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Author Topic: Apparently I was uninformed.  (Read 15959 times)

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Offline Tictactoe360

Re: :READ: Read if you want to be in on the truth. :READ:
« Reply #45 on: September 07, 2013, 07:30:14 PM »
CG has a rule against rage quitters, which most of the ZM community seems to disregard, especially in this situation.

Sometimes you gotta cause some drama to trigger a change.

Offline Kwaurtz

Re: :READ: Read if you want to be in on the truth. :READ:
« Reply #46 on: September 07, 2013, 07:33:00 PM »
CG has a rule against rage quitters, which most of the ZM community seems to disregard, especially in this situation.

Sometimes you gotta cause some drama to trigger a change.

I don't understand what change everyone wants to be privvy about. The fact that in about three months we are going to run over budget? The fact that the CL's have things they wish not to discuss with everyone else becuase of their private lives or to prevent even more drama from being started? Honestly, CG is about as 'open' as any other clan. Sure, anyone can play on our servers and wear our tag, but the core groups of people who make up the forums are a few non admins, and the majority are admins. CG might as well call itself a clan versus a community.

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: :READ: Read if you want to be in on the truth. :READ:
« Reply #46 on: September 07, 2013, 07:33:00 PM »

Offline Tictactoe360

Re: :READ: Read if you want to be in on the truth. :READ:
« Reply #47 on: September 07, 2013, 07:39:23 PM »
CG has a rule against rage quitters, which most of the ZM community seems to disregard, especially in this situation.

Sometimes you gotta cause some drama to trigger a change.

I don't understand what change everyone wants to be privvy about. The fact that in about three months we are going to run over budget? The fact that the CL's have things they wish not to discuss with everyone else becuase of their private lives or to prevent even more drama from being started? Honestly, CG is about as 'open' as any other clan. Sure, anyone can play on our servers and wear our tag, but the core groups of people who make up the forums are a few non admins, and the majority are admins. CG might as well call itself a clan versus a community.

Actually since you chose to specifically target the ZM community in your post, I was referring to the Head Admin incident. I couldn't care less about what CL's are doing in their private time, I'd just like some acknowledgement within 10 days when I send someone a PM, hell it could even be "We're looking into it" or "Fuck off I'm busy"

And if being spammed is such an issue start handing out bans to those people. When an entire server has a problem and your only means to contact those in charge is A) Send a PM and wait two months for no response B) Throw your hands in the air and scream for a day so that someone finally acknowledges there's a problem. Then there's an issue with how the community (mostly the CLs) are handling things.

I accept that CLs are busy and that they've got personal lives, I'm not asking for the situation to be solved instantly but when I send several PM's and wait 10 - 15 days and never hear a response and then repeat it again and still never get a response, that's not "Having a personal life" that's choosing to ignore the problem and that's something that we can't have if shits going to work as it should.

Offline Kwaurtz

Re: :READ: Read if you want to be in on the truth. :READ:
« Reply #48 on: September 07, 2013, 08:08:28 PM »
Did you try contacting them other ways? Did you try to come on to team speak?

Offline UnknownError

Re: :READ: Read if you want to be in on the truth. :READ:
« Reply #49 on: September 07, 2013, 08:30:23 PM »
Regardless, considering the CLs are on the forums. That number of messages is pretty obvious. I also have it send an automatic e-mail msg when I get a forum pm. I understand where you're coming from, but a speedy response should still happen through the forums.
"my nipples are hard" - Mrs.TheNurse (MeOwMoO)
"Guztav: How dare you leave me, you beuitiful individual full of love"
"Time to eat 8 tacos" - BladeTwinSwords
"How about I send your buttcheeks to Tybers "magic stick" - Linkster
"+1, seems like a guy who doesn't abuse power, etc."- Death
"He betta wrap dat sheet, ho. Don't want no baby unknowns runnin round" - Oobla

Best on TTT: 12 Kills, 8 Headshots

Offline Inject OH 4

Re: :READ: Read if you want to be in on the truth. :READ:
« Reply #50 on: September 07, 2013, 08:54:33 PM »
All I want to know is why with teh ZM HA situation, Old Crow and Cadaver got nowhere talking to Inject, but as soon as Towersheep said something to Inject, he put up the HA nomination thread like 15 minutes later.

So where is the disconnect with communication here?  Do we need a better way for the CLs to communicate with each other so messages don't get lost and things don't get missed?
It had nothing to do with Tower. It was Guvna, he was respectful and keep on about the situation.
Quote from:  Winston
We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.
Quote from:  Zombie
Valuve Admin Steve: If not we at valve can act as a "guardian gateway".
Valuve Admin Steve: I will be your daddy.
Looking for graphic artist, Photoshopers, and other graphic related people. Hit me a PM if you can help!

Offline Pillz

Re: :READ: Read if you want to be in on the truth. :READ:
« Reply #51 on: September 07, 2013, 09:04:49 PM »
All I want to know is why with teh ZM HA situation, Old Crow and Cadaver got nowhere talking to Inject, but as soon as Towersheep said something to Inject, he put up the HA nomination thread like 15 minutes later.

So where is the disconnect with communication here?  Do we need a better way for the CLs to communicate with each other so messages don't get lost and things don't get missed?
It had nothing to do with Tower. It was Guvna, he was respectful and keep on about the situation.

I and others messaged you about the situation and nothing happened for another few months; I gave up because I assumed you just didn't want a HA. I think I attempted messaging you a second time too but I don't know; my sent box doesn't exist it seems since I don't remember to mark things to the outbox.

Sure I wasn't persistent, but that's only because I was 100% sure you were aware of the situation and didn't think anyone could change your mind.
This whole thing is a travesty.

For starters, Pillz is obviously the sexiest.

Offline Dante

Re: :READ: Read if you want to be in on the truth. :READ:
« Reply #52 on: September 07, 2013, 09:18:18 PM »
All I want to know is why with teh ZM HA situation, Old Crow and Cadaver got nowhere talking to Inject, but as soon as Towersheep said something to Inject, he put up the HA nomination thread like 15 minutes later.

So where is the disconnect with communication here?  Do we need a better way for the CLs to communicate with each other so messages don't get lost and things don't get missed?
It had nothing to do with Tower. It was Guvna, he was respectful and keep on about the situation.
I came on vent several times asking you calmly about it. Hell I have even messaged you on steam when I know you are steam because I could hear you talking to liam while playing games.

Offline Inject OH 4

Re: :READ: Read if you want to be in on the truth. :READ:
« Reply #53 on: September 07, 2013, 09:44:30 PM »
Acting calm 1 min and freaking out the next is like it never happened.
And like I said there were disagreements among the CL's on who the HA should be. In the end we had to pick one that most or more then 1 CL Agreed to. Like I said before this so called "secerate hidden CL magic" is so we don't hurt peoples feelings, Would you like me to tell you who hates/ like who? To bad. That's not how management works.
Quote from:  Winston
We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.
Quote from:  Zombie
Valuve Admin Steve: If not we at valve can act as a "guardian gateway".
Valuve Admin Steve: I will be your daddy.
Looking for graphic artist, Photoshopers, and other graphic related people. Hit me a PM if you can help!

Offline Pillz

Re: :READ: Read if you want to be in on the truth. :READ:
« Reply #54 on: September 07, 2013, 10:00:36 PM »
Acting calm 1 min and freaking out the next is like it never happened.
And like I said there were disagreements among the CL's on who the HA should be. In the end we had to pick one that most or more then 1 CL Agreed to. Like I said before this so called "secerate hidden CL magic" is so we don't hurt peoples feelings, Would you like me to tell you who hates/ like who? To bad. That's not how management works.

My only issue is that it shouldn't of been completely up to y'all who got HA. A lot of us were pushing Death a few months ago and I can't imagine why you or anyone would have anything against that. I didn't even get a response to it, but I imagine you've had enough at the time and kind of ignored it. That doesn't really bother me, but again it should of been more of a community decision and it should of happened way earlier than it did.
This whole thing is a travesty.

For starters, Pillz is obviously the sexiest.

Offline Kwaurtz

Re: :READ: Read if you want to be in on the truth. :READ:
« Reply #55 on: September 07, 2013, 10:03:37 PM »
Acting calm 1 min and freaking out the next is like it never happened.
And like I said there were disagreements among the CL's on who the HA should be. In the end we had to pick one that most or more then 1 CL Agreed to. Like I said before this so called "secerate hidden CL magic" is so we don't hurt peoples feelings, Would you like me to tell you who hates/ like who? To bad. That's not how management works.

My only issue is that it shouldn't of been completely up to y'all who got HA. A lot of us were pushing Death a few months ago and I can't imagine why you or anyone would have anything against that. I didn't even get a response to it, but I imagine you've had enough at the time and kind of ignored it. That doesn't really bother me, but again it should of been more of a community decision and it should of happened way earlier than it did.

The community's say doesn't matter as much, because the community can vote someone into a position when they have no fucking idea what they are doing, and the CL's have another candidate who they think would do a good job but the community doesn't necessarily support. Honestly, if we are going to compare CG to being anything it is a Federal Republic just like the US.

Offline Pillz

Re: :READ: Read if you want to be in on the truth. :READ:
« Reply #56 on: September 07, 2013, 10:22:04 PM »
Acting calm 1 min and freaking out the next is like it never happened.
And like I said there were disagreements among the CL's on who the HA should be. In the end we had to pick one that most or more then 1 CL Agreed to. Like I said before this so called "secerate hidden CL magic" is so we don't hurt peoples feelings, Would you like me to tell you who hates/ like who? To bad. That's not how management works.

My only issue is that it shouldn't of been completely up to y'all who got HA. A lot of us were pushing Death a few months ago and I can't imagine why you or anyone would have anything against that. I didn't even get a response to it, but I imagine you've had enough at the time and kind of ignored it. That doesn't really bother me, but again it should of been more of a community decision and it should of happened way earlier than it did.

The community's say doesn't matter as much, because the community can vote someone into a position when they have no fucking idea what they are doing, and the CL's have another candidate who they think would do a good job but the community doesn't necessarily support. Honestly, if we are going to compare CG to being anything it is a Federal Republic just like the US.

Well in this situation all candidates for HA have had experience with FTP and whatnot before. Death was SKG's HA for ZM after the fall of Tictac, and Chris ran SKG while I'm sure Otter and whoever else has had experience also.

The community wouldn't vote someone in who has no idea what they're doing, while I'm sure it could happen; but the communities say should matter more. In the end we all got to vote on it which was good, but it it should not of taken so long. There's no getting around how ridiculously long it took, people were decently calm about it at first, but as nothing happened for weeks than months people became very irate about it. Everyone was probably PMing Inject pissy messages which isn't how to get things done but if it was "my" server I would of been just as mad.

I don't think the community should hold all the power but if everyone's QQing because there's no head admin, it shouldn't be a 5 month venture to obtain one. That's some shit I expect from congress, or the people who fix roads; but not CG where accomplishing that takes a few clicks and conversations.

I don't know. I've always felt like CG operates weird and never really understand why. I can't really explain it all because I don't really know all the issues; but I feel like most everything is up to Inject and I just don't feel like he should make all the calls. I believe he knows what he's doing, but with his busy schedule I really think he needs more help. I just want to see him willing to make that happen really. I know it's hard and complicated to run things but it's not impossible to pass that knowledge on.

Idunno; I'm spent on the subject. *poof*
This whole thing is a travesty.

For starters, Pillz is obviously the sexiest.

Offline Inject OH 4

Re: :READ: Read if you want to be in on the truth. :READ:
« Reply #57 on: September 07, 2013, 10:44:10 PM »
Acting calm 1 min and freaking out the next is like it never happened.
And like I said there were disagreements among the CL's on who the HA should be. In the end we had to pick one that most or more then 1 CL Agreed to. Like I said before this so called "secerate hidden CL magic" is so we don't hurt peoples feelings, Would you like me to tell you who hates/ like who? To bad. That's not how management works.

My only issue is that it shouldn't of been completely up to y'all who got HA. A lot of us were pushing Death a few months ago and I can't imagine why you or anyone would have anything against that. I didn't even get a response to it, but I imagine you've had enough at the time and kind of ignored it. That doesn't really bother me, but again it should of been more of a community decision and it should of happened way earlier than it did.

The community's say doesn't matter as much, because the community can vote someone into a position when they have no fucking idea what they are doing, and the CL's have another candidate who they think would do a good job but the community doesn't necessarily support. Honestly, if we are going to compare CG to being anything it is a Federal Republic just like the US.

Well in this situation all candidates for HA have had experience with FTP and whatnot before. Death was SKG's HA for ZM after the fall of Tictac, and Chris ran SKG while I'm sure Otter and whoever else has had experience also.

The community wouldn't vote someone in who has no idea what they're doing, while I'm sure it could happen; but the communities say should matter more. In the end we all got to vote on it which was good, but it it should not of taken so long. There's no getting around how ridiculously long it took, people were decently calm about it at first, but as nothing happened for weeks than months people became very irate about it. Everyone was probably PMing Inject pissy messages which isn't how to get things done but if it was "my" server I would of been just as mad.

I don't think the community should hold all the power but if everyone's QQing because there's no head admin, it shouldn't be a 5 month venture to obtain one. That's some shit I expect from congress, or the people who fix roads; but not CG where accomplishing that takes a few clicks and conversations.

I don't know. I've always felt like CG operates weird and never really understand why. I can't really explain it all because I don't really know all the issues; but I feel like most everything is up to Inject and I just don't feel like he should make all the calls. I believe he knows what he's doing, but with his busy schedule I really think he needs more help. I just want to see him willing to make that happen really. I know it's hard and complicated to run things but it's not impossible to pass that knowledge on.

Idunno; I'm spent on the subject. *poof*
I don't know where the poll thread is but I'm pretty sure death wasn't the hardest pushed.

If you can find the thread toss it up here.
And everything being up to me is false. I didn't chose the ZM HA pick.

The community's say doesn't matter as much, because the community can vote someone into a position when they have no fucking idea what they are doing, and the CL's have another candidate who they think would do a good job but the community doesn't necessarily support. Honestly, if we are going to compare CG to being anything it is a Federal Republic just like the US.
The community's say matters to an extent, but yeah I know what you mean. And you are right. It's the same reason electoral collages exist.

Even company's know (most of them, minus the ones who go out of business) that customers and consumers don't actually know what they want! They believe they want something but when the product or service is a reality they realize it's not something they really needed or wanted in the first place.

Same goes for TV. You might scream at it saying NO DON'T RUN IN THAT HOME ALONE THAT'S DUMB... but if she doesn't do it and the movie has no plot you become quite unhappy. Humans often think they know what is right for them, but sometimes they don't. And thats why they elected people to make choices for them. Humans sway the world the direction they want and from there it's up to the higher ups.

Of course CG Isn't a government and it shouldn't be compared to one. However, the fact is you don't know what you want or need all of the time.
And sometimes the things you want wont work out, We are the CL's if no CL's can get along with a HA you want then having them as an HA is going to be very difficult if not impossible (not saying that's the case here, as me and Chris are getting along alright, this is just an example).

We have to think of things steps ahead of you guys. You don't understand some of the work CL/Management does.  And what you call secerates is essentially the password to my steam account. I'm sorry I can't tell you everything.
Quote from:  Winston
We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.
Quote from:  Zombie
Valuve Admin Steve: If not we at valve can act as a "guardian gateway".
Valuve Admin Steve: I will be your daddy.
Looking for graphic artist, Photoshopers, and other graphic related people. Hit me a PM if you can help!

Offline Christovski

Re: :READ: Read if you want to be in on the truth. :READ:
« Reply #58 on: September 07, 2013, 11:23:06 PM »
All I want to know is why with teh ZM HA situation, Old Crow and Cadaver got nowhere talking to Inject, but as soon as Towersheep said something to Inject, he put up the HA nomination thread like 15 minutes later.

So where is the disconnect with communication here?  Do we need a better way for the CLs to communicate with each other so messages don't get lost and things don't get missed?
It had nothing to do with Tower. It was Guvna, he was respectful and keep on about the situation.

Um, who is "Guvna"?  I've never heard of such a person in CG.

TS told us it was him who convinced you into action so that's all I had to go by, hence my confusion.

Now are you saying cadaver and old crow weren't respectful about the situation and that's why you didn't respond to them?  I'm not meaning this to sound like criticsizing, I just want to understand what happened so next time its not a drama fest and stuff can get done.

Luna started the rover's engine.  "AEIOU!" She shouted as she slammed the gas and crashed through the wall.
whenbananasattack: Hot stuff is my life
Toukun: I wanna rock the fuck out.
Ninja Bunn3h: !sex @all

Offline Pillz

Re: :READ: Read if you want to be in on the truth. :READ:
« Reply #59 on: September 07, 2013, 11:36:35 PM »
You know what we need to bring back, and almost make mandatory for Regular-Vet-Head-CL admins?

CG Meetings.

What would we discuss? Well that's up to yall, but to have everyone required to come in vent(TS now) and talk to each other about things would really alleviate tensions to a degree.

Then we can talk directly to inject and speak to one another, instead of playing message tag.
This whole thing is a travesty.

For starters, Pillz is obviously the sexiest.

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: :READ: Read if you want to be in on the truth. :READ:
« Reply #59 on: September 07, 2013, 11:36:35 PM »


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