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Messages - Dante

Debate Forum / Re: Rabble Rabble Rabble
« on: 08 Nov, 2010 20:15 »
once a bunch of people in my class were arguing so i started yelling RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE frogsiren
Lol. Me to my whole class was like "wtf?" Sos i said "RABBLE RABBLE" And they all started loling.
I don't have any friends.
Ill be your fiend emo.

General Gaming Talk / Re: whos getting blackops?
« on: 08 Nov, 2010 20:13 »
COD has become a main stream game that activision has been making millions if not billions off of. The games absolutely suck except for the first few on the computer. Nothing but 12 year olds play the game thinking their "hardcore." Most who play COD nowadays don't understand the complexity of others games or are stubborn enough not to play the greater games of our era.
Everyone that I know is like "RABLE RABLE CALL OF DUTY RABLE RABLE RABLE" and I just sit there annoyed because the new call of duty fans. I mean I tryed MW2 I picked it up for 1 minute and owned everyone who was playing and was accused of hacking because of it. THESE RETARDS ARE CAMPING IN THE WIDE OPEN THINKING THEYZ THE SHIT! Then I start hearing "Oh the Crane is so awsome to camp on top of. You get like headshot all the time." So i respond with "Is everyone who plays COD a moron? Standing in plain sight will get you killed." Which they respond with " NOZ NOBODY EVER LOOKS UP!" Which i respond with. "THEY DO WHEN THEY ARE GETTING SNIPED AT OR ARENT RETARDS!" which if they are my friends shut up immediatly or if there some one else they replie with "YOU LIE!!!! NO ONE EVER LOOKS" or "Then I will pull out a grenade throw at the bottom were theyz iz standing and blow them up." to which I walk away saying "You sir are a moron, Maybe crazy."

Debate Forum / Re: Rabble Rabble Rabble
« on: 08 Nov, 2010 20:03 »
once a bunch of people in my class were arguing so i started yelling RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE frogsiren
Lol. Me to my whole class was like "wtf?" Sos i said "RABBLE RABBLE" And they all started loling.

Solved Applications / Re: Blackllama's App.
« on: 08 Nov, 2010 19:51 »
Well its a traitorus act so they can kill him. Question is though if a traitor sees this as an opportunity and shoots it is it rdm on innocent or traitor kills? But if an innocent shoots it killing people is it the carriers fault or the shooter?

General Gaming Talk / Re: Sorry :(
« on: 08 Nov, 2010 19:46 »
Warcraft for Css ruins the game, i think we should focus on Keeping server as it is and Populate it! instead of talking about changes all the time...
Well something is wrong with it though. No one joins ever.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Sorry :(
« on: 08 Nov, 2010 14:13 »
I know your cata is cool its just others have immortals which are completely invisible and can use any gun.

A gas mask bong? Oh shit my day has been made.
I know i loled big time.

Solved Ban Requests / Re: Unity.
« on: 08 Nov, 2010 14:01 »
Well If some one could convince Muffins to go back on the forums he would say that he did rdm.
When i was there heres some things he said. "I can call anytime I want because i have seen admins do it."
"Im Going to shoot you." -5seconds in round "I claim the engine room" When he claimed 5 secs in i walked into the room and he shot. To be shot down by an innocent who i belive was muffins.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Post your suggestions here!
« on: 05 Nov, 2010 19:15 »
Could you code it sam?
It sounded like an Awsome game mode.

Solved Applications / Re: Razers App
« on: 05 Nov, 2010 19:12 »
So any verdict yet  ???
I have played with Razer a few times. He is pretty cool.

p.s. Sorry for doing that kill on you a few days ago. I shouldnt have killed you for 2 damage lol.

Old Time Aways / Re: pwn3dl1fes time away
« on: 05 Nov, 2010 18:52 »
gah moron, european dates are switched, we say 4/10 as in 4th october
How am i supose to know im from AMERICA!

Old Time Aways / Re: I'm back, took long enough.
« on: 05 Nov, 2010 13:19 »
double post cus ima whore  smug

what you missed but may have been told:

AK Commando is a trial admin

Kwaurtz became head admin on tf2 then became a cl, then demoted to veteran and then he resigned (which he is happy with)

Epic Ever is no longer CL

Gman left
Remscar left

Project ninety and Sam are the new community coders

hmmm what else

we gettin a fretta server (we have it just not open, being tested)
Remscar didnt leave he was demoted from admin.

Solved Applications / Re: Application
« on: 05 Nov, 2010 13:14 »
I changed my mind. Instead of being a TTT admin I want to do Fretta. But until Fretta I'll do TTT
That would be applying for TTT then applying for switch to fretta.

General Gaming Talk / Re: World Of warcraft Guild.
« on: 05 Nov, 2010 13:11 »
If anyone would like to create a ally side guild please do.
If i could play legit wow again id move my Demonologist to your server. BUT ITS TO MUCH MONEY!

General Gaming Talk / Re: Sorry :(
« on: 05 Nov, 2010 13:09 »
I think the server would be a lot more players if it was warcraft 3 ft. It's popular and easy to get returning players due to wanting to get higher levels. The only thing is you need a lot of races. Fortunately I know the guy who codes new races. ^_^
I agree we need warcraft3 source. But not that shit where you are a race thats completely invisible what was it?

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