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Author Topic: Forum Rule Violation and Consequence  (Read 5255 times)

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Offline Cadaver

Forum Rule Violation and Consequence
« on: May 06, 2011, 06:37:01 PM »
This is a list of the major forum rule violations, and the consequences for these violations.  These are not the complete Rules.  Please check the complete rules within this section of the forum.

Note: This is not the complete list of consequences for rule violations. 

HACKING   A long standing no-no, posts on “how to,” who you have, or who you will hack will result in an IMMEDIATE CG WIDE PERMABAN.  This rule had been enforced long ago, and will now be back.

CYBER BULLYING/ PHYSICAL THREAT   Due to the severity of this action, and the possibility of following through, LEGAL AUTHORITES WILL BE NOTIFIED, and a CG WIDE PERMABAN will ensue.

RAGE QUITTING  If you are not mature enough to hold your temper, you do not belong here. Posting you are rage quitting is a CG WIDE PERMABAN.

PERSONAL ATTACKS   1st Violation: 1 WEEK FORUM BAN.  2nd Violation: 2 WEEK CG WIDE BAN.  3rd Violation: CG WIDE PERMABAN.

GRIEFING on the Forum   Same as Personal Attacks

PORN /SEXUALLY EXPLICIT  Due to the Forum Host’s hypersensitivity on this subject, any pictures/videos or thread topics considered Not Safe For Work, cannot be posted here. Pass through posts (linking to other sites) are also forbidden.   Consequences: Same as Personal Attacks


ADVERTISING SPAM   Do not advertise here for another Community or Clan, or use the Forum for any other form of advertising for profit.  1st Offense FORUM PERMABAN

PIRATED SOFTWARE / MUSIC   Big no-no. Do not believe me? Look up "Troll Lawsuits." Due to the Trolling of Forums to find people to sue over illegal software, there will be no posting of it here, and no linking, or pass through posts. Consequences are  1st Offense: 1day Forum Ban. 2nd Offense: 1 WEEK CG Wide Ban. 3rd Offense: 2 WEEK CG Wide Ban.   4th Offense: PERMABAN

ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES   Any illegal activity posts must be solely on the values of whether, or not, illegality should be.  Posting activities such as drug use, underage drinking, underage sex, pride posts on illegal acts you got away with, etc., are forbidden. Consequences are the same as Pirated Software.

PRIVATE MESSAGING MISUSE  Private Messaging here is a misnomer.  Any Reported misuse of Private Messaging can lead to consequences.  Please forward any misuse to the Forum Admin for review.  Misuse examples: Personal Attacks, Advertising.  Misuse for Advertising is the same consequence as Advertising Spam.  All other misuse is the same as Personal Attacks.

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Forum Rule Violation and Consequence
« on: May 06, 2011, 06:37:01 PM »


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