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Messages - Christovski

Debate Forum / Re: Yo, We Need Transparency.
« on: 07 Sep, 2013 00:31 »
and Jorgen...

The only CL I have ever played with was Crow. I've played on ZM, only a handful of times, and seen Crow. I've played on TTT, a lot, and only seen Crow. I've play on TF2, when it's populated, probably once or twice.

I've only had a real conversation once with Skies. Hell, for about the 7+ months I've been with CG, I know nothing with what CG does behind the scenes. I can only guess that Cadaver is the advisor. Inject does all the back-end server stuff. Crow is the people's man.

I still feel CG is divided along server lines. Right now, we are not a community. I would think the "Community Leaders" would be the guys attempting to unite us.

I love Jorgen/Kleenex he was one of my ZPS bro's in SKG, but he's never here anymore I haven't seen him do anything so i didn't count him.

Debate Forum / Re: Yo, We Need Transparency.
« on: 07 Sep, 2013 00:09 »
Well stop me if I'm wrong here TS, but if it is stressful, why don't they hold nominations for a new CL or two so the responsibilities are spread out and therefore less stressful?  I mean I seem to recall a time where there were 5 or so CL's, and currently there are 3: Inject, Crow, and Cadaver.

Debate Forum / Re: Yo, We Need Transparency.
« on: 06 Sep, 2013 23:44 »
I've seen it happen but usually to people LEGITIMATELY spamming and necroing a lot, and breaking rules they were SUPPOSED TO READ WHEN REGISTERING

Debate Forum / Re: Yo, We Need Transparency.
« on: 06 Sep, 2013 23:09 »
I'm not saying everything should be fully public, but I mean, do we have any idea what the CLs do, how they do it, why they do it?

I mean really, do we know who controls what?  For all we know one person controls everything and could pull the plug if they felt like it, that happened once before.

Debate Forum / Re: Yo, We Need Transparency.
« on: 06 Sep, 2013 22:27 »
I had guessed that it was an error on their part, and probably not intentional. However, I was never told after what had occurred. I have yet to receive a PM or something telling me an apology or something along those lines. Is a possible explanation too much to ask ? Apparently yes it is.

I get the fact that the CL have their own personal lives to attend to. That's fine with me. But, I see a lack of responsiveness too. We don't know everything with that ZM crisis, so it would be nice to know what happened there. Especially because it has caused a lot of tension within the community, and so many people have requested that information became public.

Heck look how frequent Announcements are in the community.

And when otter resigned he brought up a bunch of stuff that Old Crow said that "We'll discuss this later" and it's been a week and silence.

Debate Forum / Re: Yo, We Need Transparency.
« on: 06 Sep, 2013 19:58 »
Tictac's internet is fucked up at his house and steam works but internet does not so I'm posting this for him:

5:57 PM - Greeve: Tell them Tictac doesn't like that shit either, when I pm someone I expect at least some form of response within some reasonable amount of time, even if it's them telling me to fuck off.

Debate Forum / Re: Yo, We Need Transparency.
« on: 06 Sep, 2013 19:54 »
I am so fed up with the secretive way things are done around here, its just like politics sometimes!

I also don't think we should be required to go anywhere but the forums to talk to CLs, every time I ask why PMs seldom get responses I get told "Message them on steam or Vent (or TS) you'll never hear back from a PM."

Well why not?  If they're a community leader, why aren't they on the COMMUNITY FORUMS?  It's just as easy as replying to an email, even if the response is "I got your message but I don't have time to deal with it"


General Gaming Talk / Re: GTA online
« on: 06 Sep, 2013 16:45 »
They officially announced it for PC finally?  Good.  I might play this game then. 

I hate playing any shooter with console controls instead of mouse and keys, on PC I can use a gamepad when I drive, and mouse+keys when on foot.

Plus if it's on PC there will probably be a demo I can play to decide if its worth the $60

General Gaming Talk / Re: GTA online
« on: 06 Sep, 2013 16:37 »
Blimps are big slow and boring wat.

Crow I don't even.

I read today's date upside-down and thought it was a 9 which would have been 15 days...  -_-'

See the goal was to do this without breaking the forum necro rules mmkay?  :P

Way Off Topic Box / Re: FORUM GAME
« on: 06 Sep, 2013 11:53 »
^ Was right, I AM PHONE NAO

< Has the powerrrrrrr

v Has the touch

So this is a game about controlling a ship with two players, that is designed to be crewed by 6 members.  Hectic like crazy, and requires a LOT of communication.  I kind of want to try it, but the problem is co-op is pretty much required to play.  If you're too impatient to read the article, there's a short teaser trailer.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Seems like the kind of game to make or break a friendship

GarrysMod / Re: How is Unknown Ghosting ?
« on: 05 Sep, 2013 16:32 »
One time, I was a T and Lone Grey was near me, so I bought a knife, proclaimed to everyone that I was a T and I wanted to give Lone Grey a knife, so I dropped it, commit harikarisuicide, and made sure everyone could see I was a T in chat. Lone was never RDMed, and the T's still won, is that still ghosting? Not really.

Killing yourself makes it different than what Unknown described, and you still gimped your team by killing yourself, if they lost it could be pinned on you :P

Way Off Topic Box / Re: FORUM GAME
« on: 05 Sep, 2013 11:59 »
^ Would be overthrown by a minion mutiny when I'm a minion
< Started a Minion's union                                                                 edit: damn you bananas getting me to post on this stupid thread again!
v Has a problem with Midget Minions

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