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Admin Time Away Forum / Re: AlphaWeeaboo(Thanksgiving)
« on: 27 Nov, 2013 04:02 »
Have fun alphoo =D

Introductions Forum / Re: Soo, i am new here.
« on: 26 Nov, 2013 20:15 »

Introductions Forum / Re: hey everyone
« on: 26 Nov, 2013 19:49 »
/high fives the bloody handprint/

Hello Matthew =D Nice to meet you.

=P I'll see you afterward. Hey have a happy Thanksgiving bud =D

Admin Applications / Re: [TS3] Finniespin
« on: 25 Nov, 2013 17:58 »
How about you give a reason why he shouldn't have TS admin instead of saying it's unnecessary. It can't hurt to have someone around to handle problems, should they arise. He was an admin on vent, I believe, so I think it makes sense for him to be an admin on TS. +1
If he was an admin on Vent why shouldn't he be one on TS? After all it is the voice server that replaced Vent... Yeah it's true (I think) that you can mute someone but why not have an admin on who can actually punish any rule breakers/trouble makers I guess.

Admin Applications / Re: [TS3] Finniespin
« on: 25 Nov, 2013 14:33 »
Can't you mute individual players for yourself by right clicking their name and selecting mute/ignore or something? If someone is bugging you then just do that.

Solved Applications / [GM/GA*] ÉŒed
« on: 25 Nov, 2013 10:12 »
In game name: A variant of ÉŒed or ÉŒed [C:G].

Were you recommended by an admin? If so state the name: Pillz, Blood Mage Merrill

Age: 17

How long have you been with CG: 287 days or 9 months and 14 days.

What country are you from (and time zone): USA, EST.

Link to your steam page:

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:59219158

Do you have past admin/forum experience: Yes to the admin experience, no to the forum experience.

What makes you want to apply for this position/admin: The sheer amount of inactive admins we have here in CG is stupendous, I can help tidy things up. Not only that but the servers need some help in major ways as well. I am on the forums a lot. I tend to read everything be they weird topics about undying animals to extremely important topics regarding CG's future. I know what's going on.

What admin-like/helpful qualities do you possess: Most of them I'd like to think. I'm fair when fairness is due, I'm kind when kindness is due, and I'm just when justness is due. I tend to keep my cool pretty well when I'm angry. I love to help people. I'm not scared of reading large walls of text if I know it's important, heck, I'll even read it if it's unimportant, it doesn't matter to me.

Do you use a Microphone: Yes.

What position are you applying for: GM, however I'd like to opt in for GA.

Do you use our TS server: I do if need be. I have it on the task-bar of my computer, so it's always within easy reach. In other words: Yes.

Please list at least 5(Because I don't know whether the position of GA would be considered to be that of a forum position or an admin position or a combination of the two) CG rules in your own words and why they're important to CG:
Spoiler for Hidden:
  • No Personal Attacks: Basically this, if you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all. Keep your thoughts/feelings about someone to yourself, what's the point of hurting someone and making an enemy who you'll have to deal with every day that you're in CG.
  • Thread Spamming: Don't post random nonsense on threads, especially important threads. Why bother wasting everyone's time by spamming pointless posts everywhere, what is the point, there isn't one.
  • Minimal Cussing: Don't swear a ton for no reason, there's no point to it. My opinion has always been that if you are going to swear then it should be for a good reason, otherwise all it does is make you seem childish (in my opinion). Try being creative, blight, mother trucker, and oh no are all favorites of mine. We mean it dammit blight it.
  • No Posting Pornographic Content of Any Kind: Frankly I can't imagine why anyone would even think of doing something like this on a forum. We have young members here in CG for one and it would be the equivalent of distributing pornography to minors (there are many more reasons I could list but that'll do for now). If you can't look at it in a living room surrounded by your grandparents, aunts, uncle, etc then you shouldn't post it.
  • Do Not Post Personal Information of Others Without Their Explicit Permission: This seems obvious but people still do it anyways. Many people enjoy their privacy, especially over the internet, sharing their personal information with others against their will is a huge violation of their privacy, don't do it.
Additional Notes: I've combined the requirements for an application between a forum position and a server position due to the fact that I'd like to be a GA, which appears to be a combination of the two.

Introductions Forum / Re: Well hello there!
« on: 25 Nov, 2013 09:56 »

GarrysMod / Re: Concerning the TTT server
« on: 24 Nov, 2013 13:29 »
One thing we could do is on top of the TTT rules is, put in bold red letters please read so people might read it since it catches their eye.
Meh that might work for a few people but I know for a matter of fact that most people just see a wall of text (despite large red warnings) and say 'nope I don't feel like reading that'.

Hidden: Source / Re: Hidden screenshot thread!
« on: 24 Nov, 2013 02:05 »
so fluff decided to have a few drinks before the round

Haha, Jess got her revenge I see

Minecraft / Re: Minecraft Forum
« on: 24 Nov, 2013 02:01 »
Mmm I think Sq would be fine as HA too be honest... I love Minecraft that's true and I like to help people on it, that's also true... But being a HA on it? I don't have enough experience with minecraft servers in general whereas Sq has a ton. I'm also not the most active person on it =P Leninade, Live Bait, Burgers, an too be honest probably Sq are all more active on it than I am =\. Any one of them would be much better candidates for HA on any future Minecraft server we have than I would be. I think the only thing Sq has to really do to be contacted more easily would be to turn on his steam more often and maybe give a few people his cell phone number =P.
^my two cents.

Why not hold a HA nomination for Sq for any future MC servers?

Look at all these studs.

Introductions Forum / Re: Well hello there!
« on: 23 Nov, 2013 14:18 »
Welcome to CG. Come play TTT with the cool people.

Why thank you! But I thought all the cool people were playing The hidden? ;)

I like turtles

Admin Applications / Re: Guztav. Global Mod
« on: 23 Nov, 2013 01:37 »
Points at what Chris said*

Also, Gustav, I've only really played with you... One or two times at most, once on Hidden a long while ago, and another time on TTT. You were a pretty cool guy on Hidden, which made me like you a lot right off the bat, on TTT (a while later) I didn't talk to you much (of course I don't talk much in TTT anyways so yeah) but you were still a pretty awesome from what I recall.

Also, you do pretty well on the forums from what I read... Which is a fair amount.... You've shown [a lot of] dedication in your time in TTT and I think it's admirable that since you're too busy for TTT/don't have anyone on while you play, that you'd be willing to try to help out in the forums.


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