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Introductions Forum / Re: Hello
« on: 06 Nov, 2013 16:22 »
Welcome to the forums, Hunter!

Hidden: Source / Re: [Suggestions]Hidden Source
« on: 06 Nov, 2013 07:43 »
Nerf the shotgun. I don't not see logically how it is possible for a shotgun to do 100 damage in one hit from across a large distance. It would be nice if the shotgun could only do a max damage of 40 to 60 in one shot, which I think this to be a reasonable amount of damage for a weapon that most people don't even aim at the hidden specifically with. I would like to see this happen on the servers, a little bit tired of being one shotted at the begging of my hidden round because a dude with a shotgun got lucky.

You know it isn't possible to alter weapons in a mod, the creators of Hidden source made it this way and there's no way to change it without making a completely new mod.

Even if it were possible to alter the stats of weapons, I wouldn't do it.
Just because you don't like being killed as a Hidden is no reason to nerf weapons.
Getting killed is a part of the game, and so is getting lucky.

Dead? Oh well, wait for your next Hidden round and maybe you won't get killed.

I am going to lock this.
There's no need for more input on the thread.


How is "pelted" a word...
Old crow is to old for jokes.

Pelt someone or something with something.

To hit or strike someone or something with something. The citizens pelted Max with rocks.

Ok Red, see you later.

I AndyDemon from would like to send our deepest apologizes about the whole forum thing I for one never knew where cash came from until one of our members alerted me of this and after seeing the forums and looking at the two I see he has copied you guys onto our forums we will be redoing ours and making it unique as soon as possible he always said that people didn't like him and would ban them from our community and say its a long story or there here to cause the community trouble etc so with this please forgive us for our ignorance and not seeing this he is as of today removed from hunters community completely and we wish to be friends with this community and not let this one user cause us any grief and or problems and i wish you all the best ^_^ again from We are sorry we did not see this sooner or rather I am sorry that I didn't.

Oh wow, okay this is a shocker.

Edit: wait wut;u=3952
still community leader..

Are you blind?
It clearly says "Banished" below his name.

The Art Forum / Re: Hip-Hop/Rap anyone?
« on: 04 Nov, 2013 17:01 »
I never listen to rap but this one relaxes me so I'll share it anyway.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Solved Applications / Re: [Hidden:Source] Mr_Rainbow
« on: 31 Oct, 2013 10:40 »

I told you not to apply untill I deemed you ready.
Yet you still applied, which means you are a bad listener and disobedient.

I told you to mature up.
And judging by Echo's and Red's comments it seems you disregarded what I said.

Breaking rules: Teamkilling and calling out admins when they try to stay low.

Have a nice day and retry in 3 months perhaps.

Admin Resignation / Re: Mission accomplished :)
« on: 29 Oct, 2013 15:40 »
Damn, just make sure you stick around :)

Admin Applications / Re: [TTT] Guztav
« on: 26 Oct, 2013 06:30 »
Plus one

General Gaming Talk / Re: What happened to fun nights?
« on: 24 Oct, 2013 16:03 »
I'd like to do hidden fun nights but since I'm in a different time zone, it's going to be impossible for me to attend it.

Around 8 PM 'Merica is around 2 AM 'Hollanda time and I'm really not staying up till 2 AM for a fun night, even though it's called fun 'night'

Ban Appeal / Re: Ban Appeal (Hidden) GaymerTwinks4lyfe
« on: 24 Oct, 2013 15:07 »

I looked over the ban standards again, and I apologize, I've made a mistake, I overlooked the part where it says:

Note: In extreme cases (e.g. Child pornography, bestiality) a permanent ban may be issued, but MAKE SURE that the person was properly warned.

You didn't actually deserve a perma, because porn doesn't warrant a permaban.

I'm going to give you a second chance and lower your ban to 3 days.

Make sure you don't screw up...

Again, I apologize.

Ban Appeal / Re: Ban Appeal (Hidden) GaymerTwinks4lyfe
« on: 24 Oct, 2013 09:46 »
I'm going to deny your appeal.

Code: [Select]
L 10/23/2013 - 18:50:00: [spraytrace.smx] [Spray Trace] Spray from GaymerTwinks4Lyfe (STEAM_0:0:54632137) has been removed by Echochrome4
L 10/23/2013 - 18:50:03: [spraytrace.smx] [Spray Trace] Echochrome4 slapped and warned player GaymerTwinks4Lyfe (STEAM_0:0:54632137) for 5 dmg
L 10/23/2013 - 18:50:09: [spraytrace.smx] [Spray Trace] Spray from GaymerBunnyTwink (STEAM_0:1:40879152) has been removed by Echochrome4
L 10/23/2013 - 18:50:11: [spraytrace.smx] [Spray Trace] Echochrome4 slapped and warned player GaymerBunnyTwink (STEAM_0:1:40879152) for 5 dmg
L 10/23/2013 - 18:50:31: [spraytrace.smx] [Spray Trace] Spray from GaymerTwinks4Lyfe (STEAM_0:0:54632137) has been removed by Echochrome4
L 10/23/2013 - 18:50:33: [spraytrace.smx] [Spray Trace] Echochrome4 slapped and warned player GaymerTwinks4Lyfe (STEAM_0:0:54632137) for 5 dmg
L 10/23/2013 - 18:51:51: [spraytrace.smx] [Spray Trace] Spray from GaymerTwinks4Lyfe (STEAM_0:0:54632137) has been removed by Echochrome4
L 10/23/2013 - 18:51:54: [spraytrace.smx] [Spray Trace] Echochrome4 permanently banned player GaymerTwinks4Lyfe (STEAM_0:0:54632137) for a bad spray logo with SourceBans
L 10/23/2013 - 18:51:54: [sourcebans.smx] "Echochrome4<119><STEAM_0:0:59670684><>" banned "GaymerTwinks4Lyfe<118><STEAM_0:0:54632137><>" (minutes "0") (reason " Bad Spray Logo")

You have been warned plenty of times and even slapped, I simply cannot believe the fact that you didn't perceive those warnings.

When you get slapped, you hear a sound, it's 5 damage so you should see your health dropping, and you get flinged away for a little distance, and that 2 times.

I have a strong feeling that you are bullshitting us here, sir.

Also, when you appeal a ban, you are trying to get a second chance, demeaning the person who banned you and telling things that are not true will get your appeal denied very quick.
Like the homophobic thing is REALLY farfetched.

Quote from the ban manual:

Inappropriate Sprays: This can only be bannable if the user sprays any inappropriate content. Such as any pornographic or nude images, pictures about historic events (pictures of Hitler, Bin Laden, etc), or any image directly aiming to insult a certain group of people or ethnic background.

Admin Applications / Re: TTT StormOfAshes
« on: 16 Oct, 2013 06:10 »
+2 because why the hell not?

Great admin.

Ban Appeal / Re: CheesyT (The Hidden) Ban Appeal
« on: 15 Oct, 2013 13:36 »
Saying that a friend got you banned is not a valid reason to appeal a ban.

You will have to wait out the rest of the time.

Ban appeal denied.

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