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Messages - Pillz

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Look up  Penn and Teller's Bulls#it on the matter of prostitution.  Simply put, if you legalize it, you can regulate it, control it, minimize it, make it safer and healthier. 

Where and when was prostitution FIRST legalized in the United States?

In parts of Nevada there are fully legal brothels. The ladies of the house receive regular checkups. Look it up, its called the bunny ranch.


Porn isn't THAT immoral anymore but some people are old fashioned; while on the younger generations hand it's something kids openly talk about in high school classes. I like to assume that most every male watches it, and I've found out so do a lot of females.

Prostitution would be awesome if made legal everywhere. There are a lot of places where they have "Bunny Ranches" where you go in and fuck a hooker. Course everyone needs STD checks and you must pay with a big wad of cash; but if every running prostitution business was ran "legitimately" we could crack down on STD's and ugly hookers on the street. Why not make it safe, profitable and "healthy"?

Though like with marijuana there's a large amount of money to be made from it being illegal; so until the govt/cartel/Illuminati/Obama gets bored of it working that way I don't think we'll see any changes.

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: New ZPS Server!?
« on: October 11, 2012, 10:50:33 PM »
hmm.  Well, then push for the server box to be up.

IMHO, what is the cost of putting up a server for a month?  Then merely transferring the people over by announcing the ip change?


Others offer similar prices, but it's about 20 dollars even for a 20 slot, I used to pay 22$ for a 24-slot but it felt like there was no customer service at all, that was with Darkstar.

I'd be glad to pay 20 every month for the next month or few and if I felt like continuing on I could do that, maybe as a second server, rebuy it as a private server for funnight. Oohh that'd be cool.

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: New ZPS Server!?
« on: October 11, 2012, 02:37:27 PM »
Inject n gang wants me to wait for the serverbox but I kinda wanna get a server now. Trying to wait but I might just splurge and buy a server when I get paid. I'd be glad to hand it over to CG; and the such.

In The News / Re: Prop's in your state
« on: October 11, 2012, 02:30:35 PM »
We "debate" about countless things outside the debate thread, we only really have the section for serious debates and so there's a different expected maturity and attitude from posters. If the original post brushes against the death penalty, we should be able to discuss it. What difference does it make if we say it here or there? I don't think it's worth necroing a thread over or worse, further derailing the thread with something else to argue upon.

You guys need to be more proportional about these propositions now.

Solved Ban Requests / Re: Illuminati Ban
« on: October 11, 2012, 12:25:38 AM »
Hahahhaha; I thought this was a news post referring to a ban on the illuminati. I was like whaaaaaaaaaaat-

In The News / Re: Prop's in your state
« on: October 09, 2012, 09:13:36 PM »
There's already a thread for death penalty debate, don't bring it here.

Why not? :D

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: New ZPS Server!?
« on: October 09, 2012, 01:04:04 PM »
Well all irrelevance aside; where would I donate and how soon can this happen?

Should I go ahead and just buy it myself?

General Gaming Talk / Re: SimCity
« on: October 08, 2012, 06:20:07 PM »
I hear EA is working on it though... expect massive amounts of expensive DLC; unless they are learning how to make customers like them.

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: New ZPS Server!?
« on: October 08, 2012, 06:18:55 PM »
I was thinking of talking to wholegrain and having the Slaughterhouse name removed from the server as he always wanted it just to be conjointgaming.com anyway; but I like that idea too.

Thing is, as head admin for many years I've noticed that most players pay no attention to server name, but there are some who do. Mainly the ones who go; OH WAIT THIS ISN'T CVG?

Kittens SlaughterChamber of Decay

General Gaming Talk / SimCity
« on: October 08, 2012, 02:22:47 AM »
A first look gameplay video explaining how to play if you're not into SimCity, or just to showcase the new game look. I want it. Nowww.

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWLClUwAHGc" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWLClUwAHGc</a>

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: New ZPS Server!?
« on: October 07, 2012, 10:47:12 PM »
I can help with source/meta if you need

I'm hoping it comes installed but I had to do it once when wholegrain went missing and managed to do it; I think. I'll probably try again since as ZPS head I should be able to; but I'll be glad to let you take a peaksee and make sure imdoinitrite.

Zombie Panic: Source / New ZPS Server!?
« on: October 07, 2012, 10:44:22 PM »
I NEED THIS INSIDE ME NOW. I AM HAVING WITHDRAWALS AND WITH ALL THE OLD COOL KIDS HERE IT'S EVEN WORSE. So much nostalgia, and I feel dirty playing the old server now despite it's essentially mine..

I'll be willing to donate what I can to help make this happen, and any other donations would be awesome too.

When I owned my own server I paid 24$ish a month for a 20 slot server, and it ran beautifully. I know that might be a bit high as I always heard, but it seemed worth it and there was rarely any downtime. Working two jobs I could easily donate 20-25$ to buy us one; as I don't see getting a box at the moment as a practical goal. Also when you buy them for that much from a decent host they come set up for the most part. I can figure out Source/Meta mod and any extra plugins but I'm going to need some admins..

I will only do it if the community is willing to play and help populate; so let me know how you all feel about this, and what exactly should be done serverwise. I'm not going to waste my money to let the server sit there so it only see's population after I play for an hour.

If we do it though, I'd be willing to do whatever the community wants to see, RPG system and pillscure/puke excluded. :p No deathruns? StockRotation? Would we even have FastDL(I'm thinking we still do..?) and the such.

I'm nostalgiaing so hard I almost want a HL2DM puzzle server and a killbox server.

Help Section / Steam Dump File
« on: October 07, 2012, 04:18:51 AM »
I was just using a program to look around and find out what's taking up the most space on my tiny little hard drive.

In the Steam/Dumps file; I found 44+ GB of essentially useless files for games I had thought I uninstalled. Given my second hard drive is broken I only have 100GB and was wondering where all my space went.

L4D2 alone took up 14GB of space but I don't think that's just the Dump file; and apparently those are just all developer stuff that you can refer to when the game crashes or whatever. Again all these games have been uninstalled except for Portal2 and ZPS, just not all the way I suppose. Didn't know they stuck around like that.

If nobody knew of this or doesn't already have a problem that deletes that stuff; take a look and see if you can free up some space.

Of course for games you have installed it'd be wise not to delete it all; but I haven't played L4D2 in months and yet there was 14GB of crap on it. My ZPS section in the /steam/dumps section though holds all the demo files and whatnot; so if that's how it works for Gmod I'm sure the admins know about this somewhat. Maybe they never noticed how much space can be taken up though.

Help Section / Re: Computer stuff
« on: October 06, 2012, 08:36:02 PM »
Keep everything that works and test them interchangeably on another PC to make sure they do; then buy the parts you need and a new case. Usually if nothing works it's either the mobo or PSU; and if your Mobo is out that sucks cause the semi-decent ones are between 120-200$ and the really good ones are 200-500$.

Buying a computer piece by piece is  often cheaper because there's no assembly fee and whatnot; but anywho good luck.

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