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Messages - Sqtgdog

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Minecraft / Re: SQ Server Spawn Village!
« on: 24 Jan, 2014 17:22 »
If someone wants to build at spawn, they are more than welcome.  To that end, I like burgers plan to make it more defined.

My name should NOT change.... and no amount of misspelling and typos will change that :P

I am pretty sure most people have built homes far away from spawn by now, and some of them are pretty damn impressive.  I support ALL builds, wherever they may be, and look forward to a FULL server :P

Linux runs better than Xbox windows Clone?.... No way! (sarcasm)

Let's all take a short trip to my favorite place, called Reality, where Microsuck hasn't put out industry leading hardware in a decade.

Frankly, i'm betting you could dual-boot your home PC with the Steam Linux distro, and see a performance boost WITHOUT any hardware changes.  No need to go buy a Steam box if you already game on PC.

For those of you on consoles... why buy what amounts to a gaming PC when your happy with console performance?

I don't see anything changing the status quo here.  At most you might see more people opting for a Steam box instead of a $400-500 console that probably won't be worthwhile (game releases & bug fixes) for a year or two.

Minecraft / Re: Minecraft Forum
« on: 24 Nov, 2013 01:58 »

I will be the FIRST to admit that i'm not capable of running the server by myself.

This is why Pillz usually gets OP permissions, along with Admin stuff.  It always helps to have another person to help out.  We all have lives outside of MC, and can't be online ALL the time.

If you guys want to promote/vote in ( I honestly don't know your process ) someone to assist as an Admin on the server, I am completely open to that.  I would welcome that help, especially if it's someone the community has chosen.

Being that the current server is stored, hosted, and run off my personal computer, there are some limitations to what the additional admins will be able to do.  I/We need to establish how to enable remote restarts and stuff like that, which will help keep the server up longer and more reliably.

I will attempt to get a decent banner for the server status, but i'm limited to the free options at this time.  If anyone knows of a good product, please feel free to let me know, and i'll look into that.

Minecraft / Re: Minecraft Forum
« on: 22 Nov, 2013 19:33 »
Just a few stats for consideration:

Posts related to the MC server I host with recent replies have...

705 replies of this post.  Seems pretty lively to me.

Minecraft / Re: MC Screenshots!
« on: 22 Nov, 2013 19:27 »

To everyone who plays MC... THIS is why I play.  These kinds of cooperative builds are so much better than what a single person can do.

Great Ideas Burgers!~

Minecraft / Re: Cool Builds?
« on: 20 Nov, 2013 18:34 »
Dbag, your opinion, while valid as an opinion, is still just that, an opinion.

I was pretty sure obvious propaganda went away with the Soviet Union, but thank you for showing me that nothing ever truly dies.   :P

Minecraft / Minecraft Forum
« on: 20 Nov, 2013 18:27 »
Why doesn't Minecraft have a real Forum board? 

This child board business is kinda like saying MC is a 3rd World / 2nd Class community.

Along with having a listed/dedicated Forum, I would like to see a server status banner included.  If that is something I need to work with a CL to create, I will be happy to do so.

I know the MC server isn't a true CG run server, but I feel like it's been widely accepted, and is the default MC server for CG.

If there are some changes you guys would like to see, in order for my request to happen, I am also very willing to see what I can do to accommodate.


Sooooo.... When is the server going to be done???

Minecraft / Re: Server reset
« on: 27 Jul, 2012 00:08 »
Awesome on that hack job, whoever...  it's nice to know that instead of banning people who grief and harass people and spam the server, we let them continue to play on it and hack our hard work away.

I  was literally playing yesterday, and everything was fine.  Now the entire town we built is gone.  Somehow the Castle Pillz and I built is still there... not sure what is going on with that.

Isn't there a way to post messages that show up when you log onto the server to warn people about rollbacks/resets/hacks that might happen or have happened?

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