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Messages - dirtylaundry022

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General Gaming Talk / Re: The Hidden Source. : )
« on: 15 May, 2011 17:06 »
Those were the days, back when we had the SKG Hidden source server. 

I wouldn't mind having a server for this, if we could have enough ppl play it regularly

General Gaming Talk / Re: Battlegrounds 2
« on: 25 Apr, 2011 03:26 »
battlegrounds is the shit

me and some friends picked it up a couple years back, before they came out with the recent update

I would love to have our own server for this

General Gaming Talk / Portal 2
« on: 20 Apr, 2011 05:30 »
Well, I think I would like everyone to know I just ran though portal 2's campaign in 8 hours.  Without a break, without moving, but with people in my dorm.

Quite the achievement.

I'm going to bed now.


jorgen you were supposed to use gizz !!!!!!!!11

Oh well, but my face definitely looks like that hahahahaha. 

its just me being extremely intoxicated trust me

Is that a roll of quarters in your pocket?  trollface

cell phone you fucking  trollface  lol.gif jk


Man I was wasted on Saturday Night.  That's me third from the right lmao

The Art Forum / Re: crotch laz0r
« on: 08 Apr, 2011 06:50 »
That looks painful

The Art Forum / Re: Songs you listen to!
« on: 07 Apr, 2011 22:56 »
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

This is pure gold awesome!!

Watch them all.  SO WORTH IT

General Gaming Talk / Re: Handheld system
« on: 03 Apr, 2011 17:03 »
go with the dsi, they should be getting cheaper now that the outrageously expensive and gimmicky 3DS is out.

or go with the PSP.  always a better choice!

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: plugins
« on: 01 Apr, 2011 04:05 »
I think quakesounds and inf. chat are the two best options

puke throws off the balance too much, and kinda turns it into a l4d knockoff instead of its own thing

I thought we had rank on there? guess not, but that would be handy. 

I think we did when it was the KAT server, thats why I prolly remember it

The Art Forum / Re: Songs you listen to!
« on: 26 Mar, 2011 15:33 »
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: Shutdown
« on: 23 Mar, 2011 18:06 »
Yeah, I'm inclined to agree with dino on this one. 

I can't even force myself to play it anymore, there's no dev. support

(but last time we said that at SKG they came and bitched on our forums, released one update then stopped again...)

I think we should leave up a slightly smaller server though, kinda like what the Shack used to be.  we could have it passworded for ppl just on the forums, and we could have it set so everyone could screw around with fun commands and stuff and change maps when it gets boring.  I think ppl we have would like that.

its essentially impossible to restart a ZPS server nowadays....

oh how I miss the good old days of ZPS.... ahhh....

Team Fortress 2 / Re: Lost Interest
« on: 23 Mar, 2011 15:54 »
We got rid of fast respawn I thought.
And custom maps have the potential to kill the server so we've been hesitate to add any.

Did we?  then I'll hop on later

General Gaming Talk / Re: Pokemon Black/White
« on: 14 Mar, 2011 03:04 »
I would like to get it, but paying for a DSi is too much for just one game. 

I do enjoy the classics I have for my gameboy though

Admin Department / Admin control!!!!
« on: 11 Mar, 2011 16:21 »
I feel like I've asked this before,

but I still don't have admin control on like any of the servers.  I was asked to go on TTT the other day and I still don't have it on there and I don't have powers on TF2 yet....


fix this CL's!!!!!! = your job



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