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Messages - Christovski

Pages: 1 ... 64 65 [66] 67 68 ... 160
Solved Applications / Re: [ZM] Toku
« on: August 14, 2013, 09:18:06 PM »

First off, for the love of Osiris.
Secondly, I can show him the ropes, unless it's Tomorrow/Friday/early Saturday. I'll be gone those days. But mid-Saturday, I'll be free as a bird.

First off nope
Secondly thank you, not sure how quickly he will be added, I have no idea how long packing will take on Friday so I figure I probably won't have a chance to show him before I'm gone.

Admin Time Away Forum / Re: Christovski goes to the edge of nowhere
« on: August 14, 2013, 09:12:44 PM »
No, you fool! Havent you read any Stephen King novels!? Maine is a doorway to hell!

He's from southern Maine (I've been to his town) I'm going at least a few hours north of him :P

Admin Time Away Forum / Christovski goes to the edge of nowhere
« on: August 14, 2013, 08:24:33 PM »
Name: Christovski

Time you are leaving: this Friday 8/16/13

In Which server you are admin on: ZM

Estimated time/date of return: Sunday-ish 8/25/13, but might not be on until Monday

Additional Comments:  Going to the eastern-most town in the US, which is all the way up north to Lubec, Maine (practically on top of the Canadian border there too) where my dad's got an old house he's fixing up.  Going to be part helping him renovate, part actual vacation.  The house is solid after a couple summers of work, but far from nice looking.

I will have my laptop with Steam and internet, however my laptop is not for gaming, it has no dedicated video card so you might see me playing FTL or Dustforce or Hotline: Miami, but I can't play anything needing much video power, including ZM.  SO you can talk to me, I will be installing the correct progs on my laptop so I can update the ZM server if necessary, just let me know by steamchat or PM. 

TL;DR: I will be on forums on steam each day or so but can't play pretty much anything 3D while I'm gone.

Posted a few days early to give some warning :P

Solved Applications / Re: [ZM] Toku
« on: August 14, 2013, 08:16:31 PM »
+1 lololol

Just gonna leave this up for a day and see what people have to say, but obviously the only thing you need to do Toku is keep active on the forums, I know I sometimes have to bug you like 3 times just to get you to post in our ZM threads like choosing maps and whatnot.

So yeah just be more active at LEAST in the ZM forums here, I'll leave this open for a day-ish

Also any ZM admin here have the ability to show Toku the ropes, aka teach him to use sm_ commands in console and / commands in chat and give him tips on proper judgement of punishment use? (don't use ! for the love of isis)

I'm going on vacation VERY soon after and will be out for a while, and won't be able to teach until I'm back at the end of the month.

The Art Forum / Re: Renard<3
« on: August 14, 2013, 04:44:26 PM »
The only Mayhem work he ever does shows up on albums like these

wat that meen, and how do you find this shiz, he has like 100 albums on bandcamp making it rather hard to find what I want except going specifically under each name

The Art Forum / Re: Renard<3
« on: August 14, 2013, 03:33:00 PM »
Needz moar Mayhem and Darius dammit.  Azrael and Queenstons are ok at times but his Renard and most new aliases bore me lately. 

Mayhem is best I have all the Mayhem (also Mayhem has same name as some black metal band and the metal band's page gets spammed by furries causing hilarious internet fights between furries and metalheads)

The Art Forum / Re: Renard<3
« on: August 14, 2013, 02:19:58 PM »
Just make a new thread you necro fiend!  Gahhddamn

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Picture Wars? Picture Wars.
« on: August 14, 2013, 11:52:11 AM »

You guys have no idea how hard it was to not post ponies, I had something perfect but nooooo OP gotta hate :P

Zombie Master / Re: Swap in ZM_ASDF in place of ZM_random?
« on: August 13, 2013, 09:25:17 PM »
So unless Tic or Raunky really wants ASDF, Random stays and we can still use ASDF to populate.

Zombie Master / Re: New MOTD, need input/proofreading/suggestions
« on: August 13, 2013, 06:34:11 PM »
Admins need to judge the intent, not everything in this world is black or white, there is gray area. 

You didn't actively place a barrel in a situation where it could kill someone (like if you were to carry one into the elevator in bastard which when killed by ceiling tile will kill other players, or throw one under a closing door) and it sounds like it was a bug of physics, or otherwise very unlikely scenario. 

The barrel explosion did not hurt them (it can't unless the barrel is detonated by the map or a zombie), what happened is it probably threw a barrel into them so hard the physics killed them.  I've been killed by flying barrels before.

You would most likely be warned and you'd have admins watching you after that, and if you did it again it would be clear your intent was to kill and be punished for both.  If it never happened again they might still keep an eye out if anyone else dies by barrel, but it would most likely be seen as an accident at that point.  Try and be more careful but sometimes barrels WILL do that, and we can't very well ban people from shooting barrels to kill zombies.

General Gaming Talk / Re: 7 Days to Die - Minecraft style horror game!
« on: August 13, 2013, 06:28:36 PM »
If it was a free mod i would play the shit out of it, a lot of its interface and style looks like it was ripped off straight from Minecraft, would not surprise me if the dude got sued later.

General Gaming Talk / Re: 7 Days to Die - Minecraft style horror game!
« on: August 13, 2013, 04:41:57 PM »
Could be cool, not sure about the $$ though, don't think its worth $15 to me.

Zombie Master / Re: Swap in ZM_ASDF in place of ZM_random?
« on: August 13, 2013, 11:58:39 AM »
One vote for don't care, one vote for asdf, one vote for random.  Soooooo no real way to make a decision with that much indecision.

Anyone else?  Nothing from Tic, Raunk, or Banan, but I figure the first two don't care

Zombie Master / Re: ZM_Noodle, nominate or admin only?
« on: August 13, 2013, 11:57:11 AM »
Ok moving to nominate unless we suddenly get an influx of posts saying not to.

Introductions Forum / Re: It's so fluffy I could die!
« on: August 13, 2013, 11:54:01 AM »
Hidden, Hidden everywhere!

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