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Solved Applications / [Hidden] Wooley
« on: 06 Jan, 2014 00:00 »
In game name: IsYn Wooley

Were you recommended by an admin? Wooley recommends Wooley

Age: 25

What country are you from (and time zone): USA EST

Link to your steam page:

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:16323979

Do you have past admin experience: I am a Veteran Admin, was previously Hidden Admin

What makes you want to apply for an admin: I find myself playing Hidden much more now and I am tired of bothering Red and Dbag whenever someone decides its time to relentlessly TK or break simple rules like sitting in a corner doing nothing.

What admin-like qualities do you possess: Fair/Fun/Experienced

Do you use a Microphone: Whenever the game allows me to, it really dislikes USB mics and on some maps it is all garbled.

Please list at least 3 CG rules in your own words and why they're important to CG:
Do not talk about you know what and how to get it within the community...I have said too much. (It keeps us from getting shut down stupidly)
Please partake in generating traffic within the servers and the forums. (To keep the community alive)
Tolerance...(everyone is equally worth a bullet to the the game that is)

Additional Notes:
I am aware that I left this post of Hidden due to the rules and punishment standards. I feel that at the time I was soured by the rules that I was happily pushing on the ttt server. The strict and conciseness of it all had me ignorant to the fact that different HA different rules.

I will play ball and abide.

Thank you,

Way Off Topic Box / PPL of the Internet...creepy people
« on: 20 Nov, 2013 16:53 »
Post things that you come across that are creepy.

I am not saying to go look or google it, just when you see something that makes you say "What a creepy fuck".

Post it!

This guy is just strange.

CG Community Suggestions / Main forum page clean up
« on: 26 Sep, 2013 15:38 »
Can we get some cleanup on isle 1?

Like remove the expired banner for NS2. Keep the NS2 section obviously since we will be getting that back up eventually.

Rename the Ventrilo section to Voice Server.  Remove the Ventrilo expired banner.

It is depressing to see expired links on our main forum page,

Much appreciated,

Name: IsYn Wooley

Time you are leaving: 10/3/2013

In Which server you are admin on:TTT, VSH

Estimated time/date of return:10/9/2013

Additional Comments: I will be moving during this period at which time I am hoping to finally be free from the terrible family I live with.


General Gaming Talk / What game servers would you want?
« on: 25 Sep, 2013 14:28 »
Putting aside all requirements as far as what can and cannot be done with what we have today.

What games would the members of this community enjoy seeing go up?

My Vote would be Zombie Fortress and Natural Selection 2.


Admin Time Away Forum / IsYn Wooley Time Away
« on: 23 Jul, 2013 12:37 »
Name: IsYn Wooley

Time you are leaving: Now

In Which server you are admin on: TTT

Estimated time/date of return: 9/10/13

Additional Comments: I will be unable to focus on this duty until September.

Admin Resignation / Wooley no need Hidden no more
« on: 14 Jul, 2013 16:43 »
In-Game Name: IsYn Wooley

Which server(s) are you resigning from?:Hidden Source

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:16323979

Reason for resignation: Don't play enough.

Temporary?: NO

Team Fortress 2 / Yet Another where is Hale thread
« on: 12 Jul, 2013 13:58 »
Listen guys,
   We just got our beloved hairy chested, short wearing, hippie punching Australian back...

Now we are down again, with no info at hey guys this is done broken by TF2 update or what not.

Why do you insist on keeping us in the dark?

How do you expect us to keep a population on a non stable server?
At least when ttt dies it comes right back up.
Inject I know that you have like a ton of other shit to worry about, but if the HA isn't given the tools needed to perfect and repair our server we need you to get your hands dirty again and bring hale back up before we "Beat the hell out of you" SH style -_-

  lol.gif     Replace "LOL" with WE WANT SAXTON!  lol.gif

In the spirit of gaming...Post a game you feel is still bad ass and always will be bad ass with a screenshot if possible.


I always find time to jump onto my emu and play some RR64

GarrysMod / What game mode is this?
« on: 10 Jun, 2013 12:34 »
Hello All,
   I long time the same galaxy we live in today...Back when GMOD was free (GASP)
There was a game mode. So sweet and So simple.

You compete against teams to cross a large gap. By constructing a bridge out of wooden boxes.

All you had was a pistold that spawned crates and your physics gun. One person carried the box the other had to freeze it in place.

You have to build across and up to make it to the next plateau.

First across all gaps wins.

I will admit I never played much GMOD back then and I barely know how to survive in any other game mode other than TTT even now.

I used to build things...but once that thrill wore off I kind of just forgot everything and played something else.
Started playing MafiaRP with pck last night, Still lost as well lol.

Any DOES ANYONE know what game mode this is and what maps i can search on to find a server like this?

Does it still exist today in GMOD 13?

Thank you,

Team Fortress 2 / Dude, Where's my hale?
« on: 03 Jun, 2013 15:19 »
While TTT is fun and all, I need VSH back like NOW!!!!!!

Team Fortress 2 / TF2 updating
« on: 20 Mar, 2013 09:06 »
I know our TF2 server is not as popular as it used to be, but we need to make sure it stays up to date.

Can we get the HA to have the server reboot some time off peak hours and then run an update?

I have seen quite a few times during peak hours the server lies dormant, then I find out it is because the server is out of date and no one can connect to it.

I figure if I make a point of it on the might actually come to fruition.

Thank you,

Solved Applications / [TTT] IsYn Wooley
« on: 20 Feb, 2013 21:21 »
Were you recommended by an admin? If so state the name: Yankees

In game name: IsYn Wooley

Link to your steam page:

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:16323979

Do you have past admin experience: Yes...more exp than I can ever imagine. I also Admin the TF2 server and Hidden Source servers.

Why you wish to be admin: When I am playing TTT late at night there are never any admins around to assist. I often try to help out ppl whenever they are administrating by grabbing logs at the end of rounds.  The issue arose last night specifically when 5 trolls came strolling in and ruined the game for the other 10 of us on the server. Between MASS MASS MASS RDM (under 200 karma player), Ghosting and accusations of hacking. It was too much to want to sit back idling watching as the server depopulated.

Proof is good to gather and all, but I have 3 monitors and I bet some ppl are sick of scrolling over on my posts to see the screenshots since they are so damn big -_-

I would rather only need to provide these in the efforts that someone needed to appeal or review a decision. Instead of spending 30 minutes drafting up a request.

What are some good qualities you possess: I am fair, just, and all around awesome. I am strict and follow the rules.

What country are you from: USA

Age: 24

Microphone: (yes or no)

Additional Notes: I originally let my first request to the CLs pass by. I figured I was not putting enough time into TTT to warrant adminship.
I am currently out of work. I quit yesterday. I am often the one being asked to jump into the VSH server from multiple members of the community to deal with issues that arise on the server.
People have sent me PMs asking for me to apply to ttt. Others have said that I should take advantage of the fact that I have the rank to Admin on multiple servers.

After last night I am inclined to agree with them. I want to contribute where I can to CG and I feel with some tutelage I can be just as good at administrating ttt as I am with everything else.

I know that ttt is a big undertaking, I know that there are a shit ton of rules...which I already know 95% of. I know that fulfilling requests from players jumps right into the heart of your game play and most of the time you cannot enjoy ttt for ttt since you are trying to take care of 5 ppl on avg per round claiming RDM.

I would rather have a safe and sound game at 3AM instead of letting trolls ruin our community out of their bitterness for what we have accomplished.

Without further ado...IsYn Wooley ttt admin 2013

Solved Ban Requests / Troll Squad RDM Ghosting Rumbler...
« on: 20 Feb, 2013 04:35 »
Your name in-game: IsYn Wooley

Offender's name in-game: Multiple Offenders with Rumbler in front of their names

Rumbler Clark Duncan
Rumbler Spl0osh
Rumbler Apex
Rumblerrumbler Shane

Date/Time of the offense: 1:15AM EST Today


Rumbler Clark Duncan STEAM_0:040417725
Rumbler Spl0osh STEAM_0:1:44102578
Rumbler Apex STEAM_0:0:43127882
Rumblerrumbler Shane STEAM_0"1"26462333

Server: ttt

Any administrators on the server?: Nope

What was the problem/offense?: These guys were obviously ghosting. Together in skype chat or something to that effect.  When accused they called the ppl on the server ****gots.

They RDMd Traiters to there fellow rumbler friends when they died.

They shot the shit out of me the second I opened a door when I was inno.

One of them fucking killed me on the Det round and he was Inno.

    • Proof:

DEMO of the DET round RDM

As you can get from the demo the rest of the server was very pissed off about these guys

    • Other comments: These two back to back incidents have pushed me to the edge in saying I should take the extra responsibility being a vet admin and also get the rights on the ttt server. I will be more than happy to put in the time to properly train so that I can assist the server.

We don't need trolls ruining it for everyone.



Your name in-game: IsYn Wooley

Offender's name in-game: Puppy (Licks Puppy Treats)

Date/Time of the offence: 1:00AM EST

SteamID: STEAM0:033614775

Server: ttt

Any administrators on the server?: Unfortunately NO

What was the problem/offense?: HOLY FUCK RDM! (Please see why I used holy fuck in screen shot below)

    • Proof:

    • Other comments: I have never seen someones Karma so low.

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