Show Posts - MrNedinator


Messages - MrNedinator

Pages: 1
Stop by the ventrillo server at times, if Innershea, tvanm or me are on we can probably play some. =)
Ill be sure to do that today actually. :D

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Corrupt-a-wish!!!
« on: 22 Mar, 2013 02:11 »
(I already have no money, you got nothing on me gurl.)

granted, an emoticon rules the world, thus it does absolutely nothing and life goes on.

I wish for a second bowl of this icecream I am currently eating.

Granted, but the ice cream is completely melted.

I wish for 24/7 4G max-bars always perfect super high speed wi-fi internet connection anywhere.

Wish granted. But noone texts/messages/calls you EVER. Forever alone.

I wish my spanish paper was done, A+ work done.

General Gaming Talk / Soo I got Natural Selection 2...
« on: 22 Mar, 2013 02:00 »
Well I bought NS2 cause 50% is a good deal and I've had my eye on it for a while now.
Well what I was really hoping was for someone to kinda show me the ropes. The tuts in game are good and all, but it doesn't really give you a full blown tutorial. I'm not talking someone tell me exactly what to do. What I am really looking for is a group of people to play with.


Way Off Topic Box / Re: Corrupt-a-wish!!!
« on: 21 Mar, 2013 20:45 »
Granted, I'm posting after you. You can never post again if you don't want me to post before you.

I wish people understood the magnitude of the situation at hand.
Granted. But, the situation then decides to come to your house, get drunk, and rough you up.

I wish I had all the money in the world.
Wish granted. But then the economy collapses and its useless because the new currency is beads.
I wish I didn't suck at Hidden...

Introductions Forum / Re: Hi I'm Ned
« on: 21 Mar, 2013 20:26 »
Welcome, I'd like to play Hidden with you some time.
Sure thing, I would get on tonight but I have a 15 page spanish paper to write. :/
Then tomorrow I start spring break! :D

Introductions Forum / Re: Hi I'm Ned
« on: 19 Mar, 2013 22:41 »
I know gravedigging is against the rules and all,
But I HAVE to say THANKS.
This is such an awesome gaming community. Scratch that.
Gaming FAMILY.  :) You guys are truly awesome. (:

Introductions Forum / Re: Hi I'm Ned
« on: 23 Feb, 2013 01:47 »
All these new people!

Welcome to CG! Join the dark side sometime and check out our TTT server!

Same response, but said in a deeper manlier voice! :P

Oh I obviously have to join now. I used to play a lot of TTT on CG but kinda faded away from it.
Will jump on tomorrow morning (Chicago Central Time) and play a bit. Ill look out for you two. (;

Introductions Forum / Hi I'm Ned
« on: 23 Feb, 2013 01:27 »

So a lil about me,
I help run a new network (TSTV) as a CM and part of the Partner support team, but thats not why I am here.
I play a LOT of games. Mainly hidden, garrys mod, and guild wars 2. (:
And today I was playing on Conjoint Gamings Hidden servers, and kept getting shotgunned killed by a dude, with an inappropriate name as well, and he kept doing it to everyone besides his friend.

I HATE stuff like this. But there are never admins on this server, and I LOVE CG.

Well, anyways. Theres my rant/introduction.


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