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Topics - crovv

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Admin Resignation / The Crovv Flies Away.
« on: January 14, 2014, 02:23:11 AM »
In-Game Name: crovv

Which server(s) are you resigning from?: CG [TTT]

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:32591541

Reason for resignation: Stress.

Temporary?: No.

Thanks for everything, CG. You were a good community while you lasted. Here's to bigger and better things.

GarrysMod / FastDL Issues
« on: October 19, 2013, 02:57:18 AM »
Hey guys,

So I have a bit of an issue.
My laptop is a Mac and I haven't gotten the money together to buy my replacement yet; the FastDL, I have learned, does not work for Macs. This is because GMod *might* use IE for FastDL. I haven't confirmed that yet, but having FireFox, Chrome, and Safari on my computer does not help the problem.

The solution:
Find all the files I can on different sites, or from the FastDL link.

The problem:
Not all the files the server thinks are on the FastDL are on the FastDL. This is especially true with maps/graphs/[map_name].ain

If someone could either tell me a way to get past the FastDL with a Mac or link me to the files I'm missing, it would be much appreciated, as I've had this problem for a while and now some of my .ain files cause models to be invisible.

General Gaming Talk / Steam Controller Demonstration
« on: October 11, 2013, 10:16:57 PM »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeAjkbNq4xI" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeAjkbNq4xI</a>

The trackpads look comfortable and usable, unlike most laptop versions. What do you guys think about it?

CG YouTube / Minecraft - Group Project Idea
« on: October 08, 2013, 11:57:57 PM »
So, I don't know if you guys have seen Sethbling's videos, nor his newer videos, but here's a quick background:

> Sethbling makes things using Redstone, building, and MCEdit.
> Sethbling makes games.
> Sethbling recently made "The Building Game."


We need 7 people to do this. Anyone in?

EDIT: This will be a community game run on a server I'll be running on a separate computer from the one I use to record/play on.

The Art Forum / NaNoWriMo
« on: October 04, 2013, 10:18:10 PM »
Here's an announcement I'm making on Monday for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), which takes place in November. Because its on my mind, and I only have 2 other people and a teacher in the group with me so I'm looking for inspiration, I'm wondering if anyone else would do this if they had the time or have done it in the past, or perhaps are doing it this year?

Announcement (about a page long):
Spoiler for Hidden:
Hello everyone; my name is Justin, I’m a senior, and I’ve been a writer for quite a long time now, and last year discovered an event called “NaNoWriMo;”  short for “National Novel Writing Month, NaNoWriMo takes place in November, and has the main goal of writing 50,000 words in November. For writers that don’t have drive, it is used in order to push yourself to make that rough draft happen. Notice I said rough draft: you’re just putting words on paper as fast as your brain comes up with them; slight grammar, spelling, or other errors are fine, you don’t have to be the next Shakespeare to participate. The problem is, unless you start to neglect your schoolwork, 50,000 words is tough to come by. Therefore, Mr. Moore and I are going to be writing a group novel this year. Not only is this a great way to get your creative juices flowing, but also a great chance to write more quickly, without restrictions. One chapter - that is, 2-5 pages, or more if you have the time - within 48 hours. After your 48 hours are up, you’d send it off to the next person in line, who’d right the next chapter, and so on. This way, you have to concentrate on two or three pages within two days rather than fifty or a hundred thousand words in 30 days. I participated last year, and got 8382 words total in my first attempt at a Science Fiction novel, so if you want to read that for inspiration, email me at <my school email>. Can any writers or creative minds who want to participate on the group novel please meet me in the rotunda after school meeting? Thanks, and don’t forget to keep writing if you like to write.

Help Section / Finding a laptop
« on: September 27, 2013, 01:17:54 AM »
Help Request Subject: Buying a Laptop

Specific people needed to read this: People who know good gaming

Summarize help request in one sentence: I'm looking for a gaming laptop (PC, preferably) to replace this: .

[Before anyone is going to troll me for having a MacBook, it used to be purely for school and video editing and writing, not for gaming, and I was comfortable using a Mac for editing because of my video class. So shut up. parrot]

Additional Info: Can anyone help me pick out a laptop? /r/SuggestALaptop is no help what-so-ever unless you go by what people already said. I'm looking at at the Sager NP8235 (Clevo P151SM1) right now, and it seems like what I want, but by going by what they said, I need to raise the price from 1200 to 1500ish to get what I want out of it.

TL;DR: I want an upgrade or replacement that will be good for video/picture editing (and maybe recording), coding, school, and gaming.

Importance level(low,medium,high): High, as I won't be able to play many/any Steam games on this  laptop, which will render me pretty useless to the CG community.

Steam related?: Sorta.

Debate Forum / Warfare
« on: September 07, 2013, 11:07:34 PM »
Recently, Sarin gas was used in Syria. If you are not aware, Sarin gas - and most chemical warfare, if not all, is banned in warfare because it is considered a "Weapon of Mass Destruction" (WoMD or WMD), and is the basically a gas which chemically disables your body's ability to relax muscles. Any and every muscle in your body could seize up or cramp, and painfully, leading to such things as your throat closing, your heart not working properly, and other terrible, painful deaths. Being colorless and odorless, as well, means its a perfect weapon for its use, but also a terrible one.

Weapons of mass destruction include nuclear, biological, chemical, and radiological weapons. Many treaties have been signed to ban or forbid the use of WMDs, but some countries (such as North Korea, for example) have decided to go against these treaties.

The discussion I wish to have now is, given the background above, why does war still exist? If we don't want mass destruction or mass death, why do we let war continue, just putting bars on what happens? Two countries battling it out, one having nuclear weapons and one having machine guns, is the equivalent of a man with a gun against someone unarmed without hand to hand combat skills of any sort, so do we want to keep the thrill of war alive? Are we smart enough to not allow millions upon millions of people to die *cough* World War II *cough* but dumb enough to still want to kill each other?

As you can see from above, I'm against war. Then again, my main CG server is one in which terrorists shoot each other until all the counter-terrorists die or vice versa, so I'm not exactly a pacifist (though in real life I tend to be). Basically, I don't think war is the right way to do things, and using science to promote war instead of growth or a better living is idiotic. Then again, I'm willing to submit that humans are both dumb enough and "Oh it's just human nature" enough (accepting/abstaining enough) to not do anything about it and let it continue, either because they like it or its fun or whatever the reason may be.


I don't think I made my point clear enough.
1) Why do we allow war to continue?
2) Why do we put restrictions and rules on war, but then participate in it anyway?

Admin Time Away Forum / [TTT] Crovv is broken
« on: September 06, 2013, 07:45:46 PM »

Name: Crovv

Time you are leaving: Since Saturday/Sunday, September 7, 2013.

In Which server you are admin on: TTT

Estimated time/date of return: December OR when I can get a new laptop. Most weekends I'll be able to be on, though.

Additional Comments: Move went okay, school is going okay, but my laptop only works with Minecraft and browser games at the minute for no reason at all. So unless I can get that fixed or get my desktop up here or replace my laptop, I'm kinda stuck. ????

My mother has informed me that I'll be able to bring my computer once I'm done with college apps and all that shit, which will be around November, December, possible January if I don't get accepted to my first choice schools.

General Gaming Talk / Let me tell you about a game [he] made...
« on: August 29, 2013, 07:05:49 AM »
...with the sole intention of watching it die.


A game where the game only lasts ten seconds, and the only mechanic is clicking a button. After ten seconds are up, a girl dies and the story is over. The only way you can let her live is by clicking that button. The ten seconds reset, and the girl lives for another ten seconds.

At first, it was just the three developers clicking the button, but it grew into a firestorm that led to its own demise.

If you're interested in the game, or the story about the game, click the link above, or here.



Basically, it's a story that interested me and I loved the concept.

General Gaming Talk / RPGs, Roleplaying, and Other Such Matters
« on: August 26, 2013, 11:13:34 PM »
Hey guys; I'm an aspiring author and as I began writing fiction I got into roleplaying on certain forums online, in video games, making YouTube videos, and playing games like RISK and D&D with an emphasis on roleplaying. Such is the way of things, roleplaying has always been a thing I've enjoyed, and have, in the past, tried to start up a D&D-type setup over Skype/TS/Vent with my friends. I've also tried to delve into game design but the ideas I have are either too large-scale or would only appeal to a niche, so I haven't presented those ideas to anyone. Therefore, I'm making this post...

...Which comes in two parts:

1) Do you guys have any good RPGs/D&D websites (or games)/etc. that would fit this? Perhaps a certain side of GMod or other mods that have a good community?

2) Would anyone be interested in starting a voice-chat RP? I've posted my idea for a general format under a spoiler for all interested.

Spoiler for Hidden:
There would be one God player - a dungeon-master, overlord, whatever the term may be - that controls the NPCs, "AI"-type units, as well as being in charge of using a RNG (or sites like roll dice online, which I got from a simple search, or some other way that'd make sure there was no cheating). This player would act as the dungeon-master, controlling the way the story/scenario runs and making sure everyone is playing to his/her rules and not breaking anyone's immersion by god-modding/power-gaming/meta-gaming and other fancy RP rules.

One scenario I have that isn't a D&D scenario is playing board games like RISK, Diplomacy, Civilization, and others that use countries instead of characters, only without the board. You would lead a country and make decisions on different things, grow into a more powerful nation, perhaps invade a few other countries, and would have to use diplomacy and war to sort out your problems instead of in character-based RPs where you can just attack someone and one of you will end up either dead, mortally wounded, or badly injured.

That got a bit ranty.

Anyway, point is that I would like to delve into this if someone else is as interested in RP and has a game they'd like to share with other people or perhaps has some free time to join a chat/voice-chat RP.

Spoiler for Hidden:
Hey look I have another side of me that isn't just playing TTT all day discofrog

Solved Ban Requests / [TTT] Unfriendly Mustard
« on: August 23, 2013, 06:22:38 AM »
Your name in-game: Crovv

Offender's name in-game: Unfriendly Mustard

Date/Time of the offence: 4:15 AM EST 8/23/2013

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:50637006

Server: ttt

Any administrators on the server?: Yes, just me.

What was the problem/offense?: Attempted RDM & Leave

    • Proof:

    • Other comments:

EDIT: Banned by Caboose. Locked.

Solved Ban Requests / [TTT] MTG | McKee
« on: August 23, 2013, 06:05:23 AM »
Your name in-game: crovv

Offender's name in-game: MTG | McKee

Date/Time of the offence: ~1-2 AM EST 8/23/2013

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:39912797

Server: ttt

Any administrators on the server?: Yes, Scooby and I.

What was the problem/offense?: RDM x2 and Leave.

    • Proof: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=171948160

    • Other comments:

Solved Ban Requests / [TTT] Nahi9 - RDM and Leave
« on: August 22, 2013, 04:29:05 AM »
Your name in-game: crovv

Offender's name in-game: Nahi9

Date/Time of the offence: 2:00 AM EST 8/22/2013

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:42268743

Server: ttt

Any administrators on the server?: Nope.

What was the problem/offense?: 2x RDM and Leave, other RDM previously

    • Proof: http://steamcommunity.com/id/JustinNOCG/screenshot/576746461609241140

    • Other comments:

Solved Applications / [TTT] Crovv
« on: August 18, 2013, 06:41:59 PM »
Were you recommended by an admin? If so state the name:

In game name: crovv

Link to your steam page: http://steamcommunity.com/id/JustinNOCG

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:32591641

Do you have past admin experience: Yes, on multiple MineCraft servers including a couple I've owned.

Why you wish to be admin: Despite the amount of admins on the server, I find myself wishing there was an admin on when I'm on and post ban appeals to try to help clean up the server; HerpDerpMike said that because of all the ban appeals I should think about becoming an admin. I'd like to help the community - especially TTT, since that is the server I frequent most - with randoms and rulebreakers.

What are some good qualities you possess: Positive, thoughtful, open-minded, a good listener who looks into problems and tries to find the truth in situations. Honest with a good-judgement.

What country are you from: United States of America.

Age: 17, 18 in November.

Microphone: Yes.

Additional Notes:

Your name in-game: crovv

Offender's name in-game: Lohvey

Date/Time of the offence: 1:00-2:00 AM EST 8/18/2013

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:52246987

Server: ttt

Any administrators on the server?: Nope.

What was the problem/offense?: Under 700 Karma

    • Proof: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=170528232

    • Other comments:

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  • SlyWilliam: For the record, I don't REALLY remember all of you, but goddamn do I MISS all of you <3
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  • Pyro: parrot
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  • Inject OH 4: Do you mean for people that haven't come on in a long time and have to reagree?
    August 02, 2021, 11:39:42 PM
  • Inject OH 4: I'm not sure what you mean. Could you be more specific?
    August 02, 2021, 11:38:54 PM

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