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Messages - Pillz

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I would be impressed if I couldn't do the same thing~

Introductions Forum / Re: Shenannergans loves you all. Except YOU.
« on: October 29, 2011, 03:30:26 AM »

I don't know you or the servers your talking about. :D

Play more Zombie Panic!: Source.

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: ZPS Update Thread
« on: October 28, 2011, 05:36:45 PM »
Fixed FastDL issue with RQ maps.

Fixed double maps in nominate.

2 map updates.





Casting / Re: Any ideas
« on: October 27, 2011, 08:48:28 PM »
I have a few ZPS recordings of fun gameplay, perhaps we should do that instead.

Have everyone record ingame footage, with "record CGfuntime2" in console, and we can send whoever the files, they play them back and record with a program. Then they send it back to us for editing or we could do it together. We just need some/a few people to do this.

Casting / Re: Any ideas
« on: October 27, 2011, 04:22:02 AM »

I'm not exactly sure how much machinima "staff" we have nowadays, but oh well, new people get interested! We're about to have T-shirts, maybe we should have videos.

We should just do a "let's play" of some sort.. Like Sejo said, L4D 1 or 2 would be good because, A) It's a recognizable game, that a lot of people have. B) There's many options on what to do, Versus, 4P campaign, blah blah blah C) It's a game that's only really fun with friends, and people to make the experience interesting. So we just play a few games and toss together the good parts. That or just record whole playthroughs of each level, and post 4-5 parts.

We could do anything on any of the servers, like just have someone spectate and record footage.. perhaps we could get someone to play in all the servers and record gameplay, maybe spectating would be unnecessary, but yeah that sounds cool.. We throw together highlight moments into one big CG super happy funtime video and post it on youtube. Then we make millions. Like 1 minute per game, 4-15 second clips, etc.

(Edit: So yeah, Jorgens idea. Gameserver footage, highlights, person with good graphics card and editing program records, gets lots of footage from every server, should record in spectate to switch from recording in 3rd person to the 1st person view of whoever is talking at the time, posts full videos somewhere for us to see so we can decide what to show, make sure there's no footage of anything that would deter people from coming to our servers, cut out boring crap, add annotations and a cool title and BAM . Could help promote us more if it's good, funny and sexy.)


Introductions Forum / Re: THE DESTROYER IS BACK
« on: October 26, 2011, 12:55:37 AM »
Best be on ZPS 24/8.

Announcements/Information / Re: T-Shirt Talks Assistance!
« on: October 25, 2011, 09:03:10 PM »
good idea pillz, T-shirt with rank. Head admin logo then, Head admin etc.
Maybe if you buy so and so many T-shirts you get a free ranking t-shirt.

Only possible issue is getting demoted, then the shirt wouldn't accurately represent the person anymore, it'd be false advertisement! So what that'd be like 5-15 HA/CL shirts, <5 coder shirts (I think), 20< Veteran shirts probably, then a standard Administrator shirt, and a basic rankless shirt.

Though, customizing a name for each shirt or whatever is more pricey I believe, depends on how yall are doing that.

Announcements/Information / Re: T-Shirt Talks Assistance!
« on: October 25, 2011, 02:35:07 PM »
I have no idea what a CG T-Shirt should say..

We should just print servers and their IP's on the shirts, so we're advertising the servers everywhere we go! The only idea I've ever heard of is getting shirts with the group name and rank on it.

Maybe just conjointgaming, and something simple like Game on , on the back? Or a troll face.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Shin Megami Tensei Imagine Online
« on: October 25, 2011, 02:42:15 AM »
Yeah I tried it out a year ago or so, and it was.. "alright". I didn't play to level 10 before I uninstalled the game though. The graphics were meh and the gameplay was meh too, both me and Sandbellie tried it and didn't really care for it.

Zombie Panic: Source / ZPS Update Thread
« on: October 24, 2011, 06:11:51 PM »

New Server Thang
Server running 3.2.8 - update released on 04/19/2024


Way Off Topic Box / Re: FORUM GAME
« on: October 24, 2011, 04:25:33 PM »
^ No! Fuck you!

< Necroed to ensure threads popularity.

v Is a cute little girl

Debate Forum / Re: Your views on Marijuana 2
« on: October 19, 2011, 05:18:59 PM »
There are a bunch of things that aren't good for you that you do in your average life nonetheless. Daily exposure to radiation, fatening food, fake food, alcohol and the list just goes on and on..
Thing is I am liberal at heart so I believe if you wish to damage your body be my guest, but don't expect any1 to pay for your damages.
Oh also Cortez, you know how everything gives you cancer and the next day hardly anything does, somewhat the same thing.

Also for pillz, it is psychologically actually harmfull, it keeps you stabile now but if you ever decide I need to cut it, it might not be as stable. There are things in your psyche you can't control and many of those are subconcious messages saying for example, I DID SO MUCH MORE WHILE HIGH! or similar. psychological adictions can manifest real symptoms.

I know, I knew of these dangers from the beginning. Though I'm not exactly referring to people such as I who smoke it every day, (FYI, I don't smoke till after dark, so I have a grasp on what Sobriety is every single day, sometimes I don't even want to smoke at all, till a day or two later, I procrastinate weed more than I do homework sometimes.)

Some people come over sometimes who smoke occasionally, complain about all sorts of shit and I'm like smoke some weed, being the GOOD FRIEND I AM, and the rest of the night is complaint free and we have a good time. Not every day, should be a good time, I know, and by trying to make every day a good day with weed, you will ultimately fail. It's just there to spark up your life when you want it. Like a booty call. :3

Debate Forum / Re: Your views on Marijuana 2
« on: October 19, 2011, 05:01:20 PM »
Pillz you're doing exactly what I was trying to explain in my paragraph, defending it just because you do it and you don't want to realize that it's really not good for you. Sure it may not be as bad as other substances but it's still not good for you.

I never said it WASNT bad for me. I tried to explain how it is HARDLY bad for me. Also for the most part it can be  psychologically good for you, if used correctly.

Proof on people who've died plx.

Debate Forum / Re: Your views on Marijuana 2
« on: October 19, 2011, 04:06:38 PM »
I love how you guys think that you can't die on weed. You can OD on any drug if you consume enough of it.

Prove it. Where has someone OD'd on weed and how? For the sake of everyone saying this, please explain.

As far as I know, the only way to attempt to die, is to EAT, literally POUNDS of marijuana. Like 3-7 pounds of the green green. If you eat 3-7 pounds of ANYTHING, though, you would die. This doesn't happen.

Perhaps someone had a lung failure after smoking too much? That's an individual problem, not one applicable to all pot smokers. Like I said, MY FRIEND TIM HAS TRIED, to OD, on marijuana. It was, impossible. Eventually it was decided that money was being wasted and it wasn't worth it anymore.

Debate Forum / Re: Your views on Marijuana 2
« on: October 19, 2011, 04:04:43 PM »
So what if you can get high for twenty minutes, it doesn't really do anything else for you.
Twenty minutes? Maybe an hour or two, maybe three, sometimes it carries over till the next morning. So way more than three sometimes. Doesn't do anything else? Wat. Other than get you high? Yeah, and cars don't do anything but go vroom vroom.

The truth of the matter is a lot of people that get addicted to smoking weed end up like that perma baked skateboarder that we all know.
Yeah, it's a well known fact that smoking weed slowly turns you into a skateboarder that looks high all the time. Wait, it isn't. The truth of the matter is weed doesn't change WHO YOU ARE. Everyone's high is different because we're all different. I don't know what perma baked is, the only time I've heard that is when we saw this fucked up looking black guy, and my friends kept saying he looked stoned. Nobody even knows the difference between me being sober or high, until after I've started talking too much. lol
Sure they're kinda cool people but they can't concentrate in class, they never have much money and all they want to do is go smoke.

Idunno man, you're listing qualities I'm very unfamiliar with, so I can't tell if you're making this up or not.

All the potheads I had in my AP classes, we're practically the geniuses. Then we had a few nerdy girls who were like, clearly sober as possible, but they were only booksmart, and while they had a lot of facts, their ideas and predictions were always like, retarded. THOUGH, I'm sure if you went to C level classes (the average level, where 75% is black, this is basically the no child left behind class) anyone who smokes weed there is an idiot, and probably does nothing but OOOOH DID IT ON EM LOLO DEUCES IM SO HIGH-

Anyway, that was school. Money was relevant to your parents, and after school, relevant to your job. You need money to smoke, or you don't smoke. If you have no money.. you quit smoking. lol Unless you wanna start selling your stuff, but weed isn't worth it like that. Unless you're an idiot and seriously believe you NEEED it that bad.

To be honest I feel that pot has waisted a lot of potential in the world because a lot of people that smoke it had promising academics (not saying that all pot smokers are stupid) and the reason they started smoking was because they felt left out.

You feel like? So you haven't actually seen or heard of anyone with actual promising academics completely giving up on school and life, because of pot? Cause I haven't. A few stoners dropped out yeah, but so did a couple of other kids I know who hated pot.

One was abused as a child, was my best friend too. He went to middle school and high school with me, always hated pot. Started to fall into depression, became addicted to computer games, always missed school, stopped coming, dropped out, got GED in 10th grade. Dated girl I knew for almost two years, never had sex, she broke up with him cause he was lamesauce, he kidnapped her and raped her.

NOW. If he had smoked pot.... MAAAAAAAYBE she'd still be a virgin. Who knows. Ooh, I gotta write to him I forgot.

So basically what I'm trying to say is it would be irrelevant for marijuana to be legalized because it will still ruin lives.

Marijuana.. ruin.. lives? I wouldn't go that far. You know the whole "Guns don't kill people, humans do" thing? Well, it works for marijuana too. You can point a gun at someones head instead of their leg and shoot them, and kill them. That's your decision. Just as you can smoke weed everyday, that's your decision. It won't ruin your life, unless you allow it to, somehow.

If you let ANYTHING, ruin your life, that's your fault. There are people who've used meth and crack, and quickly realized it's a bad idea, and still alive today, perhaps their CEO's of companies and shit. They just knew not to fall into the percentage of people who get so hooked on hard drugs, that it tears them apart.

So yep.

Honestly every time we have a thread about this or we talk about it in school and such it's not really a debate so much as smokers trying to justify their habit.

Well, duh. All the people who don't smoke, think we're idiots for doing so. I am not an idiot, I don't exactly believe in IQ tests 100%(I have my own theories on intelligence and wisdom), but considering mine was 134(7th grade), then 138(two years ago), while the majority of everyone else who takes the test gets lower, I believe myself to be somewhat of a smart cookie. Still 2 IQ points from the "GENIUS" percentage, but meh. While I don't know as much as I should, I plan to attend quite a few colleges, and after two or three of them, probably Harvard or MIT. Of course I'll slow up or stop smoking by then, because I won't need it every day. Maybe once on the weekend to cool the nerves, but yeah. But yeah, I have my reasons, and I have rationalized them enough to work for me. I'll stop when I start college and as it becomes impractical, but as I sit here on the computer and PS3 everyday, MY FRIEND TIM, will continue to smoke. (So another few months.)

I just don't like being considered a moron, because I've smoke weed. It makes me mad bro.

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