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Messages - Coreybush11

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Solved Ban Requests / Re: Hairslut ban request
« on: December 16, 2012, 02:31:36 AM »
Screenshot/witnesses of KOS?

Obviously there is something going on for the karma to be THAT low, but it still isn't bannable if we go by the exact rule.
Now the reasons behind that karma loss..(with evidence, at least more than one person)

General Gaming Talk / Re: Dungeons and Dragons/Tabletop Game Thread!
« on: December 16, 2012, 02:29:30 AM »
Corey I recommended banning all books you don't have or don't know. It can get chaotic no matter what system. I'm not talking clunky rules I'm talking OP stuff. I broke 4th on my first campaign without trying to. Also a great example of OP is Pun Pun, Google that kobolt and cry.

I also recommend banning the nine swords and Serpent kingdoms, things get stupid OP in them.

Are you rolling stats, point buy or?

Well I'm not the DM for this first game, my friend is, so I don't know if he is doing those things that you are talking about.
But we could roll or buy, didn't matter.

All I know about the campaign is that he is starting us all out in separate jail cells, and have to do some challenge related to our class to get out. I honestly don't know how he is going to make it make any sense from that, but whatever.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Dungeons and Dragons/Tabletop Game Thread!
« on: December 16, 2012, 12:08:38 AM »
There's a lot of free form to it as well, the rules are guidelines to how to play it and keep things even and fair, but you can always add flair and its fun to spice things up and not just be all bland about statistics, like instead of "you hit the guy and he takes damage" describing what happens can make a more interesting experience.  I don't DM myself as I am not much of a writer, but I have a group of friends I've gamed with the last 2 or 3 years about once a week in amongst drinking beer and shooting the shit haha.

Heh, I just wish I could get my friends to be enthusiastic about something like this.

I live in the middle of buttfuck-nowhere Kentucky, in the top scoring school in our area. Our school is separated into weird demographics, that really don't line up with what the normal high school cliques.

There is literally NOTHING, NOTHING to do here except go to the mall and then go to major corporation stores in it, no real somewhat "local" game shop. There used to be a store called the Treasure Chest, that probably would have had stuff for Dungeons and Dragons, but all I really remember is that they had these huge prices on their Star Wars toys so I could never get any of them. The store moved somewhere else, or just closed, I don't know.

But anyway, my friends are all apart of that top academic tier, and don't really have any hobbies besides studying and then occasional video games. I have a couple friends who were going to play a DnD game, however, not of that group, but nothing more has been said about when a game will be.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Dungeons and Dragons/Tabletop Game Thread!
« on: December 15, 2012, 11:58:56 PM »
Everyone, monsters and players alike roll an initiative roll to determine who goes first in turns (each round is approx. 6 seconds essentially) unless someone is ambushing someone else in which case there are rules for a "surprise round" but normally each round each character can use a move action and a standard action and any number of free actions, but you dont have to do all those things, you can also "hold your turn" and use your turn later in the round.  you move based on movement speed (most characters have a base of 30ft. per turn), then make attack rolls to see if you beat the AC of whatever is being attacked, if so then roll damage, then continue, if not then it is a miss.  Rolling a 1 could result in crictical failure, and a 20 (or sometimes more than just on 20) is a crictical hit.  At higher levels it is possible to attack multiple times (when attack reaches +6, you have a +6 first attack then a +1 second attack for example) and there are things like grappling and whatnot which is a pain in the butt.  After every character/monster/whatever has taken their turn, that round is over and a new round begins.  rinse and repeat until the monsters are dead, or the party is dead (in which case players will be pissed haha)

This is a bit vague and generalized because we play 3.5 or D20 or Pathfinder and sometimes mix and match some of the rules to have a more enjoyable system to play in.
Ok, it makes more sense when it's all together like that

General Gaming Talk / Re: Dungeons and Dragons/Tabletop Game Thread!
« on: December 15, 2012, 11:52:00 PM »
..........are you trolling us?

or are you serious?

I'm completely serious

I haven't played a game yet, I just like making the maps
and I just can't understand the combat system from the handbook

General Gaming Talk / Re: Dungeons and Dragons/Tabletop Game Thread!
« on: December 15, 2012, 11:44:05 PM »
But really can someone describe combat to me? I can't figure it out from the rule book.

I need an example of combat and I can't find any videos on youtube about it, or I'm just searching the wrong thing.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Dungeons and Dragons/Tabletop Game Thread!
« on: December 15, 2012, 11:32:10 PM »
The problem with planning so far as to make a fancy map is that inevitably the players will wish to venture somewhere off the map and then you wasted time haha, unless you railroad them or "DM says no"


Add to it :D


I like this one better than that other one, something about snow gives me the


<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zXDo4dL7SU" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zXDo4dL7SU</a>

General Gaming Talk / Re: Dungeons and Dragons/Tabletop Game Thread!
« on: December 15, 2012, 10:48:50 PM »

I have been trying to make a map for a world to have a campaign in, like this.

It's so hard to make a world look believable like this.

In The News / Re: School shooting in Connecticut
« on: December 14, 2012, 07:39:04 PM »
Again not trying to be a hater or a racist or anything but I heard that in Switzerland 95% of the people carry guns and yet less than 50 people like in Finland die from gunshots within 1 year. I don't know, maybe American's are just unstable whenever they face even the smallest problem :(

It's a part of America's culture to go the violent route when dealing with a problem, unfortunately.


In The News / Re: School shooting in Connecticut
« on: December 14, 2012, 07:28:42 PM »
Corey said this isn't to debate them, so please take it elsewhere.


but I don't really care either way if they do so meh

In The News / School shooting in Connecticut
« on: December 14, 2012, 06:48:01 PM »

It felt surreal hearing about this from my Chemistry teacher telling our Algebra 2 class right after lunch.

As I was eating, some little kid was being shot by some psycho.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Post a picture of your self here because....
« on: December 13, 2012, 10:16:05 PM »
God Corey wth youre 14 or 15 and you have a beard like that.. I'm 20 and and if I grew mine for a year I don't think I'd have that much. Maybe half of it. :o
Welcome to kentucky, where the hair grows freely.

cept the balls
that shit has to be cut every so often because it just gets tangled up with the wiener

and this is from a little over a month of not shaving


Way Off Topic Box / Re: Post a picture of your self here because....
« on: December 13, 2012, 07:00:20 PM »
Teach me how to grow a beard!

Step 1: Be fat
Step 2: Puberty at 9 years old
Step 3: Butt hair
Step 4: neckbeard

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Post a picture of your self here because....
« on: December 13, 2012, 06:41:25 PM »

please excuse massive amounts of UK, my mom did it but I don't really care

Debate Forum / Re: Homsexuality not Genetic?
« on: December 13, 2012, 06:38:11 PM »
I always thought that your sexual preference was based on your environment and how you are raised, and that there was maybe something going on with your genes and shit that kinda gave you a little push either way, without really deciding for you. But that was just the thoughts of someone without a clue of any science about this, so yeah.

I also read something before that sounds like what that study said, about how if you have more and more children, something starts weakening in the womb that helps prevent against too much testosterone or something like that and there is a greater likelihood of having a gay son once you have so many sons.

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