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Author Topic: ZPS Rules  (Read 1878 times)

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Offline Pillz

ZPS Rules
« on: December 09, 2012, 09:05:49 PM »
ZPS Slaughterhouse Rules

Play fair and DO THE OBJECTIVES/No Delaying rounds
On objective maps, stick with the team and do what the game instructs you too; you can split up and do your own thing, just don't camp and be useless or hoard ammo for guns you don't have. Wasting barricades, wasting ammo, hoarding ammo for guns you don't have, camping and simply being AFK will ultimately be the death of you and your team. The admins won't be too mad unless you're a constant issue with the players, so just try to work with the team. Anyone gone afk or just hiding to prevent their inevitable death will be slain; unless the map allows it.

Don't be a Douche/Troll

If you constantly are disrespectful or harmful to the team/server; you will be warned and banned. There's no reason for you to be here if you're just upsetting the whole server. Play right and be nice to the other players, because it's just a game, and if you have a problem, tell the admins. Don't be surprised if you're gagged or muted for being a cunt, if you listen to the admins warnings or agree to cooperate, you'll always be allowed to stay and play.

No Ghosting
If you're on spectator, don't try to direct the humans/zombies to one another. Humans see everyone as another human on micchat, so zombies can trick them but if anyone interferes unfairly they'll be muted or gagged.

Don't Waste Death-Run Traps
If you're going to press a button on a deathrun, please only do so when there's a chance you'll actually kill someone. Some of the traps don't reset, and even the ones that do take two to three minutes to come back depending on the map. If you press every button on the entire map, you'll probably get kicked before you can even finish; and if you're a repeat offender you'll be banned. This is all there is for zombies to do unless you want to watch, so try your best to get kills and help your team.

No Racism/Sexism/Disrespect
This is a zero tolerance rule here, so please respect the rule and other players. If you attack other players for their race, sex or whatever other reason you will be removed from the server. We have a sense of humor but when your racism and slurs become all you can express; don't be surprised if you're no longer welcome here. This applies to sprays.

No Mic/Chatbox Spam
If the admins think you're using the mic or chatbox way to much, you will be muted or gagged. If your mic is too loud, staticy or broken, you will be muted, it's temporary, but if the admins ask you not to use the mic; we have good reason to. Fix your mic, stop talking, stop spamming or find a new server to annoy people on. If you decide to follow the rules, let an admin know; but if you're a constant problem you will be PERMA-muted/gagged.

No Exploits
There are small things in our maps that can be exploited and if you don't stop when an admin asks you will be slain. We might slap you down or teleport you if you don't listen to us, and if you continue to ignore the rule against it; we'll eventually just kick or ban you.

No cheating/hacking
If you use any form of hacks or cheat/exploit you are unwelcome on this server. If you hack here you will immediately be perma banned from all of CG's servers. Zero tolerance. If you are thought to be hacking, the admins will verify as fast as possible and permaban you immediately; I mean really, like you didn't expect to be banned?

No Disgusting Sprays
Sprays are back, and we're not going to be too strict on this; but if you're asked to change your spray or not spray, do so. Otherwise you risk being banned, it really shouldn't be worth all that though.

Respect Everyone, Even the Admins
Our admins will respect you if you respect the server. If you disregard our rules it's our job to take care of it. At least pretend to like and get along with everyone, or just keep your thoughts to yourself. Our Zombie Panic server is not the place to pick fights with people, if someone is irritating you, send the admins a message using team chat with an :@in front of your messages. The admins just want to play and try to enforce these rules, if you give us a hard time we'll be glad to give you one too; there's no reason to act like a cunt other than to provoke an admin. If you feel you've been abused, feel free to post in the admin abuse section on the forums.
This whole thing is a travesty.

For starters, Pillz is obviously the sexiest.

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

ZPS Rules
« on: December 09, 2012, 09:05:49 PM »


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