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Messages - Pillz

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General Gaming Talk / Re: the steam gamepad
« on: September 29, 2013, 05:29:36 AM »
Well stick-controllers usually curve down where the palms rest

The Steam-troller is raised so your thumbs should rest more comfortably on the pads I'd imagine. It might be terrible for all I know I just really want to try one. I plan on getting a Steam box sooo.

CG YouTube / Re: Regarding YouTube tag
« on: September 29, 2013, 02:09:04 AM »
How do we or whomever decide managers?

General Gaming Talk / Re: the steam gamepad
« on: September 28, 2013, 11:39:45 PM »
I think analog sticks have a place in this world.

I have pretty huge hands and it was not until I got my hands on these

That I could handle a controller since the sticks were so damn low and it hurt my thumbs to be positioned the stock way.

The look of this new design is sunk in even more. I feel that a persons thumb is not meant to be forced inward that way for extended periods of time. It may cause fatigue, also your range of motion is even more limited.

Only time will tell, but I just feel like this is great concept art. The controller is beautiful, but for me not functional.

Understandable, I also wondered how the controller pads would feel in comparison to the sticks I'm used to; but when playing on my playstation last night I noticed my thumbs have to bend for me to use them properly, and when playing Gran Turismo I have to be delicate when turning, and have to resort to short-taps to do light turns, because if I attempt to make a full movement in either direction I might over-do it and wreck. I've just always felt like it's too hard to accomplish the movements in between still and full-on running.

So I imagine Steams controller eliminates that issue because my thumbs would be fully extended, and how intense my movement is doesn't depend on the pressure applied to the stick but the distance your finger moves from the center, and I'm hoping it is also pressure sensitive. I just feel like this would eliminate the problem of your thumbs slipping and whatnot. I've had many slip-ups in the past where some games require constant movement and you start to get tired of holding the stick down and have to re-situate your fingers and mess up; but perhaps that could still be an issue even on the gamepads.

It's definitely going to be different, but I doubt it will be uncomfortable or dysfunctional.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Post a picture of your self here because....
« on: September 28, 2013, 11:12:35 PM »
this is very true Eagle, I've had my septum piercing for about 3 years now.. And if I, in a few year decide not to have it anymore, noone will ever know i've had it.. So it's a good one, plus it's hide'able. :p

exactly! i mean i guess i can't really hide it during healing time, which will be for a few months after i get it, but once that's done, i can take it out whenever i need to.

A septum is probably the worst possible piercing to get too, like I'd rather look at someone with nasty gauges in their ears than look at someone with a septum. In some cases for women it looks okay but like Lenin said unless you plan on looking/being 17 for the rest of your life don't do it. Once you have it for a few years you'll probably regret it but if you remove it there will be this hole that you will never be able to fill.

let's be honest here... i'm not getting this piercing to impress the type of people that think piercings are disgusting.

That's true, but I just find piercings to get in the way and offer more cons than they do pros. You can do you though man I don't really care, if you want a septum and think they're badass, go for it, I don't want to shit on your dreams. I myself just don't understand the want to get anything pierced. Like I've never had any desire to pierce myself and aside from seeing other people who've done it and doing it b/c they did it, I don't get what the point in it is. That's me though.

You look deliciously beautiful the way you are but if you want to pierce yourself you go girl, you do whatever the hell you want cause it's your life.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Post a picture of your self here because....
« on: September 28, 2013, 04:58:04 PM »
Oh my god I just realized I had a dream where I got a septum piercing and I hated it. I thought it looked awful and I would go to pick my nose and would scream in pain instead and then cry because I can't reach that booger I feel tickling the inside of my nose anymore.

I don't really like any kind of piercing. My girlfriend had a lip piercing when we started dating and it would always get caught on shit like my hair or it'd get in the way when we kissed and I hated it. It just made her mouth look asymmetrical and idk. She got a nipple piercing and I can't say I hate that as much though it still complicates things from time to time, almost ripped her boob off an accident once.

A septum is probably the worst possible piercing to get too, like I'd rather look at someone with nasty gauges in their ears than look at someone with a septum. In some cases for women it looks okay but like Lenin said unless you plan on looking/being 17 for the rest of your life don't do it. Once you have it for a few years you'll probably regret it but if you remove it there will be this hole that you will never be able to fill.

General Gaming Talk / Re: the steam gamepad
« on: September 28, 2013, 04:36:10 PM »
Not a chance. The joystick placement on the Dualshocks is bad, the select button is a little too hard to hit, and the buttons don't have the feedback that the 360 buttons have. Only thing that was superior was the D pad and the shoulder buttons were better contorted.

Dude the xbox 360 abxy buttons respond slower than a drunk old lady compared to the dualshock, the only advantage the 360 has is the thumbstick buttons are snappier and the analog triggers are nice

Maybe but at least their controllers hold up, I've gone through two Duals myself and have yet to break an 360 controller, even though I've thrown it a couple of times. Hell, I need to get a picture of what I did to the joystick because of how much it got used.

At any rate, can't wait for some demo of this Steam gamepad. Lets give it a chance to do its thing before we make a huge judgement on it (like the Xbone)

Well I've seen all my Xbox friends go through at least 2-3 controllers. One of my friends broke two of the wireless Xbox360 controllers, then he broke his wired one, and now all he has is 2 knockoff wired controllers that are starting to break also.My girlfriends brother was on his second or third Xbox controller before he got the R2-D2/C3PO special edition and he's been very careful with that. Everyone else I know with Xbox360's are VERY careful with their controllers because they're terrified it will break, so it's really strange to hear you talking about them like their superior.

I still have the first Dualshock controller I got with my PS3 4-5 years ago and the controller stick is just starting to break, despite the controller being thrown and dropped all over the place. I think the flaw in most Xbox controllers is their battery pack because usually it's right where the battery connects where the controller breaks, or the controller just stops working for some reason. The design of the Dualshocks alone looks more wear-and-tear-proof than the strange shape of the Xbox controller. The Dualshocks tend to roll more when they hit the ground where the Xbox controller hits the ground and might do a flip or two if it lands right but it just always looks like it hurt the controller more when a Xbox controller falls vs a PS controller. IMO.

Honestly the controllers durability is irrelevant though because everyone treats their controllers different. IE mine usually remains dormant in a drawer until I pull it out to play and then it is returned to a drawer or connected to the PS3 to charge. It's had many tumbles and falls but aside from the one time the plastic ring around the left control stick chipped it's still in perfect condition and works at 100% capacity.

Can't say anything about response time, I think you guys are hallucinating about that one. If there's a difference, it's down to a few miliseconds and I doubt you guys can really notice that. I do prefer PS3 buttons over Xbox ones though, I don't like how spherical the Xbox buttons are and it makes me feel like they're not pressure sensitive where the PS3 buttons (square, tri, X and circle) are flattened and just feel more comfortable to me. I also prefer the Dualshock triggers as to RIGHT BUMPER AND RIGHT TRIGGER. Fuck that, it's R1 and R2 and when I'm playing Xbox and it asks me to press RB I lose my shit. I can easily play with both of them but the Xbox controller has always looked and felt like a joke to me, like they tried really hard to be original by moving the controller stick and flipping the R2 buttons around but hey it works for the millions of people playing COD with it so I guess it's alright.

Then we've got this beauty.

I'm sure there will be other variations but I can't wait, it just looks like it will be fun to use and mess around with when setting key bindings.

The first controller that won't spaz out and move on it's own when dropped or left upside down on a couch, because no more sticks! No more applying delicate pressure to a control stick to get that perfect balance between running and creeping.

It's completely impossible that anyone could ever properly design a controller in a useful fashion

Oh, poor soul, it looks like you have not basked in the glory of the Nintendo Gamecube's controller, shit was so comfortable.

Oh I have, and I loved the GC controller and continued using all four that I owned to play SSBB on my Wii up until this past year. The only problem with GC controllers is the single analog stick and single back triggers. While the controller was innovative and comfortable it lacked all the proper buttons to make it a 5-star controller. I wondered if developers refused to make games for GC simply because of it's lack of extra buttons (like select too), because of the tiny disc size or because it was just Nintendo.

The WiiU pro controller is pretty nice too, it's like a Dualshock/Xbox crossover controller and it's really sleek and sexy. It's basically how I thought Xbox should of made their controllers. If you haven't seen it yet here's a peak.

So anywho, I would not call Steam's controller a Gamepad, because that makes me think of the WiiU's controller which is a form of pad, but this is a controller that has "touch-pads" as it's controller sticks, but you get what I mean. Those of us that will have to use it, will more than likely enjoy it. Those of us who refuse to use it, will probably go on living their lives the same way as before.

General Gaming Talk / Re: the steam gamepad
« on: September 27, 2013, 10:52:49 PM »
My one concern is the lack of thumb sticks as well. Who knows maybe the tech will work, and Steam will put some magic into it that nobody else can, but thumb sticks are a known item that works pretty well for what they are designed for.

I think of the Xbox 360 controller as the perfect controller. Every button is easy to use, easy to reach, easy to notice when you push said buttons.

I've been kind of wondering if the gaming industry would ever give up on thumb-sticks and start using game pads like this. I've had a history of breaking the thumb sticks on my PS2 controllers and I've halfway broke my left PS3 thumbstick already, it gets stuck sometimes when pushing to the right and it rotates in place for some reason. It's the most common reason aside from cord problems that controllers become broken, and I think Valve has turned things around. Not to mention how hackable and redesignable these things will be, I imagine they'll be pretty sturdy at that.

I think concave thumbpads are perfect and I believe they'll be more sensitive also. You know what else is genius? Having the XY,AB buttons RIGHT next to the thumbpads so you barely have to take your hand off the movement controls to perform another action, while the remaining buttons are on the back of the controller. Like they said you hardly have to lift a finger to do anything, aside from press start or one of the other keys binded to the center pad.

You can use a mouse and keyboard right along with it too. The controller won't be too useful to anti-controller fanatics, or FPS only gamers but maybe having the Steambox out there will cause developers to make games for the Box along with PS4,XB1 and WiiU and in that sense the controller becomes a necessity. There are all sorts of racing games, arcade shooters, indie games and the such that will work amazing on a controller like this, and on top of that you'll be able to bind it however the hell you want? How could you not like it?

OHH I WAS MOLESTED BY A TOUCHPAD ONCE, IT TOUCHED ME IN MY NAUGHTY SPOT AND EVER SINCE IVE HATED THEM. Just the way they feel sends shivers down my spine. It's completely impossible that anyone could ever properly design a controller in a useful fashion, so useful in fact they chose it over controller sticks or D-pads; especially Valve, if anyone could do it it's definitely not Valve, they clearly fucked up and failed to make the observations we have. Guess we're going to have to use our PS3/XB/computer controllers instead. :/

I'm seriously excited for this controller though, as I knew the Steambox was going to have an accompanying controller and this is far more than what I expected. I really thought they were going to throw out a Dualshock knockoff or something so this makes me really happy. It's original and it looks sexy. Sure not all games will work well with it but like I said you can run a keyboard with it or not use it at all. This is opening the Valve market to millions of new users. I get not wanting to play with controllers but there's no real reason to dislike it as far as I can see.

General Gaming Talk / Re: the steam gamepad
« on: September 27, 2013, 04:28:23 PM »

Looks simple enough to me.

You can bind any button, mouse movement or key to anywhere on the controller you like. You can map it like a PS3 controller using the two circles as movement and the buttons on top, back and front as attack buttons and whatnot.

It would take some getting used to but I really like the look of the controller and wouldn't mind it at all.

Introductions Forum / Re: Back in the game
« on: September 27, 2013, 03:18:09 PM »
I believe you'll have to reapply after being active enough again.

The Art Forum / Re: Rate that Song!
« on: September 26, 2013, 03:24:44 PM »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPQAbBI7E38" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPQAbBI7E38</a>
Just to keep it in the mood.

6.7/10 Grateful Dead's pretty dope, and Idk if it's because it's studio version but this just didn't sound as appealing to me, but it still had a nice vibe and was a fun listen.

I've loved this song more and more with every listen.
La-la-la-la LA-la-la-la La-la-la-la LA-la-la-la
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qI4ZaTV-_7w" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qI4ZaTV-_7w</a>

Minecraft / Re: MC Screenshots!
« on: September 26, 2013, 03:13:19 PM »
I just wound up building my house near some of Lenin's and Burgers stuff, I was just out for a stroll and came across this big waterfall dome and some other buildings and was like Osnap, neat.

Debate Forum / Re: Social Media
« on: September 25, 2013, 03:25:22 PM »
Facebook was invented to make Privacy uncool, and it's working.

It allows people to put all their facts out for the public eye, and their lies too.

What do you guys feel about Social media and its impact on personal self esteem/identity?

It's terrible and my little sister tried to get one but we deleted it after a month or so because we know how terrible it can be. I did some snooping on my sisters friends too (all 5-6 graders, ugh) and a few of the other girls were being complete bitches on facebook about really stupid shit. It was like Mean Girls status dramatic bullshit. They were commenting on my sisters boyfriends page about how he should be this other girls boyfriend and my sister stole him; and then the bitch starts making cracks about how my sisters weird, one girl tried to defend her; and they also commented on how she doesn't check facebook so she wouldn't see any of it and lol'd.

So I did the rational thing and reported them all for using Facebook underage, bullying and the one girl I really hated got her account closed somehow the next day.

I think trying to "friends" with hundreds of people you hardly know is a stupid goal and is partially why I despise facebook. I only have a hundred or so friends after deleting the extras and there's still about 50 I could do without but haven't deleted for no apparent reason. Everytime I go on facebook I see the same few people's shit and it just annoys me while offering an occasional laugh or opportunity for conversation.

For the most part it just feels empty, and I would much rather my sister and everyone else just find real direct friends that they talk to and keep in contact with them. You don't need some big website where everyone is socially connected ALL the time. It makes sense once schools over but I don't even know.

I prefer Tumblr though, because at least on there you're adding/following people you don't know based on what pictures they post, and it's mostly anonymous unless you don't want it to be.

Help Section / Re: Computer CPU
« on: September 24, 2013, 01:51:23 PM »
Also make sure everything on your computer is compatible when upgrading.

General Gaming Talk / Re: The game Roblox, how I miss it so...
« on: September 24, 2013, 01:48:52 PM »
My little sister has been playing Roblox since she was seven or eight, and now three years later she still plays it with her boyfriend all the time.

I used to always be like "Why are you playing that game, play a real game loser" and stuff. I played a few of the obstacle levels with her and I admit they are somewhat entertaining because they're like Deathruns or puzzle maps in ZPS/HL2DM so I was half decent at it.

Everyone around me was like 5-12 years old though and while it's entertaining at first it eventually starts to annoy me. Especially when some 7 year old is politely trash talking you as he dominates the scoreboards.

I just don't like it because my sister chooses to play this game instead of Portal 2, L4D, HL2 or the other games I got her. YOU HAVE DOOM 3 AND YOU'RE STILL PLAYING ROBLOX, /flips table.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Post a picture of your self here because....
« on: September 23, 2013, 09:35:53 PM »

Guess who that CG member is ^

Please tell me that you all see a duckface...


Olives, how dare you sir!

They made for a more delicious omelet! I just grabbed a bunch of random salad-bar items at Martians and olives seemed like an interesting ingredient.

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