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Messages - Ghast

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Solved Admin Abuse / Re: Ok so here we go.
« on: July 11, 2011, 05:09:39 AM »
I know this is offtopic; but I just want to say I missed you Brian, and you should totally come back.

OP is stupid.

Help Section / Re: Scanned with Malwarebytes and found.........
« on: July 10, 2011, 04:46:01 PM »
Are you...

Are you being attacked by a virus?


Help Section / Re: Scanned with Malwarebytes and found.........
« on: July 10, 2011, 03:43:44 PM »
What do you need help with, Brian?

Solved Applications / Ghast's Re-Application (TTT) *DENIED*
« on: July 10, 2011, 03:39:10 PM »
What server are you applying for:

Were you recommended by an admin? If so state the name:
Dark & others.. can't remember. :\

In game name:

Link to your steam page:

Steam ID:

Do you have past admin experience:
Yes. Administrated on the server before.

Why you wish to be admin:
To help out whenever other admins can't.
I want to be able to do more than just populate the servers.

What are some good qualities you possess:
I have previous admin experience on this particular server, I know the rules well and I am on good terms with most (or all) people on the forums and on the servers.

What country are you from:


Additional notes:
Well I was an admin on the same server a while ago.
I believe I was demoted due to inactivity (I posted an admin-time-away thread, though :| )

Uhm, weird thing btw:
I still have admin powers on the TTT server. I haven't been abusing them (or using them at all, in fact), but this has gotten people to spam at me in the "To Admin" chat asking me to solve all the RDM. I just have to tell them that I'm not allowed to yet; pretty sad.
If anything, I'd like to also asked why I lost my rank on the forums. I had an explanation as to why I was away for so long and I was still posting on the forums as usual.

Old Time Aways / Re: Zukuto Moving
« on: July 09, 2011, 06:10:01 AM »



Thread should be locked.

Old Time Aways / Re: Zukuto Moving
« on: July 08, 2011, 06:05:38 PM »
Now I can't tell if you're stupid or trolling.

Wait.. I never could.

Old Time Aways / Re: Zukuto Moving
« on: July 08, 2011, 12:49:53 PM »
Yo Boxdude, read the posts before posting.

He be back already.

I hope the CS:S server gets fixed soon...
I wanna play some surf.

Old Time Aways / Re: Jorgens time away
« on: July 08, 2011, 12:45:54 PM »
Waffuls, you are a wonderful human being and I accept you.

Now go forth and reign.

He really should have confirmed this with the CLs though.

Who's going to take over his other responsibilities as an HA?

Maps Area / Re: TTT minecraft by finniespin
« on: July 08, 2011, 01:46:16 AM »
Wow this map is fucking amazing.

Kudos to you Finniespin.

Old Time Aways / Re: Jorgens time away
« on: July 08, 2011, 01:27:09 AM »
But seriously, a temporary TTT HA is necessary.

someone should either step up, or be nominated by a CL.

Shit will go haywire without someone to give the final say on matters regarding the TTT server.

hahaha Malak. I feel for you bro.

I don't see any other reason to keep him unbanned.
He actually took the time to make an appeal (which a lot of users wrongfully accused of RDM don't do) and all he wants is to play again (pretty desperately at that)

About Karma bans, I understand what you guys are saying. If traitors are manipulating innocents to kill each other, that is merely a component of the game and not inducing or perpetrating RDM (as an admin it may be hard to tell)

Team Fortress 2 / Re: TF2 Name/Desc Tag
« on: July 07, 2011, 06:32:04 PM »
Alright, I got one for ya, Finnie.

Name your Vintage Backburner:

"Finnie's Foghorn of Fuckery"
You better step the fuck back when Finnie left-clicks. This shit will fucking burn your insides turning you into some fucking crispy dust. Shit's dangerous.

Solved Applications / Re: My Ass admin application
« on: July 07, 2011, 01:22:54 PM »
It is not up to me to decide. That was merely my opinion regarding the matter.

The fact that I haven't played with you and am basing it on your application alone should render the post useless.

I understand that school may be important for you, and it is higher on your list of priorities. Exactly how does this help the community? You are not asked to be on the server 24/7, but you should try your best to be available whenever possible. This is the reason I brought up your age. At 15, being an administrator isn't, and shouldn't be something you want to delegate your time to. This job takes a lot of patience and time; which at 15, most people that age don't really have. That is why the older players who don't have school to worry about are usually more efficient and effective admins.

Sorry if I seemed harsh.

Since Tower has vouched for you, I guess you're a good guy.

Introductions Forum / Re: Hello everyone :)
« on: July 07, 2011, 12:35:02 PM »
Hey there.

Welcome to CG.
Where in the-...
I don't even know where you were for the last month.
I'm a Ghast, son.

Also, welcome  again, Iora
Please read the ToS if you haven't already. Your spam will not be tolerated here (If you ever have to speak to Cadaver, you'll learn)
Please don't post any links to scams, pornography, or offensive material. Just no bullshit, alright?

Thanks. Getting tired of it, lately.

Solved Applications / Re: [ZPS] WEB Admin Application
« on: July 07, 2011, 12:27:48 PM »
Fuck yes.


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