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Messages - Pillz

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Minecraft / Re: MC Screenshots!
« on: October 02, 2013, 01:22:49 AM »

Ice spires.

The Art Forum / Re: Post your desktop thread
« on: October 02, 2013, 01:15:57 AM »

That's about it.

General Discussions / Re: Gaming/Computer Setups
« on: October 02, 2013, 12:50:35 AM »

An almost decent Panorama of my set up at my grandmas house I live alone in now. WiiU, PS3, Computer and Cable. :3 The TV's quite nice too. Computer needs to be tuned up but looks pretty and blue.. lol

Zombie Panic: Source / Playing Aquatica on CG's Slaughterhouse
« on: October 01, 2013, 08:30:18 PM »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pc0p3AKVrFA" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pc0p3AKVrFA</a>

We can move this but I just wanted to throw this up there.
Death, some others and I playing ZPS on an almost full server.
Wooohoo! Come join the fun sometimes.

I have a bunch of ZPS videos already, at least 15 or so.


There's a lot less blue than I'm seeing in your picture :p I didn't quite like it 100% at first but I've gotten used to it.

Admin Resignation / Re: Nurse/Meowmoo
« on: September 30, 2013, 08:17:26 PM »
Pillz invited you to play Zombie Panic!: Source

CG YouTube / Re: Rendering and File Size
« on: September 30, 2013, 03:23:02 PM »
Movie Maker makes my Vids pitch black.

Well then, you're doing something really wrong and you'll have to look into it. Because I've never heard of something like that happening.
I try to open an AVI and the vid is black but sound plays, when i convert it to wmv I lose my mic being recorded.

Because of issues like this I think we all need to use the same recording programs. We should throw up a list of approved CG video recording software, Bandicam for example and then other programs that allow longer videos.

CG YouTube / Re: For those wishing to be Managers
« on: September 30, 2013, 03:21:52 PM »
Well, I'll put myself out there. Not sure how strenuous the job will be but I should be able to upload and download fairly quickly and I can operate windows movie maker and the such. Even when I work I should be able to do work before or after, and I can be reached on my mobile at almost all hours of the day, via Steam/Forum/text.

Minecraft / Re: Minecraft 1.7
« on: September 30, 2013, 03:16:29 PM »
Added Red Sand

    -Generated on the lowest surface levels of the Mesa biome
    -Behaves like normal sand
    -Can be smelted into Glass and crafted into TNT, but cannot be crafted into Sandstone

Orange Stained Clay generates in Mesa in place of sandstone

Added Minecart with Command Block

    -Can only be obtained using /give (item ID 422 or minecraft:hopper_command_block) or /summon (entity name MinecartCommandBlock)
    -Activated by Activator Rails
    -Run their command every so often as long as they are powered - Running a command block minecart across a single powered activator rail at full speed will run its command thrice
    -Can be success-tested while on a Detector Rail with a Redstone Comparator next to the rail (just like how the Minecart with Chest and Minecart with Hopper can be fill-checked)

When enchanting books, books can now gain multiple enchantments.

Logging is now done using Log4j 2

    -Default logging location is now in logs/latest.logs, older logs are archived in logs/2013-09-23-1.lg.gz, with the number at the end increasing each startup
    -Thanks to Log4j 2, the way logs are saved can be changed, examples: html page, database, errors only, no logging at all

Techincal changes

=An alert appears telling you to use item names when you spawn an item in using its ID, as they will soon become deprecated.
="Diamonds to you" achievement can be obtained by throwing a diamond to a zombie that has the CanPickUpLoot NBT tag
=Minecart with Command Block only activates every 4 ticks (2 redstone ticks) when on a powered Activator Rail
=Changed the item name (the name used in place of block and item IDs in the /give command) of the Minecart with Command Block from "minecraft:hopper_command_block" to "minecraft:command_block_minecart"

=An alert appears telling you to use item names when you spawn an item in using its ID, as they will soon become deprecated.
="Diamonds to you" achievement can be obtained by throwing a diamond to a zombie that has the CanPickUpLoot NBT tag
=Minecart with Command Block only activates every 4 ticks (2 redstone ticks) when on a powered Activator Rail
=Changed the item name (the name used in place of block and item IDs in the /give command) of the Minecart with Command Block from "minecraft:hopper_command_block" to "minecraft:command_block_minecart"

    =Reduced zombie lag
    =Added <structure>.dat files in data folder for storing structure data
        -Contains .dat called Village.dat, Fortress.dat (Nether Fortress), Temple.dat (Desert and Jungle), Stronghold.dat, Mineshaft.dat, and others
            -NBT structure consists of the individual parts of each structure, labeled "children," the chunk it originates in, a tag called BB, and an ID for what type of structure it is
            -The children tags have information on each part of the structure and the type of part it is
    =Added /setidletimeout <Minutes until kick> to automatically kick idle players after some time
        -Multiplayer-only command, can be used only by server operators
    =The sky near the horizon now darkens when the player has blocks between them and the sky
        -The greater the distance between the player and an area open to the sky, the darker the sky appears
    =Added and improved the video settings
        -Render Distance is now a slider ranging from 2 to 16 chunks
            -The sky is now visible on Short (4 chunks) render distance
        -Max Framerate is now a slider ranging from 10 to 250 fps, then unlimited
        -Added mipmapping, anisotropic filtering and FSAA (as a shader)
            -Mipmap levels can be set to Off and 1 through 4
            -Anisotropic filtering can be be disabled or set to 2, 4, 8 or 16
            -Post-Processing (shaders) can be toggled
    =Improved the super secret settings
        -The button now applies different experimental shaders - the actual effects will be used for gameplay in the future[citation needed]
        -List of available shaders: antialias, deconverge, outline, art, desaturate, pencil, bits, flip, phosphor, blobs, fxaa, scan_pincushion, blobs2, green, sobel, blur, invert, wobble, color_convolve, ntsc
    =Improved maps hung in item frames
        -They now display on the whole block
    =Improved achievements
        -Added achievement for throwing diamonds at another player
        -When a player earns an achievement, it is now announced in chat; This can be turned off

CG YouTube / Re: Things you need to do (YouTube Channel)
« on: September 30, 2013, 02:29:36 AM »

The 10 minute video was about 210MB so it's not to bad at all on the file size. Frame rate was dropped from 25-30 to 10-17 when recording, which is understandable since my computer has NO video card ATM, I'm running with on-board graphics so that's actually really good.

Far rendering vs tiny render distance didn't seem to make a difference either. 10/10 would recommend.

Yeah this is a problem though:  Unregistered Recording Time Limit    10 minutes (per a file)

Who wants to have to keep resetting the thing every 10 min?

Yeah; well there are other programs but honestly we should never upload a video that's a SINGLE 10 mintue or longer piece of footage unless they're let's plays, which are commonly broke into 5-10 minute sections anyway.

When videos push 15 minutes they get kinda long and boring anyway; but I can always edit them together if I want a long video.

CG YouTube / Re: What are you Recording?
« on: September 30, 2013, 12:43:39 AM »
Currently Recording
Minecraft- Let's Play

Future Recordings
Zombie Panic Source - Let's play / How to
+Anything in my Library

CG YouTube / Re: Regarding YouTube tag
« on: September 29, 2013, 11:33:18 PM »
We can take short clips from people and add "compilations" to the categories.

CG YouTube / Re: Regarding YouTube tag
« on: September 29, 2013, 10:08:11 PM »
Let's plays, advertising, machinimas, informative videos and funny videos. 

Five categories that should work. I'll probably just help make videos idk if I'd want to manage but its an idea.

I really think CG could make a name for itself with YouTube and maybe get some donations and new players.

CG YouTube / Re: Things you need to do (YouTube Channel)
« on: September 29, 2013, 09:53:35 PM »
Seems to work well, did it impact your frame rate significantly?  Were the output files huge in size?  Those are the main reasons I don't use FRAPS

The 10 minute video was about 210MB so it's not to bad at all on the file size. Frame rate was dropped from 25-30 to 10-17 when recording, which is understandable since my computer has NO video card ATM, I'm running with on-board graphics so that's actually really good.

Far rendering vs tiny render distance didn't seem to make a difference either. 10/10 would recommend.

CG YouTube / Re: Things you need to do (YouTube Channel)
« on: September 29, 2013, 07:12:51 PM »
Just tested bandicam with minecraft and threw up a video lol

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nj7O9M7PpMs" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nj7O9M7PpMs</a>

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