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Messages - Christovski

General Gaming Talk / Re: New Consoles
« on: 19 Feb, 2013 20:21 »
Seriously so many people in this world who prefer consoles cause its just plug and play for the most part.  I'm sure even with the boneheaded WiiU Nintendo will still survive.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Pokemon Games General
« on: 19 Feb, 2013 17:35 »
OK so has everyone else quit playing or something?  This thread is SO DEAD aside from me.

Holy shit I haven't posted TYCHO yet what the hell!  Artist-turned-electronic-musician, this dude makes some super chill beautiful songs.
His newest album (not that new anymore) is THE thing to chill me out when shit is stressing me the hell out.
It just makes me feel like I'm at the top of a huge snow-capped mountain but the weather is clear as hell not a cloud in sight and the sun is just making it beautiful out and I'm so chill at the top of this mountain as this music floats on the air and echoes.  Man, its that good (no I don't do drugs sorry kids) its like musical medicine for stress, and with how stressed I get I need this.

Album kicks off slow but steady
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Starts acoustic then gets so smooth and groove
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

I'll put it simple, this track has BUMP.  FAT ASS BASS.  CRAZY SYNTH.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Zombie Master / Re: Admin List
« on: 18 Feb, 2013 15:24 »
I was trial, got promoted during the weekend, I don't think I ran into Sammeh after the promotion so he didn't get told until now

So yeah I'm Reg. admin now

General Gaming Talk / Destiny, Bungie's next game
« on: 17 Feb, 2013 22:47 »
Well hopefully by now everyone's seen the articles, and read about how freaking idealistic it all is, I mean they are really reaching if they think that one game will be able to do all that.  But if it does, it is going to be incredible.  This article has the most (plus its got the promo videos embedded too) I've seen online in one place, check it out.

I'm sure it will be years away, but still, the idea of combining Journey style drop-in drop-out co-op play with a world this big, and with as much customized loot as they are saying the game will feature, this could possibly be an incredible game.  Hopefully they don't Aliens:Colonial Marines this game

(Yes, I am using Aliens:Colonial Marines as a term to mean fucked up, I have a $60 paperweight to prove it)

Today is more psychedelic groove from Germany, similar to Sungrazer but more mellow, and slightly less cheesy lyrics.
Another 3 piece like Sungrazer as well, Guitar&vocal, bass, drums.  They have a lot of blues influence, especially on their newer songs.
Not nearly as fuzzy and distorted as Sungrazer, but it still gets pretty heavy as they tune down to C a good chunk of the time.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Here's a more mellow track, with reversed drums that just sound so awesome
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

A lot of these bands you should check out more tracks on youtube, as most of these bands have shitload of albums released with some variety in their sound, and I haven't bought every album so there's tons of stuff from these bands I haven't even heard.  SO MUCH MUSIC

With that hat and your red nose you look like you should be irish =)
I am a teensy bit Irish.  Mom's 100% Scottish, Dad's Mom is 100% Swedish, Dad's Dad is Irish, English, Swedish, and Dutch (where our last name comes from, the smallest percentage of my heritage)

Born warrior with all the Scot and Swede in me!  Wish I could visit the lands of my ancestors that's for sure, any excuse to visit Scandanavia!

Help Section / Re: Validating steam files
« on: 17 Feb, 2013 04:21 »
That's odd, for me as long as I manage to validate to 100% on ZPS, I can play it for a couple weeks before it pops up again.  It only pops up every time if I don't let it get to 100% before cancelling.



General Gaming Talk / Re: MMO Talk
« on: 16 Feb, 2013 22:17 »
I have beta tested a bunch, and paid to play others, I just dislike the GRIND that every developer needs to put in for progressing in any game.

Also I generally can't stand the obsessive people anymore.

So I don't MMO anymore.  Gives me more time to play the 100s of other games that come out, as well as dedicate more time to admining and being in here.

Help Section / Re: New Headset
« on: 16 Feb, 2013 20:53 »
I was confused where they were hiding the mic on that thing hahaha

Introductions Forum / Re: Agent 47
« on: 16 Feb, 2013 16:10 »
Welcome to the lions den.

ROAR!  ^^

General Gaming Talk / Re: Space Flight sim
« on: 16 Feb, 2013 02:04 »
Yeah, I just wanna know what the heck my golden ticket gets me for getting into it so early >=D

General Gaming Talk / Re: Space Flight sim
« on: 15 Feb, 2013 23:41 »
Hair said eve, so i repeated that you said eve was boring.  I get the feeling hair doesn't really know how to read.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Space Flight sim
« on: 15 Feb, 2013 20:59 »
So long as I can actually fly the ship (EvE's autoattack is just real lame.)

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