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Author Topic: American wars  (Read 3970 times)

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Offline Jorgen

American wars
« on: June 30, 2011, 11:02:39 AM »
Since we are debating 1 part of American warfare policy we might as well debate the other, this is not as much about old wars but more about their want to retreat from Libya (not sure if that is the correct name in english).
What do you think should the retreat or not? Also isn't it sort off retarded to do so when it is a "war" that every1 actually agrees upon that actually can better the freedom fighters life?
The last midleeastern war was made by America and then forced upon others like a sock geting forced down some1's throat, why is it that you people can't help us in a time of need?

Even fucking small ass Norway here with almost no military forces are helping and big police America wants to back out?

Offline Old Crow

Re: American wars
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2011, 11:44:05 AM »
For Libya remember it became a joint UN session. If nobody else wanted to attack Libya i bet anything that America would have just stayed out because we are already stuck in 2 places, we really don't need a third. Since France and GB and Italy and*cough* Norway *cough were more then willing to jump it with us it happened. I knew we wouldn't stay long but I just cant believe how much we spent in 2-3 weeks. 800 Million for some airstrikes is insane.

Iraq was stupid, it def wasn't popular with people here, Afghanistan is justified but its been dragged on far too long. Longest war in American history!
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Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: American wars
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2011, 11:44:05 AM »

Offline Jorgen

Re: American wars
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2011, 11:53:34 AM »
For Libya remember it became a joint UN session. If nobody else wanted to attack Libya i bet anything that America would have just stayed out because we are already stuck in 2 places, we really don't need a third. Since France and GB and Italy and*cough* Norway *cough were more then willing to jump it with us it happened. I knew we wouldn't stay long but I just cant believe how much we spent in 2-3 weeks. 800 Million for some airstrikes is insane.

Iraq was stupid, it def wasn't popular with people here, Afghanistan is justified but its been dragged on far too long. Longest war in American history!
Mind you that most other countrie had to contribute to your wars around there, and we did not even agree on it.
The war in Libya can actually help a country and it's people shouldn't you atleast stick around until the worst is over and then other countries like us can take over and help with the rebuilding. The libyan war will probly not take too much time in regards to the amount of time theese other ones have taken.

Offline Old Crow

Re: American wars
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2011, 11:58:17 AM »
Yeah but remember Jorgen America did say we weren't going in for long, just a couple of airstrikes and we are done. The big players of the UN or rather NATO didn't care. I agree we should have stayed longer because its a good mission, protecting civilians not killing them! But what can we do now? The Republicans will cry murder if we go back and nobody wants to hear their shit. If we could it would be great but you and me both know it won't happen.
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Offline Jorgen

Re: American wars
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2011, 12:05:54 PM »
Yea I know that it won't change, but the whole world police act is getting alitle tiresome (atleast I think so and most of my friends).

Offline Old Crow

Re: American wars
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2011, 12:14:05 PM »
Yeah. I dunno. Would it be better if we just disappear and not do anything or stay involved. Only problem i sense is China would pick up the slack if we just up and left and that's not good for anybody. They don't care about losses in men or material. They will push until they get their way. Just look whats happening in the South China Sea.
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Offline Jorgen

Re: American wars
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2011, 12:17:42 PM »
Yeah. I dunno. Would it be better if we just disappear and not do anything or stay involved. Only problem i sense is China would pick up the slack if we just up and left and that's not good for anybody. They don't care about losses in men or material. They will push until they get their way. Just look whats happening in the South China Sea.
There is a differance between defending territory and waging war for a difference in thought pattern. Not leave the scene rather not start a scene, and then afterwards force the money drag on others.

Offline Old Crow

Re: American wars
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2011, 12:29:28 PM »
When talking in general, talking about China or (Team) America?  trollface
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Offline Jorgen

Re: American wars
« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2011, 12:37:19 PM »

Offline Old Crow

Re: American wars
« Reply #9 on: June 30, 2011, 06:23:13 PM »
Yeah its not cool to start a war and let others fight it. Something does need to be done to change the course that we are on right now. If only we didnt have total idiots running the country right now. All of them are idiots, all of them frogc00l
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Offline Cadaver

Re: American wars
« Reply #10 on: June 30, 2011, 07:01:22 PM »
Sigh.  Ok.  Look up the "War Powers Act."  This is basically a left over backlash from Vietnam.  Effectively, if a military action is over a set number of days, Congress forced a law back then, where the President would have to get Congressional approval for continuing the action.

Mostly, the situation is political football.   Congress has been briefed 10 times on the action.   But, due to the fact the President is from one party and the Congress is another, and there is possible political gain, they are slapping at him for the action.

Retreat is the incorrect word. 

Also, the U.S. citizenship is tired of the perceived LACK of European action.   Whenever the UN or NATO (OTAN) go in, its the U.S. who has to take care of it. Europe will sign off on it, but not send troops, and neither will the rest of the world.  (The only one we ever see stepping up and supporting is Great Britain...)

In the case of Libya, the U.S. stated this: We will go in first, remove the anti-air capabilities, and minimize the threat of loss to our allies.  Which we did. We also stated this is a U.N. / NATO (OTAN) deal and the heavy lifting will be done by other nations.

Ironically, this is the first time we have seen other NATO members really step up.

Offline Jorgen

Re: American wars
« Reply #11 on: June 30, 2011, 08:01:02 PM »
Sigh.  Ok.  Look up the "War Powers Act."  This is basically a left over backlash from Vietnam.  Effectively, if a military action is over a set number of days, Congress forced a law back then, where the President would have to get Congressional approval for continuing the action.

Mostly, the situation is political football.   Congress has been briefed 10 times on the action.   But, due to the fact the President is from one party and the Congress is another, and there is possible political gain, they are slapping at him for the action.

Retreat is the incorrect word. 

Also, the U.S. citizenship is tired of the perceived LACK of European action.   Whenever the UN or NATO (OTAN) go in, its the U.S. who has to take care of it. Europe will sign off on it, but not send troops, and neither will the rest of the world.  (The only one we ever see stepping up and supporting is Great Britain...)

In the case of Libya, the U.S. stated this: We will go in first, remove the anti-air capabilities, and minimize the threat of loss to our allies.  Which we did. We also stated this is a U.N. / NATO (OTAN) deal and the heavy lifting will be done by other nations.

Ironically, this is the first time we have seen other NATO members really step up.
Small ass Norway has sent 600 specialy trained troopers to afghanistan granted that is a very low number remember Norways combined armed forces is on a staggering low of 90000 soldiers during war times. We also sent soldiers to the other wars among them libya in which we sent our entire arsenal of jets, I believe small little Norway has done enough off a situation we did not ask for.

Offline Cadaver

Re: American wars
« Reply #12 on: June 30, 2011, 08:07:13 PM »
Key term "perceived lack"

This event shows NATO doing the majority of the lifting...

Offline Old Crow

Re: American wars
« Reply #13 on: July 01, 2011, 11:20:33 AM »
Its going to be intresting to see what happens once we get out of Afgan. Are we going to go back to some sort of isolationist movement or are we gonna keep the world police course. Knowing politicans we probably will pick one or the other and not some nice medium where we stop getting involved in every little war but don't just sit on our asses and watch dictators take over most of the world before stepping in. Its a mess that really needs to be addressed more then fixing our economy.
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Offline Finniespin

Re: American wars
« Reply #14 on: July 01, 2011, 12:12:22 PM »
I am just wondering. If Russia and America are trying to bond with each other. Why wouldn't Russia help in the wars?

Notice alittle that all the west countries are against the east countries.

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: American wars
« Reply #14 on: July 01, 2011, 12:12:22 PM »


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