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Messages - Acecool

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Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Random ban?
« on: 14 Jul, 2011 15:29 »
I'll chime in on this. I did say to re-ban if the ban didn't work and Kitty has been trying to contact me as well. This wasn't my ban, I will ask Yahtzee to come in as soon as he comes into the non-admin vent channel.

Admin Department / Re: Wtf
« on: 13 Jul, 2011 22:01 »
And I am banned somehow...

Everything is under the sm_help X option. Where X is an integer 1 to however many pages of admin commands there are.

To use those commands in chat, remove the sm_ prefix, and replace it with a ! or / in chat.

sm_kick name = !kick name
and so on.

I have played with him a few times and he hasn't caused any trouble from what I could tell. I'll watch him more closely now before I give a recommendation but there are so many other recommendations he should probably be added as we could use an extra admin!

Maps Area / Re: TTT minecraft by finniespin
« on: 06 Jul, 2011 21:24 »
Please fix the skybox issue. Its hard to see silhouettes with a black sky. The sky turns the proper blue when looking almost straight up...

Programming / Re: C++ post your shitt
« on: 03 Jul, 2011 23:43 »
1800 lines on here? Meh... If anyone wants to buy some code for Ashen Empires to bypass the macro check, let me know :-)

Admin Department / Re: TTT Suggestion/Prop Surfing
« on: 01 Jul, 2011 02:40 »
Yeah when it used to be a slay, next to no one would even go close to the props!

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Ban Appeal #2
« on: 20 Jun, 2011 17:55 »
If it was a bad reason to ban, I apologize. But from what I saw and the way they were acting buddy buddy and exchanging detective and traitor weapons back and fourth as well as them speaking friendly with eachother right after the traitor of the bunch shot me in plain sight of the detective who had less than a crowbar hit left until death raised a ton of red flags.

Another thing strikes me as off though: Why are you posting a ban appeal for both him and yourself if you aren't buddies?

Solved Ban Requests / Re: Post RDM+Leave Bans Here
« on: 20 Jun, 2011 05:36 »
Mass rdm 5+
derp(STEAM_0:1:12115323) disconnected from EE(

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Ban Appeal #2
« on: 19 Jun, 2011 05:59 »
It seemed 100% obvious to me that the detective and the traitor were communicating. This became apparent when there were 3 people in the nether: Myself, OP (traitor), and a detective. We were on 3 separate islands, traitor was on main, detective across, and I was flanking which is how I killed 3 traitors who attacked him down to near death and I was 100%. So we are standing there looking at eachother and op snipes me, and leaves the near death detective alone. Then they start swapping detective frenchy for ak47, etc and joking around until OPs traitor buddy comes in and finishes the match (last minute of round).

Solved Ban Requests / Re: Post RDM+Leave Bans Here
« on: 18 Jun, 2011 21:26 »
FaTaL(STEAM_0:1:6837302) disconnected from US(
Threw an incend in the island tower, where detectives and confirmed innocents were. Damaged a ton of people for over 50 damage, and killed the confirmed innocent.

Solved Ban Requests / Re: Post RDM+Leave Bans Here
« on: 18 Jun, 2011 14:40 »
!addban 10080 STEAM_0:0:26089644 "Compton Ass Vinny(STEAM_0:0:26089644) disconnected from US(*"

Admin Department / Re: Post RDM+Leave Bans here
« on: 14 Jun, 2011 19:28 »
Freakwhistle(STEAM_0:1:17765185) disconnected from US( RDM/leave

Whats wrong with it? How is it coded, and integrated into the server, and website?

There are a few things I would love to fix.

1) To solve mic spam, and people slurping in the mic real quick and letting go of mic button.
Solution: Allow the mic chat info boxes to fade away instead of disappearing instantly.

2) Clean up damage log, combine like terms, etc...
Instead of having 20 lines of 1 person attacking another, all 20 would be combined and would say: X did X total damage with X number of "hits".
Or maybe recording who shot first, if a death occurs near that person shortly after the shot. Would def help rdm complaint solving..

Its part of the TTT coding where a null value is being passed. Add a null check and maybe it will fix it. I don't have access to code otherwise I would've done that lol...

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