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Topics - Futeko

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Ban Request / [ZM] empty DDOSing
« on: July 20, 2014, 10:10:46 AM »
Your name in-game: Futeko

Offender's name in-game: empty (though he took the name of other players when re-joining)

Date/Time of the offence: 20/07/2014 - around 14:00 CET

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:85325873

Server: Zombie Master (ZM)

Any administrators on the server?: Futeko

What was the problem/offense?: DDOsing - making the server crash as soon as he joins

I can't record cases of DDOSing, but there are witnesses (Issac Clarke, RedDeath); it's actually Isaac that notified me of the issue. That guy was actually joining all the servers with players on and making them crash, one by one.
I'm guessing you can find the proofs in the logs of the server.

Other comments:
I could not catch him in time - the first time I noticed the behaviour, the second time (after the server restarted) I could not get to the ban command in time before the server crashed.
The last thing he did before leaving us alone was speedhacking on another server, as reported by Isaac Clarke.
I'd classify this ban request as urgent, because that guy can come back anytime and ruin all the servers again.

Thanks in advance for considering this request!

Zombie Master / Punishing non-cooperative behaviours?
« on: May 05, 2014, 02:55:33 AM »
This is a grey area for me and I'm encountering the situation quite often those days: when a player performs acts that are not griefing per se, but are against the cooperative nature of the game, is it something that should be punished, or is it simply a way of playing the game?

Example 1: the room the survivors are in is getting swarmed by zombies. Bob runs out of the room, closes the door and barricades it, without waiting for his teammates.

Example 2: the room is swarming with zombies. Survivors are fending them off while waiting for the elevator to come down. Bob sees the elevator arriving, rushes for it and immediately takes it, leaving the others behind.

Example 3: Bob is making sure to pop every barrel he sees - wouldn't want a zombie getting hurt in an explosion, would we?

I'd say, there are two categories of non-cooperative behaviours: first one is "selfish behaviour" - you try to save your life at the expense of everyone else if so it should come to that. Second one is "We can't have nice things" - you break everything and anything that could be useful, from barrels to crates to barricades.

In my opinion, the second one should be punished; that's borderline griefing.
The first one is more fuzzy - sometimes you make honest mistakes (you did not see that you were followed when you closed the door); sometimes it's blatant (dash for the elevator to take it alone). I'd punish such behaviour only when it's obvious you left people behind intentionally.

What do you think?

Zombie Master / Offences and resulting actions
« on: March 28, 2014, 10:58:47 AM »
(This post is originally made to discuss those topics along with Ozborne, but anyone is more definitely welcome to pitch in)

I believe that now that we have two admins on the server, we need to make sure that the actions we take are in tune with each other's (i.e. what doesn't fly under one should not fly under the other, and the opposite as well).

I'd thus like to discuss here how we're going to do that, because I don't think we should take lightly the responsibility we have - pragmatically, we have the power to make or break the server, and it's the only remaining ZM server left; that should not slip our mind at any point.
Overzealousness can be make things worse than ever, so carefulness in balancing leniency and respect of the rules should always be observed. We should not turn the server in a military state where you have to ask permission to sneeze, but rather help the players find an enjoyable experience when playing on it.

Right now, the rules of thumb I'd like to follow are those:

1) Under normal circumstances:
- Never display yourself as an admin; by all means you are a regular player, here to enjoy the game the same way as any other player;
- Don't abuse admin powers when it isn't to battle a gameplay-damaging behaviour or to enhance the game (e.g. avoid unnecessary use of the "admin talk" commands, random effects or "slay all", etc.)

2) When facing an offence:
- Always issue at least two warnings before taking any action, explaining how and why the behaviour or item is against the rules;
- If any action is to be taken, it must be to remove a bad behaviour that is evidently affecting the game;

3) Any action taken must be proportionate to the offence taking place:
- The gradation of "standard" punishments would be as follow: Slap, Slay, Kick, Ban 5m, Ban 24h;
- Any longer or otherwise permanent punishments (e.g. Permaban, Permamute, Permagag) should be discussed in the Ban Request forum;
- Only climb up the ladder of punishments against repeat offenders;

A) If a player has an offensive name:
- Two warnings;
- Rename them;
- If they change back to an offensive name, start with a Kick then go up the Ladder.

B) If a player has an offensive tag:
- Two warnings;
- Kick them then go up the Ladder.

C) If a player is playing annoying sounds or music over the mic:
- Make sure it is actually gameplay-disruptive, i.e. hurting other players; otherwise simply inform the players how to mute the player themselves;
- Two warnings;
- Mute them for 5m;
- Mute them for 24h;
- Report for a permamute on the forum.

D) If a player is being disrespectful or otherwise harassing/offensive in the chat:
- Make sure it is actually gameplay-disruptive, i.e. hurting other players;
- Two warnings;
- Gag them for 5m;
- Gag them for 24h;
- Report for a permagag on the forum.

E) If a player is trolling or griefing in general (disrupting normal gameplay by e.g. purposedly doing nothing as ZM, hindering the completion of objectives by displacing key items, destroying otherwise useful bonus such as Barrels and Barricades, blocking pathways and elevators, etc.):
- Two warnings (Make sure the player is actually aware they are disrupting normal gameplay (might simply be a newbie that doesn't know what they're doing);
- Start with a Slay then go up the Ladder.

F) If a player is hacking (speedhack or otherwise):
- Two warnings (make sure it's not simply lag or something else);
- Start with a 24h Ban;
- If it happens again, report on the forum for a Permaban.

4) If any action with a consequence longer than immediate (anything above a kick) is taken:
- Inform the offender of their possibility to challenge the action on the forums;
- Make a post on the forum explaining who, what and why so that other admins can know about it (in order to identify repeat offenders) and the offender has a place to challenge the action.

5) Exceptions (regular gameplay events that are not offences but can be disruptive):
- When a round is dragging on because the remaining survivors do not pursue the map objectives (e.g. simply holing up in a safe area): try to explain to them what they should be doing instead; if it doesn't work, shorten the round one way or another (e.g. through a vote).

This is not intended to be a "follow-blindly" list of rules, but rather general directions to consider when playing and filling up your role.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you have any suggestions to add to the list? Is there anything you disagree with?

Admin Applications / [ZM] Futeko
« on: March 26, 2014, 10:50:33 PM »
Were you recommended by an admin? If so state the name: I got somewhat pushed by Live Bait to write this application x)

In game name: Futeko

Link to your steam page: http://steamcommunity.com/id/futeko/

What helpful qualities do you possess: I'm usually calm and patient, and try to understand each option or each side before taking decisions. When given responsibilities, I do my best to give a proper image of who or what I represent, and uphold the greater good of the group rather than any individual's.

What country are you from: Belgium

Age: 25

Microphone: Yes

Do you have past admin/forum experience: Notably, 3 experiences of note:
- As a teenager, I was a moderator for an FF8 forum; given my young age, mistakes were made, but it made me learn to take responsibility for them.
- This is not really admin-related, but in a browser-based war game (Hyperiums) I've had been appointed as representative diplomat for my "alliance" (group of players holding a territory). I've had the opportunity to defuse threatening conflicts and arrange our integration in a larger alliance after our leader quit. It helped me develop my ability to understand and rationally approach a potentially hostile point of view and to build a compromise with it.
- More recently, I've been successively officer and leader of an MMORPG guild (World of Warcraft), managing the linked forum and the in-game community. It helped me fight my shyness of "speaking out in public", enhance my ability to seek out solutions for the greater good, and realize that sometimes hard decisions have to be taken that will not leave everyone unscathed.

Do you use our TS server: Presently no, as I'd normally use such a tool to speak with people playing the same game; however, I have some past experience with TS, and I'm willing to hop on it when requested or as a way to be "on-call" should there be an issue on the server and no admin is on at the time.

Additional Notes: The ZM server could really use an IG admin since griefing runs rampant these days, but at the same time it's a big responsibility since it's the last active server. Each decision must be carefully weighted, as swinging the banhammer like a berserk nord certainly wouldn't help the situation. But I'm prepared to give my best to make the server and the community a better place for all.

Thanks in advance for considering this application!

Ban Request / [ZM] "GiveUpB****" trolling
« on: March 26, 2014, 12:04:36 PM »
Your name in-game: Futeko

Offender's name in-game: GiveUpBitch

Date/Time of the offence: 26/03/2014 - around 13:48 CET

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:7814822

Server: Zombie Master (ZM)

Any administrators on the server?: None

What was the problem/offense?: Trolling in general, namely:
- Using offensive language to harass other players not agreeing with her (racial slurs, provocations)
- Deliberately doing nothing as ZM in order to make for boring rounds on maps she didn't like

I have recorded one Demo files illustrating the offences:
- GiveUpTrolling.dem: in the map zm_countrytrain, she complained that the map was "for noobs" because it didn't allow her to spam banshees as ZM, and asked everyone to RTV. She then proceeded to do nothing as ZM for the whole round, beside harassing a player based on its name ("sub zero", as she put it, is a "gay character" and only "homos can like him").

Other comments:
I've played for an hour and a half with that player, across 4 different maps, and her behaviour stayed the same the whole time - she wanted to play zm_tetris, which never got chosen, so every time a new map began, she would nominate tetris, rtv, then proceed with the above two offences until people would RTV for a new map (in-between lengthy afk breaks). Repeatedly, players have been asking her to stop and tried to reason with her, but to no avail. She simply gave us an extraordinary display of immaturity the whole time.

Thanks in advance for considering this request!

Ban Request / [ZM] "A Girl" griefing
« on: March 23, 2014, 05:52:07 PM »
Your name in-game: Futeko

Offender's name in-game: A Girl

Date/Time of the offence: 22/03/2014 - around 19:18 CET

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:18504641

Server: Zombie Master (ZM)

Any administrators on the server?: None

What was the problem/offense?: Griefing in general, namely:
- Blocking objectives/passageways so that no further progress can be made on the map

I have recorded one Demo files illustrating the offence:
- GirlGriefing.dem: in the map zm_sinking_ship, she kept blocking the door passageways, preventing the survivors from progressing in the map. Since the whole idea of the map is that survivors have to fight their way up the compartments as the boat sinks, blocking passageways like this ultimately results in the death by drowning of all survivors.
In the demo, we can unfortunately only see that behaviour for a brief moment - people threatening to call admins up on the server apparently had some effect during the round I started recording. However, from the people's reactions we can see that it wasn't the only round she did that.

Other comments:
This continued until enough people rocked the vote to change the map. Again, she was making use of that common "griefing" tool which forces people to change a map by griefing until everyone RTV. When the map changed to that one, she got displeased with it, and proceeded to grief until the map changed. After enough people RTV'ed, the map changed to zm_redqueen, which apparently also displeased her - so she started griefing again by getting hold of the Keycard - an item required to open doors and make progress in the map - and hiding it in unreachable areas. When the map got RTV'ed once more, she apparently got fed up and left as it still wasn't the map she wanted to play.

Thanks in advance for considering this request!

Ban Request / [ZM] "The Muslim" griefing
« on: March 23, 2014, 05:41:20 PM »
Your name in-game: Futeko

Offender's name in-game: The Muslim

Date/Time of the offence: 22/03/2014 - around 18:42 CET

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:36548609

Server: Zombie Master (ZM)

Any administrators on the server?: None

What was the problem/offense?: Griefing in general, namely:
- Blocking objectives/passageways so that no further progress can be made on the map

I have recorded one Demo files illustrating the offence:
- MuslimGrief.dem: in the map zm_random, he blocked the "bridge" passageway after the first set of traps, preventing people from progressing further in the map. While players were trying to get past him, a trap got activated right in front of the bridge, which resulted in the death of most players.

Other comments:
This continued until enough people rocked the vote to change the map. This is actually a common "griefing" tool to force people to change a map someone doesn't like, as it holds the players "hostages" until the griefer gets what they want - i.e. everyone RTV'ing.

Thanks in advance for considering this request!

Introductions Forum / Hey!
« on: March 12, 2014, 09:49:08 PM »
Hey everyone!

My name's Futeko; I got here through the ZM servers - which by the way I have to thank you for running it, since it's basically the only ZM server that is still alive out there!

I hope to meet some of you in-game; if you haven't tried that mod yet, I advise you to do so - it takes a little bit of time to get acquainted with the concept, but it's pretty unique and makes for very dynamic, challenging and interesting gameplay :3


Ban Request / [ZM] CoolGuy420 griefing
« on: March 12, 2014, 09:29:46 PM »
Your name in-game: Futeko

Offender's name in-game: [BlAzE_iT] Coolguy420 [BlAzE_iT

Date/Time of the offence: 12/03/2014 - around 11:45 PM CET

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:18504641

Server: Zombie Master (ZM)

Any administrators on the server?: None

What was the problem/offense?: Griefing in general, namely:
- Using props to kill allies ("rubbing" explosive props together to make them explode and hurt allies)
- Blocking objectives/passageways so that no further progress can be made on the map

I have recorded two Demo files displaying the second offence:
- CoolGuyGriefing.dem: in the map zm_crocodile_remake, he was blocking the access to the lever in the room. Survivors need to activate that lever in order to progress further on the map. He stuck there until everyone gave up and rocked the vote for a new map. The demo is recorded from the perspective of a survivor (I was trying to reach the lever, to no avail).
- CoolGuyGrief2.dem: after that, the map changed to zm_random. First round, he ran forward and blocked the passageway, preventing further progress in the map. Again, he stuck there until someone managed to slip past him, then he killed himself. It made everyone rock the vote once more. The demo is recorded from the ZM's perspective (I was ZM on the first round).

Other comments:
The map then changed to zm_asylum, where he switched to using explosive barrels to TK other survivors (e.g. holding a barrel in front of a zombie, so that the zombie would hit the barrel, make it explode and hurt all survivors in the vicinity). Most people got fed up with his trolling by that time and left the server, so it soon turned empty afterwards.
I'd also like to add that this server is basically the only ZM server still alive (thanks for it!), so if someone starts griefing on it, there's nothing we can do beside exiting the game and doing something else. It's rare enough to have a full server, so it's a real pain when someone like that guy shows up and ruin the game for the evening.

Thanks in advance for considering this request!

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