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Messages - Blackllama

Solved Applications / Re: Blackllama's App.
« on: 03 Nov, 2010 01:52 »
Thanks John, and White you're not allowed to post here so get out.

GarrysMod / Re: Spinners Guide to Being a Good Traitor.
« on: 02 Nov, 2010 00:25 »
And also once your cover is blown and a gunfight ensues between you and another, always try and blame them by saying something along the lines of "SHIT HE IS TRAITOR TRYING TO KILL ME! KILL ____ ON SIGHT!"
After he is dead have someone ID the body and do one of three things:

I love this, I call everyone out when I fight them, I love it when we both die and I'm just laughing at them.

Also toward the end of the game when there's 1 Traitor if you focus on spamming ___ is the traitor! in chat hopefully someone will find the last words.

Solved Applications / Re: Blackllama's App.
« on: 01 Nov, 2010 02:36 »
Can we stay on topic?

General Gaming Talk / Re: Protoype.
« on: 30 Oct, 2010 03:26 »
I haven't played much of either, I don't have a PS3, but I like inFamous more.

Solved Applications / Blackllama's App.*DENIED*
« on: 29 Oct, 2010 23:02 »
What server are you applying for: I was thinking Fretta when it's up, but otherwise TTT.

Were you recommended by an admin? If so state the name: Nope

In game name: (=CG=) Blackllama

Link to your steam page:

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:26690141

Do you have past admin experience:
No this would be my first.  I have watched other admins though.

What are some good qualities you possess:
I follow the rules, I don't think I've gotten in trouble with the admins since I joined the Conjoint Gaming.  I respect others, I don't troll when I'm angry, I listen to people and don't jump to conclusions.

What country are you from: United Sates of America

Age: 13

Additional notes:
First of all, I'm the older twin between me and White.  Just throwing that out there.  Anyways, the whole age thing, basically what white said, I'm mature, my voice doesn't sound like fingernails on a chalk board, and I'm literate.  Oh and if my game play hours are not meeting requirements, at my mom's in Gmod random lines are all over the screen, animations are screwed up, and there are random flashing colors where textures should be.  Hopefully I'll get some tech support soon. Fixed, you can expect my game play hours to pop back up.

Debate Forum / Re: Keyboarding Early
« on: 25 Oct, 2010 21:29 »
I think they should start teaching kids how to type when their like in 2nd grade. Have them doing keyboarding classes, teaching them the letters on the keyboard, while they learn cursive and shit. Lot's of kids would probably being able to access the computer at such an early age, and it would get them familiarized with computers. In this day and age, all of those kids would have one later on anyway. It's just assumed that everyone has a computer nowadays. Might as well teach kids how to use them early on right? They could be learning C++ in fifth grade if they wanted. They could have Java, and more advanced shit mastered by the time they're a freshman in high school.
lol I was learning c++ in 7th grade, and I'm currently doing some stuff with Java in 8th grade...
Who writes in cursive except for their signatures?
Nobody does, it's useless.

Debate Forum / Re: Anti-Virus Programs
« on: 25 Oct, 2010 21:25 »
Kaspersky is nice, I had norton at one point which completely failed me, the computer would go to blue screen when turned on, idk if this has to do with a virus or not, and I have mcafee on another computer which seems to work fine too.

Debate Forum / Re: RPG vs FPS
« on: 22 Oct, 2010 22:36 »
I like RPGs, or FPS/RPGs, FPSs are fun, but they are all the same now...
I just got Fallout New Vegas which I would say is more of an RPG, and is really epic.
BTW Chrono Trigger is amazing.

Solved Applications / Re: Kwaurtz's admin application
« on: 04 Sep, 2010 02:59 »
I've seen him in the server quite a bit and although I don't know him super well, he seems like he would make a good admin.

Solved Ban Requests / Re: Admin Watch
« on: 01 Sep, 2010 16:12 »
This all seems so fishy, just record a video of him First person when he's landing headshots and all that crap, put it on here, it will then be decided.

Solved Ban Requests / Re: Unsure Where else to post this~
« on: 30 Aug, 2010 06:57 »
I think you should let them back in, but he/she can't be expected to be treated nicely, after all they hacked the server.  I wouldn't want to go back if I wasn't welcome, then again I wouldn't get banned, let alone hack.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: FORUM GAME
« on: 29 Aug, 2010 22:58 »
^ thinks hes awesome
< hates flies
v mudkip hater

^ Rapes flies.
< Loves coffee.
v Eats brainz.


Just kidding XD,

Solved Ban Requests / Re: Ezekiel RDMed 2 People
« on: 05 Aug, 2010 23:45 »
I'm a witness to this an I'm confirming this, notice the:

05:32 | Suicide                   | (=CG=) Blackllama fell to his death

Then again, I'm his brother so this is a bit biased. (Even though the truth can't be biased. =)

Solved Ban Requests / Re: Om We Tod Did RDM report.
« on: 29 Jul, 2010 20:58 »
In my books thats RDM. It says that you can tell people to stop following you, he gave you 4 warnings, and then he even gave you a warning shot. If i was him i would of killed you. You didn't have enough proof, a warning shot is not proof.

I agree with Remscar, he/she shot you because you were following them and acting suspicious, he/she didn't shoot you because they were a traitor, they shot you because you were following them.  if there intention was to kill you there would be no warning shot.  That was definitely RDM on your part.

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