end video cards had.  The original V1 was released a few days ago and this should fix any issues people may have.

Maps Area / Re: An optimization guide I made
« on: August 17, 2010, 01:50:48 AM »
Bob if you see this post, add me on Steam.


Maps Area / Re: [Wip]ttt_concentration_b1
« on: August 17, 2010, 12:57:29 AM »

Maps Area / Re: [Wip]ttt_concentration_b1
« on: August 16, 2010, 03:49:40 PM »
Yeah, hell you could fill a furnace with burned bodies and no one here would care.

Well I hope you're right


Maps Area / Re: TTT_Ghetto? here's a taste
« on: August 13, 2010, 04:14:03 PM »
This is looking really nice.

May I suggest (like others have), adding a point_spotlight on the lamps, as well as using light_spots for the light.  If you want to go full out you could even use a trigger texture tied to a func_dustmotes.

Maps Area / Re: [Wip]ttt_concentration_b1
« on: August 12, 2010, 02:36:54 PM »
Well I figure most peolple here won't care about nazi propaganda or logos as long as it isn't directly attacking a type of person.  Most of us have played a World War 2 game where stuff like this is present.

Maps Area / Re: [Wip]ttt_concentration_b1
« on: August 12, 2010, 12:01:49 AM »
Update 6:

Inside of the upper level of the Nazi main building.

Nazi building exterior

Back side

Maps Area / Re: [Wip]ttt_concentration_b1
« on: August 11, 2010, 12:17:16 AM »
Quick update, the outside of this building will come soon once I finish it.  I still have another floor of the building to do with windows and all so it might be a bit.

You can see the real-time reflection technique used as well.  I haven't seen it used in a map before, so I decided to go ahead and do it.

Maps Area / Re: [Wip]ttt_concentration_b1
« on: August 11, 2010, 12:06:34 AM »
I see. Although you could make something vital in the gas chamber such as weapons or other things, like an underground escape passage that lead to an underground network.

Thats what I was thinking, maybe weapons or something.

Problem is though if innocent players rush before the round starts to grab them.  So I'm a little stuck here in terms of the gas chamber.

What I'm currently working on is the main center where Nazi camp leaders would kind of be.  A nicer building, carpeting inside, banners around.  Once I finish the exterior of the building I'll throw up some pictures.  This is probably the most detailed part of the map as of now simply because of the design on the inside and out.

I'm currently testing with a new reflection technique that I haven't ever seen a map use, and that I discovered.  It uses func_reflection_glass, but under a transparent texture.  This will give real-time reflections and a slight sense of realism.

Maps Area / Re: [Wip]ttt_concentration_b1
« on: August 10, 2010, 11:59:55 PM »
For the gas chamber it could be a trap like Lost Temple. The chamber is in the way of a path, meaning to get to an area you would HAVE to pass through it. There could be a switch to turn it on near the entrance(s) of it.

Problem is the map isn't necessarily a linear gameplay.  There are buildings and many directions you can go from them.

Maps Area / Re: [Wip]ttt_concentration_b1
« on: August 09, 2010, 05:35:14 PM »
Good news.

I fixed my computer.  Well, rather rebuilt the entire thing because I needed a new case as well as power supply.  But after 2 days of deconstructing and rebuilding the computer I'm going to get back onto this ASAP.

Also, ideas are highly appreciated.  I know people want some sort of gas chamber, but why would innocents walk into a gas chamber?  Maybe guns or something, but I don't want people to rush into it before the traitors could control the chamber.  There would need to be a reason for them to go in.

Any other building ideas are great, too.

Maps Area / Re: [Wip]ttt_concentration_b1
« on: August 06, 2010, 03:11:11 AM »
I apologize for the lack of updates.  I was at lacrosse camp for 5 days, when i got back my power supply unit in my pc had a capacitor get fried (hopefully the video card or anything else was not damaged).  It will be a few days before i have the parts to fix my computer.  I am typing from an iphone.

Maps Area / [REL]ttt_concentration_b1
« on: July 29, 2010, 05:22:29 PM »


Working on a B2 compile.

If you don't know, which I'm probably guessing you don't, I'm the creator of ttt_shippingcenter_b1, and ttt_digdown_b1.

Digdown is my more popular map, as shippingcenter was the first map I ever created for Trouble in Terrorist Town.

But, I started my new mapping project 5 days ago (from this posting date), on a little blog recorder I have.

I'm going to post my updates in this thread if people are interested, feedback is very appreciated

*It seems you need to scroll over horizontally to see the entire image.  These images are drastically reduced in size to accommodate for that*

Since my other two maps were indoors, I'm going to try a mixture of outdoors and indoors on this map to spin things up a little bit.

The map is going to be based off of some sort of concentration camp out in the woods.

Day 1 (not much done at all, except the 3d skybox):

Quick update (Still on day 1 here):

Day 2:

Added one building, changed some fog settings, few other minor things.

Also, the sewer system is going to run under the map.  Various buildings will connect down into it, as well as the border surrounding the map.

Day 4 update:

Added two new buildings, the "housing", if you will.  Don't worry about people camping in these, the map is being designed so that you can't just lock yourself in a corner and hide the whole round.  I just want to leave a little bit of gameplay not shown in the screenshots for people exploring to find themselves.

Update 5:

Quick update, the outside of this building will come soon once I finish it.  I still have another floor of the building to do with windows and all so it might be a bit.

You can see the real-time reflection technique used as well.  I haven't seen it used in a map before, so I decided to go ahead and do it.

Update 6:

Inside of the upper level of the Nazi main building.

Nazi building exterior

Back side

Pages: 1 [2]

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