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Messages - Luingar

Pages: [1] 2 3
Solved Admin Abuse / Re: Luingar abuse (2 .dems)
« on: January 26, 2011, 10:30:48 PM »
what the FUCK. these two sessions were already dealt with. i've stopped this shit.

Solved Admin Abuse / Re: lunger is a bitch
« on: January 26, 2011, 10:16:14 PM »
I repeatedly told him to stop trolling and mic spamming. the server had 20+ players, so it was already hard to understand people, but toast was making it so much worse by practically yelling "don't shoot me soandso, i will RAPE YOU OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN, fuck, what do you think your doing otherguy, I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU SO BAD"

finally, i muted him for a round, and everything was SOOO much quieter and sane.
so after a round ends, i unmute him and the first thing out of his mouth is "luingar's a bitch"
I shrug it off, but he keeps it up, various insults, until after i think the fifth time, i re-mute him. this time for the rest of the map.

later he "retry"s to get himself unmuted and immediately resumes doing the same shit, so i re-mute him.

then he starts being similarly annoying over text chat, so i gag him for a round, and i make sure to tell him "i'm gagging you for a round. stop being such a dumbass"
immediately after the round ends and i ungag him, he starts it back up so i re-gag him.
this continues until the map changes, and he renames himself to "Luingar's a bitch" i might add, and the INSTANT the new map loads and i connect, what do i hear? "Luingar's a fucking bitch"

repeat the above for 3 rounds before i finally ban him for a day, after warning him about 3 times, with him constantly changing his name to something insultint towards me every round.

i gave him plenty of warnings, told him many MANY times to stop it, warned him that i would ban him, until finally i had enough and banned him for a day.

Solved Applications / Luingar DarkRP admin app *DENIED*
« on: January 24, 2011, 11:06:35 PM »

What server are you applying for: DarkRP

Were you recommended by an admin? If so state the name: Luingar from TTT

In game name: Luingar DaWolf

Link to your steam page: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Luingar_DaWolf/

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:24138760

Do you have past admin experience: Yes.

What are some good qualities you possess: status bound to the same key as my walk backwards key, LOTS of experience admin-ing darkrp servers (actually zombierp, but same thing really)

What country are you from: USA

Age: 19 years
    or  236 months old
    or  1,028 weeks old
    or  7,200 days old
    or  172,805 hours old
    or  10,368,305 minutes old
    or  622,098,300 seconds old

Additional notes: other than the TTT server, all of my admin experience was on zombierp servers, including that server i started. and the only difference between darkRP and zombieRP is that in zombie RP, the maps spawn zombies. if you took a zombierp map and put it in a darkrp server, then changed the name of the gamemode to zombierp, you'd literally have the same thing

General Gaming Talk / Re: Prop Limit
« on: January 24, 2011, 10:21:55 PM »
for props. i like to make the barricade with a little gap in it for making stuff (average 8 props, as many as 12) then i like to make gun props from CSS and stick them to the wall for decoration (at least 12)
might i recommend a respected rank, where people who no one knows gets 10 prop limit, regulars (about a week of playing a lot) get 20, and community figures (people who have been with CG for a long-ass time, like a month or so) get inf.

Debate Forum / Re: The Existence of God/Gods
« on: January 24, 2011, 02:36:00 AM »
i am an atheist. however, i am extremely receptive to the possibility that we are all simulations on a massively powerful computer, and that what we might consider "gods" might simply be our programmers, who, to the uninformed and easily influenced ancient masses, might be seen as gods due to their abilities to warp and manipulate reality seemingly at will.
That is equivalent to believing in God.
no, because i don't actually believe this, i just think it's a very real possibility. and even if it is true, these programmers wouldn't be gods per say, but just different people with different motivations and mindsets, but still flawed.

Debate Forum / Re: The Existence of God/Gods
« on: January 22, 2011, 12:14:21 PM »
i am an atheist. however, i am extremely receptive to the possibility that we are all simulations on a massively powerful computer, and that what we might consider "gods" might simply be our programmers, who, to the uninformed and easily influenced ancient masses, might be seen as gods due to their abilities to warp and manipulate reality seemingly at will.

Minecraft / Re: Server Coming Soon!
« on: January 17, 2011, 01:09:11 PM »
will I be managing it again this time or have you found someone else to do that?

Solved Applications / Re: Garden Snake admin app.
« on: January 17, 2011, 12:58:52 PM »
yes he was permabanned. I contacted ducky and he implimented it.

Solved Applications / Re: Garden Snake admin app.
« on: January 17, 2011, 01:27:56 AM »
but anyways, i've caught garden snake ghosting with ungamed twice

Solved Applications / Re: Garden Snake admin app.
« on: January 17, 2011, 01:25:43 AM »
speaking of which, why isn't he banned now? the crap?
also, that link he provided to his steam profile don't work.

Solved Applications / Re: Garden Snake admin app.
« on: January 17, 2011, 01:25:05 AM »
umm. no. no. fuck no. no.
i've caught this kid ghosting. twice.

General Gaming Talk / Re: How's your gaming life currently?
« on: January 11, 2011, 07:19:19 PM »
I just got black-ops
mah new giant TV is win.

i'm sick.
so miserably sick
also, i randomly lost admin
my favorite TF2 server turned out to have a rule against swearing, so now i have to find a new one

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Banned for aimbotting
« on: December 03, 2010, 08:18:48 AM »
dude dealt with an obvious troll for a good map and a half at least, and that was just what i saw. i'm gonna be honest here, if he say he saw snappin' i'm gonna totally take his word over yours.
(ps: ttt server back up yet?)

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Banned for aimbotting
« on: December 03, 2010, 08:13:28 AM »
still though, snapping.

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Banned for aimbotting
« on: December 03, 2010, 07:25:49 AM »
I didn't join til immediately after the ban for aimbotting, but i did see his buddy defending him vigorously, while simultaneously fucking up a traitor, 2 innocents, and a detective, and trolling. also, " i play on this server often"? i've never seen you before, has anyone else?

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