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Messages - Pillz

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Minecraft / Re: Tekkit on CG's sever
« on: July 31, 2012, 03:18:24 AM »
Holy shit, Tekkit, now.

Keep yer panties, Alchemy may not be available, due to the destruction catalyst being way OP and the chance it could ruin the world.

Yeah no doubt, but simply the other elements of tekkit would be enough to keep me happy. I saw a lot of things I didn't like but it's still a cool idea. Would the server need to start with tekkit, or could we apply it maybe after a month or so of the current server, after wipe?

Minecraft / Re: Tekkit on CG's sever
« on: July 31, 2012, 02:35:22 AM »
Holy shit, Tekkit, now.

Minecraft / Re: What should the Factions names be?
« on: July 31, 2012, 12:31:16 AM »
We can still create new factions as things go along though right? I might just join one but I'd rather be in a smaller one with a few people I know/like; I WILL BE THE THIRD FACTION. Can faction names be changed?

 Also, is the server wipe happening aug1?

Debate Forum / Re: Opinions of the Death Penalty
« on: July 30, 2012, 01:24:19 PM »
People go to jail for petty reasons, but they don't get the death penalty for petty reasons.

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: ZPS Fun Nights are back!
« on: July 30, 2012, 01:23:10 PM »
make sure to plan it pillz on our steam group

make an event for it as it helps automatically adjust the time to what time zone you are in and will alert the 3,300 in our group that it started automatically.

Mmk; I was doing this but apparently I never created the event.

Debate Forum / Re: Opinions of the Death Penalty
« on: July 29, 2012, 08:27:13 PM »
Social Darwinism? :l What?

I personally don't think the death penalty should be used no matter how horrible the crime nor should they be convicted of life in prison.

Then what do you think?

Debate Forum / Re: Memory Playback???
« on: July 29, 2012, 03:04:50 AM »
I don't think I'm dead, but there are some interesting sci-fi's on this idea.

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: ZPS Update Thread
« on: July 29, 2012, 03:02:51 AM »
well there goes most of my reasons to be on the cg server... no other server has deathruns (except sammy's but i f**kin hate that leveling thing) soooo your not going to see me on as much ;_;

Well isn't that some poor spirit ;p Deathruns will still be around, I might make a vote for one funnight map to stay in rotation until the next funnight.

Old Time Aways / Re: SlyWilliam's (Well Deserved) Time Off
« on: July 28, 2012, 07:09:11 PM »
Lol he needs an admin badge here

Tell me about it lol Veteran admin at that XD

Sadly there's probably a post requirement for that too, so good luck with that one, haha

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: ZPS Fun Nights are back!
« on: July 28, 2012, 04:27:13 AM »
Woah woah woah WOAH. I saw Aquatica and Church Seige on that list. Does that mean they are off rotation? I hope not, both are legitiment maps and can be played as such without waiting for fun night.

NOPE! Some standard maps will be included; churchsiege2 was included for it has the STAR WARS theme when you press the piano.

Armory will be the introductory map for letting people join as the announcement summons them on steam and the such; and also for populating if need be so.

Which day should I make Fun Night? Thursday next week, or Friday?

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: ZPS Update Thread
« on: July 28, 2012, 04:24:17 AM »
Map rotation changed.

Deathruns+Fun maps removed; possibly temporary. Seeing how server fairs without them all.

Fun Nights are now weekly/bi-monthly.

Rules thread has been changed.

There's also been update, DONTCHA KNOW?

Zombie Panic: Source / ZPS Fun Nights are back!
« on: July 28, 2012, 03:46:19 AM »

First thing; Death runs have been removed from rotation. They, and other entertaining but not casual ZPS style maps have been moved to Fun Nights! This MAY NOT be permanent; we will see how it affects the server over the next few weeks and decide if this is a good choice or not; we've been so infinitely populated lately and I want to see how the server does with maps that focus on the standard ZPS gameplay. If you don't like it or think it's not a good idea, let me know; I'm not 100% sure but a lot of the regular players are more than happy to see them go.

Seond thing; WHAT IS FUN NIGHT? Fun Night used to be where we use to password the server, usually only forum members who saw the password on the funnight thread thread could get in, but we won't be doing that. Fun Night will include all the deathruns, and other fun maps like Smashcannonz, van_volleyball, buses from hell, and many other maps that we just didn't wanna put in rotation for one reason or another. They're all fun and exciting, and the present admins will be allowed to make votes to make the night funner. I'll always be there to start and end it though; when those times and days can vary, but hopefully a consistent date will be established.

+Fun Nights will last about 3-4 hours; usually from 8PM or so to 12AM East coast; 5PM-9PM for West Coast and like 1AM-4000AD for Europeans. As the date changes so might the times, I will update those here; or will repost if this thread becomes crowded. Save map suggestions for the map suggestions thread, or feel free to make your own threads.

+Events created could be:
+ do mazeland on drugs
+ have skybox battles on Iceland
+ Headshot only mode on any given map
+ enable deathmatch mode and have infinite survivor respawn "every man for himself" battles on any map
+ attempt deathruns with zombies chasing you and using traps on you too
+ simply play the deathruns (the secret reason 60% of people will be on the server at the time)
+ play gravitywars or cabinetrape and melee couches and filing cabinets into anyone you can
+ play van volleyball where you try to punt vans into the opposite team to kill them
+ play the ferris wheel map and jizz everywhere
+ chacha slide?


+Fun Night will be held once a week, and maybe eventually once every other week; but we'll shut the server down for a few minutes before and then change the maplist to funnights maps. If anyone has any requests, find links and files for me; we'll play it JUST FOR YOU. If you ever have any suggestions to make fun night funner, just let us know.

+The timelimit for funnight will be changed from 45 to either 15 or 20. This way we can vote if anything becomes to incredibly annoying, and if it's fucking amazing, vote 6 for extend! If you don't play ZPS, maybe these are the nights to play. Not all veterans are admin though; if you want admin before you attend let me know.

+Here's the map list for FunNight:

Minecraft / Re: Tekkit on CG's sever
« on: July 28, 2012, 02:50:01 AM »
Well as someone with no experience with tekkit I feel I can't offer you any real input; but maybe in time, yes we should adopt it. It looks amazing but I don't think we should throw it on just yet, but as someone said we should install it to test out somehow, because who knows how it'd work on our server and how people might like it, but honestly I don't know how to attract players to minecraft; I really only know what I would like to do with multiplayer personally after being bored of vanilla for so long. Tekkit sounds awesome, so does anything else at this point haha, but do whatever you want man.

Someone should like remove my castle from the pwnzors reign of disability or something btw So I can at least relocate my important items and whatnot; I hate the place anywho.

Old Time Aways / Re: SlyWilliam's (Well Deserved) Time Off
« on: July 28, 2012, 01:44:18 AM »

Just kidding, have fun in the bahama's, I'm just jealous. D: LOVE YOU.

In case anyone was wondering, Sly got admin A LOONG time ago, back when Pwned was HA of ZPS; before we had post requirements, like Lyssa he's just been grandfathered in. Just sayyin so this doesn't turn into another post requirement thread, lol

Minecraft / Re: Tekkit on CG's sever
« on: July 27, 2012, 06:49:19 PM »
I temporarily turned to the dark side of Terarria ever since I bought it for me and my sister for 2.50 @_@

Sadly vanilla bores me, and apparently I can't use my chests or doors anymore because it's under the territory of pwnzors... so I haven't really wanted to play lately, but if we wipe/do something new that'd be awesome. I want to build a city or a world first and then open it to the public for play, and attempt nations or something similar.

Minecraft's just kinda boring after a few days, and there's nothing left to do; except what you've already done. Dig, build an awkward looking house, try to make something cool, repeat. Unless you're constantly working on something, there's really nothing to do.

That's why my ideal minecraft is role playing. We could tell groups of people to mine together, get stone, start a mine, build a city, make everyone a house, elect a king/mayor, etc. Then as the server gains more players, split into different cities, have wars, become a nomad, do whatchu wanna do. Hopefully another update will be released soon, and that'll increase population drastically for a few days. Then would be a good time to open a new server like what I suggest..

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