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Programming / Java Help
« on: 26 Aug, 2013 19:47 »
The Problem: Write code that will look at the number of characters in String m= "Look here!"; and then print

"Look Here!" has 10 characters.

Use the length method() to print the 10.... you must also force the two quotes to print.

What I have so far.
Code: [Select]
String m = “Look here!”;
int x = m.length();
System.out.print(“\"Look here!”\” )

GarrysMod / Yo Chill Out TTT.
« on: 21 Jul, 2013 18:38 »
Been on for a few minutes lately. Coding in Java is fucking confusing and boring, so I found time to hang out on TTT.

The entire atmosphere of TTT now is disheartening and uncomfortable. Once I join the server, I already hear RDM complaints and the frequent "Wasn't he suppose to be slain already?" Everyone says shitbox. Everyone has a bind for shitbox. Everyone complains about everything. Admins are too uptight about everything.

I can remember when people would have cool discussions on old Disney/CartoonNetwork/Nick shows where everyone would participate and have fun. RDM was almost non-existent back then. During the game I had people just go in a huge "Follow Unknown march on the Zelda map" or something idiotic that didn't break rules.

I even talked to a few players, some of whom are admins. They think lately TTT is going "stale" and unenjoyable. So my message to TTT. Lighten the fuck up. If you get angry during TTT, you're doing it wrong.

Just my 2 cents.

Admin Resignation / UnknownError's Resignation
« on: 01 Jul, 2013 09:15 »
In-Game Name: |KT| UnknownError

Which server(s) are you resigning from?: TTT

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:42994403

Reason for resignation:

I apologize for not talking to Cortez about my thoughts on resignation prior to making this post, but I've been too busy at DUCA. I've made a lot of neat friends, picked up how to play pool and started to work out at the college gym. Video games has held my life back and especially made me waste my sophomore year of high school. If I do plan on going to a great college and help my parents afford that education, then video games has to stop being a priority.

TTT will now have one less admin. I will hop on once in a while, and I'll probably be still on Steam, but no more GMod. An even easier way was to ban me for 1 year or several months at a time. But I'm not an asshat who would go out on an RDM spree. I will return with an early decision letter from the Ivies or MIT.

I will sincerely from the bottom of my dick biscuit heart thank this community. You all are awesome and I hope you will not think of me as too much of an asshole while reflecting. I'll also sink back into the darkness of CG forums only posting occasionally if I see something interesting or not.

So bye CG. Long live and prosper.

Temporary?: No.

Diagnostic Complete. The UnknownError is terminated.

Introductions Forum / I'm still bitter over this.
« on: 17 Jun, 2013 00:23 »

So for my 500th post, I'm going to make another introduction.

Hello CG, you've just encountered an UnknownError. I recommend killing it with fire.

GarrysMod / The Old Players of TTT
« on: 15 Jun, 2013 01:32 »
I was feeling extremely reminiscent of my way early days of CG. Just to bring up a few names. Try to share experiences and thoughts of some them. Contain to people whom no longer play on the server on a regular basis.

GangPlank Medic
Zurc Boy
Fat Mann


Ms. Applejack
Prince Lunashy
Hair Slut
(=CG=) Doll
Mr. Bigglesworth

Admin Time Away Forum / Unknown will Miss You.
« on: 12 Jun, 2013 21:21 »
Name: UnknownError

Time you are leaving: June 23rd

In Which server you are admin on: TTT

Estimated time/date of return: July 27

Additional Comments:

I'm going on a 5 week pre-college experience in Philly. I got accepted like last month, been packing this week and next week. We're going to be studying computers, from programming to game design to social networking. Going to be a fun time living with a roommate and all that good stuff. Plus its co-ed  smug.

Probably won't have much time to game in general. I can't bring my own personal rig along, and they'll give me a crappy laptop. I'll try to stay on forums in between my classes and other summer homework. Maybe I'll try to play board game online with a couple of peeps once in a while.

Stay safe CG! The UnknownError will return.

GarrysMod / Why Cortez should stay HA!
« on: 01 Jun, 2013 16:08 »

Team Fortress 2 / Official CG's TF2 HL Thread
« on: 18 May, 2013 13:18 »
I'll try to post announcements of the team both here and on the steam group page.

Stay on topic, or I might delete your comments.

UnknownError: Pyro
Blazyd: Spy
Leet: Medic
Ashes: Demo
Nexus: Scout
Old Crow: Solly
Yahtzee: Sniper
Oobla: Engie
Inject: Hoovy


Sejo: Spy
Link: Solly/Demo
Cash: Engie

Team Fortress 2 / CG Competitive Team ?
« on: 16 May, 2013 19:09 »
I've discussed with some guys before on a CG Highlander team before. So just want to see other people's interest in joining. Maybe we could even get a server if the community is willing to pay for it.

Background Info: The KT in my name was a Highlander Iron team, I sorta ran it but it fell apart because during scrims we had to scour for servers. I'll do my best to keep the team going.

If you're interested do this

Name: Classes you can play on a competitive level.

This is the basic outline. We'll get class balance through scrims and such.

UnknownError: Pyro
Blazyd: Spy
Leet: Medic
Ashes: Demo
Nexus: Scout
Old Crow: Solly
Yahtzee: Sniper
Oobla: Engie
Inject: Hoovy

Sejo: Spy
Link: Solly/Demo
Cash: Engie

GarrysMod / TTT Dream Team
« on: 12 May, 2013 01:48 »

Admin Time Away Forum / Unknown needs a Time Out
« on: 11 May, 2013 00:21 »
Name: UnknownError

Time you are leaving: Now

In Which server you are admin on: TTT

Estimated time/date of return: N/A

Additional Comments: Culminating stress from girls, AP exams, and lack of interest in TTT will leave Unknown out of it for a while. Holy shit, life is complicated.

General Gaming Talk / Unknown needs Multiplayer friends!
« on: 04 May, 2013 15:21 »
I went through my steam library and noticed I haven't touched these games in so long, or its not fun without friends. So post below and we can organize some gaming hours with other CG members.  :)

- Dungeon Defenders
1. Skyguy
2. Unknown
3. Nexus
4. Mystery
5. Tyber
6. Blade
7. Abka
8. Nelth

- Portal 2
1. Skyguy
2. Unknown
3. Tyber
4. Nelth
5. Tower
6. Death

- L4D2
1. Leetgrain
2. Skyguy
3. Cortez
4. Unknown
5. Tyber
6. Nelth
7. Tower
8. Blade
9. Death

- Saints Row the Third
1. Leetgrain
2. Blackllama
3. Unknown
4. Nelth
5. Tower

- Payday the Heist
1. Leetgrain
2. Mystery
3. Skyguy
4. Unknown
5. Cortez
6. Tower
7. Blade
8. Death

- Empire/Shogun 2 Total War
1. Unknown

Admin Time Away Forum / Unknown out of Town
« on: 26 Apr, 2013 22:39 »
Name: UnknownError

Time you are leaving: Early Saturday Morning

In Which server you are admin on: TTT

Estimated time/date of return: Probably Monday/Tuesday

Additional Comments: Going to granddad's funeral, I'll be back soon.

Debate Forum / Unknown Reviews Anime
« on: 16 Apr, 2013 18:24 »
I guess as I did go only a huge anime watching spree in the past few weeks, I want to voice my opinion on certain animes. I'll try to stick with animes already finished.

This is the format I'll use. I'll add more to it if I think it needs it. Go ahead and question some of my viewpoints, that's why I put it in the debate section. Also I would enjoy if I got some more suggestions on what anime to watch.

Anime Name:

Basic Plot:

Character Development:

Fan Service:

Sub or Dub:



If I rate the show 8/10 or more I will try to link to the first episode of the series.

Way Off Topic Box / Really Bad Jokes
« on: 13 Apr, 2013 23:39 »
Neltharion: How do you know if someone is a vegetarian?
Neltharion: Don't worry, they'll tell you.
Neltharion: *Leaves*

I <3 you, Nel.

Yeah just post your bad jokes here. So we can all laugh at how awesomely lame you really are.   smug

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