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Messages - Inject OH 4

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CG Community Suggestions / Re: Can we fix/regroup the header buttons?
« on: December 18, 2013, 05:09:24 PM »
Not compatible with that theme.

not compatible?.. your going to have to elaborate
Oh Sorry my bad, You don't see the bans button because Pillz who setup the retired thing with out waiting for approval did it wrong and it has incorrect permissions. Because everyone thinks they know how to run the forums better then me even tho I've been doing it longer.

Meh, I'll fix it.

*And by run I mean setting up the internals of it, like adding logos modifying themes...setting up new permissions, etc Given I have more experience with SMF then anyone here and I'm a pretty avid webmaster but meh*

You're so fucking cute sometimes Inject.
I love you too.

CG Community Suggestions / Re: Can we fix/regroup the header buttons?
« on: December 18, 2013, 04:20:13 PM »
Not compatible with that theme.

not compatible?.. your going to have to elaborate
Oh Sorry my bad, You don't see the bans button because Pillz who setup the retired thing with out waiting for approval did it wrong and it has incorrect permissions. Because everyone thinks they know how to run the forums better then me even tho I've been doing it longer.

Meh, I'll fix it.

*And by run I mean setting up the internals of it, like adding logos modifying themes...setting up new permissions, etc Given I have more experience with SMF then anyone here and I'm a pretty avid webmaster but meh*

CG Community Suggestions / Re: Can we fix/regroup the header buttons?
« on: December 18, 2013, 04:10:08 PM »
Not compatible with that theme.

not compatible?.. your going to have to elaborate
Mystic Jade. Do you see TES on the bar of mystic jade?

CG Community Suggestions / Re: Can we fix/regroup the header buttons?
« on: December 18, 2013, 03:24:23 PM »
Actually there might be a glitch or something up with the navigation bar.. mine doesn't seem to show the "ban" button on any of the cg skins, only when I log out.. posted this in the shout box a couple of nights ago.. could be different things for different people :O

Not compatible with that theme.

Also PC resolution is to blame for it bending down in vertex.

Ban Appeal / Re: Unbanning Crypto
« on: December 18, 2013, 12:08:05 AM »

Well then the question is now how do we punish Inject for his recent racism thread, I mean yeah he was joking but he had me more convinced that he thinks poor people should stop breeding than Crypto had me convinced he was tired of homosexuality in the news. From what I heard though Inject sounds like he really thought what he's talking about through though, Crypto's post was blatant retardation, just like all the retardation before him in the thread he got banned from.
No you're not pulling that shit.
1 I wasn't racist. 2 It was among only friends in a public talking point on TS. Not related and not the same.
Cryptos post where not blatantly obviously or anything. There was no indication he didn't mean them. No more then my own at least. And I'm really damn good at reading between the lines (or more then most people). And if I sound like I was serious or not in that thread is not relevant since I clearly indicated I wasn't, however even if I was that isn't even an issue. You can't ban someone from having a different opinion, wrong or not. The idea is they don't express there opinion not that they don't have it.

For example if someone was a homophobe, we would let them join the community. We wouldn't know, they wouldn't say. And we'd all go along our Marley days. However if he then expressed he opinions and offended a member  or broke the rule within a homophobic way, then yes we punish him. We aren't therapist. We aren't hear to rebuild people.

And my thread was a joke. Really bad timing for Kwaurtz to post it? Yeah. Did I ask him to? No.

we both know Crypto as a friend where Inject's only ever known him as an enemy,
Wrong again. Before ban 3 we got along. I was fine. Then he did something. Cadaver banned him. Fin.

Worst Case scenario if we unban him: He calls someone dumb, or as Inject used to say "Do you have down syndrome or something?"
Best Case scenario if we unban him: He posts coherently and gets along with everyone.

He knows the rules, and if he's unbanned; he knows we'll be enforcing them (properly).
Did he not know the rules the last 3 times he got banned then?
Your logic is tragically flawed.

By this logic we should unban everyone. I don't see how you are able to be so double standard.
And honestly when is the last time I've said "Do you have down syndrome or something?". It's been a pretty long time. Pretty sure I stoped when CG rules changed and we became the Nazi empire we are today.

Oh shit, sorry was that a secret?

Ban Appeal / Re: Unbanning Crypto
« on: December 17, 2013, 02:34:45 AM »
I was fast to jump on one thing which the other CL's agreed to and you didn't respond for almost 3 days after they had so I went ahead as it was, like you said, a reversible decision; which we eventually ended up reversing after a week or so of you ignoring me signaling ever-so-mysteriously that you didn't like the decision we made. The community sounded excited for the ranks at first so I figured I'd deliver quickly so people thought things were happening, but then the silent treatment kind of killed my motivation on doing anything more. So naturally I'd like to avoid any more ignoring in the future, and I had no intentions of locking this until the votes been made. This at least I can understand taking slowly and I'm glad you came to weigh in on it, but we need to get cracking on some of the other issues at hand, like the admin watch plugins and NMRiH server at least.

I'm pretty sure the CL's have all weighed in already though. Death said he isn't voting, and Alpha has posted 4+ times already with his opinion but he hasn't exactly voted yet. First he was for the unban, then he was unsure; so we all need to post our official votes. Crypto probably won't be on too terribly much anyway, he just feels his last ban was unjust and as he said, he would of knocked it off if he had been given the chance but instead he was just IP Banned across all areas. I'm sure everyone will be watching him waiting for him to do the first thing to ban him for, and I will personally ban him myself if he ever breaks the rules.

I assume Inject votes No Unban.

I vote for an Unban.
"I was fast to jump on one thing which the other CL's agreed to and you didn't respond for almost 3 days after they had so I went ahead as it was, like you said, a reversible decision; which we eventually ended up reversing after a week or so of you ignoring me signaling ever-so-mysteriously that you didn't like the decision we made."

False sir. Not easily reversible and I didn't say it was. You did. And no the other CL's didn't agree on everything. Also this isn't about that. I was just simply telling you. If you want to talk about this we can talk in pm, or another thread. 3 Days isn't log for something like this and you should stop expecting things so quickly that are of this type of importance. Perhaps you need lessons in patience.

Also it's been many other things that have happened you've done. But like I said not getting into it and not a big deal nor is it related to this thread.
I'm just saying don't close this thread. Anything else is unrelated.

I vote nothing as of yet.
And we all watched him before when he was unbanned, which resulted in another ban. There is no reason why we should have to do so again.

Also pillz someone pointed this out to me:
Quote from: Pillz
If someone MassRDM's 5+ people it's a permaban.

We have that rule in place so people don't do it. We're not going to unban somebody for apologizing after breaking the rules, because then everyone with a permaban will be sobbing at our feet for us to unban them.

I agree it's a little harsh, and if Cortez wants to unban you that's his deal; but for formality I will say No.


From 4 days ago.

GG WP ... Well Played.

Ban Appeal / Re: Unbanning Crypto
« on: December 17, 2013, 01:48:23 AM »

Lord knows our permaban rules are as loose as a prostitute in Times Square, anyway.
False we have plenty of perma bans. The only reason why people get unbanned is because of leadership changes *which I don't think needs to apply here* or because what they did is small enough for them to weasel there way back in by playing on the soft hearts of CLs with severe memory loss.

Perma Bans That Are In Effect:
A - Snak (March 2013)
B - Exultion/Muffinz (January 2012)
C - Yarou/Cypther -DJ (January 2012)

A -Racism, Broke Permaban probation!

B - Extreme Racist Behaviour, Sexual Harassment of a Member

C - Griefing/RDMing, General Rudeness towards members, EXTREME Sexual Harassment of MULTIPLE Members... Including Sexual Assault and Blackmail.

Should we also unban them? Just because we may not understand everything about what may lead to a players ban or remember what happened doesn't mean the CL's didn't greatly think it over before it was done the first time.
This is an example of PERMANENT COMMUNITY WIDE BANS, which differ from PERMANENT Game Bans.

Confusing the two types of PERMANENT bans, would be very silly.
This however is an example of a PERMANENT COMMUNITY WIDE BAN.

To which we have only ever unbanned someone from this to then later reban the user when they made another offence.

I was the person who added the hidden section of the forums log ago to log these NEWer Community Wide Ban Rule Sets. Since I've made them they have stayed generally PERMANENT. Kwaurtz's ban was before this rule existed and thus was not related.

In saying this I'm not sure I see a good reason for an unban at this time. And it's certinaly not something to decide quickly.

So Pillz, so help me god if you lock this or do anything with out waiting for the other CL's to weigh in first... I swear to Jesus -_-
I know you've been fast to jump on things with out letting the other leaders speak first. So this is me putting my foot down to let you know if something happens with out my knowing it isn't my fault if it gets reversed.

Minecraft / Re: SQ Server Spawn Village!
« on: December 17, 2013, 01:34:08 AM »
SQ Stands for?

General Gaming Talk / Re: Steam releases OS specs
« on: December 16, 2013, 09:06:48 PM »
The only reason anyone says "I am not replacing "X" just coming in as another addition" they are lieing and trying to make you not feel threatened.

It's a linux based OS. It can easily replace Windows depending on what you do.

Have you used it? It is LITERALLY big picture mode on a debian shell. The best you could do is install Debian with it, but besides that, it is literally like using the xbox OS.
Yeah... which is exactly why you can do anything.
It's very disappointing atm. It's just linux with steam installed. You can go on the web dl, skype, teamspeak, instantmessengers, and wine. And bam you have a fully function pc. I actually was hopeing for a more xbox like OS. Restricted. Oddly enough. But not at the same time. I wanted it to feel like steam.  it doesn't.

Its only meant to be a home theatre OS. That was their intention.
It's meant to be a gaming OS actually. And intent is irrelevant with ability.
If OPENGL support was actually a thing. I'd use Ubuntu as my main OS.

Ban Appeal / Re: Unbanning Crypto
« on: December 16, 2013, 08:12:25 AM »
Hes been permabanned multiple times though Pillz, I had it once. Hes been given multiple do-overs.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Steam releases OS specs
« on: December 16, 2013, 03:22:47 AM »
The only reason anyone says "I am not replacing "X" just coming in as another addition" they are lieing and trying to make you not feel threatened.

It's a linux based OS. It can easily replace Windows depending on what you do.

Have you used it? It is LITERALLY big picture mode on a debian shell. The best you could do is install Debian with it, but besides that, it is literally like using the xbox OS.
Yeah... which is exactly why you can do anything.
It's very disappointing atm. It's just linux with steam installed. You can go on the web dl, skype, teamspeak, instantmessengers, and wine. And bam you have a fully function pc. I actually was hopeing for a more xbox like OS. Restricted. Oddly enough. But not at the same time. I wanted it to feel like steam.  it doesn't.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Steam releases OS specs
« on: December 15, 2013, 07:57:42 PM »
The only reason anyone says "I am not replacing "X" just coming in as another addition" they are lieing and trying to make you not feel threatened.

It's a linux based OS. It can easily replace Windows depending on what you do.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Doge will save us
« on: December 12, 2013, 02:22:13 AM »
What in Isis's name is a Doge coin
Crypto Currency like bitcoins.

I will soon be a doge millionaire.

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: Reinstalling Server [ZPS]
« on: December 12, 2013, 01:27:49 AM »
Hey guys, are you still having problems with the server appearing on the list?

because I talked to neo (lead dev of zps) he said that most of the problems lie on servers that run linux. This could potentially be the issue, as it was with one of my servers (which was fixed when I moved to a server running windows).

Hopefully this helps.
We run on windows.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Doge will save us
« on: December 12, 2013, 01:20:46 AM »
I have about 1000 Doge Coins if any one is interested.

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