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Admin Time Away Forum / Leninade's Time Away
« on: 28 Apr, 2013 23:06 »

Name: Leninade

Time you are leaving: May1/2

In Which server you are admin on: Hidden

Estimated time/date of return: May 12/13

Additional Comments:
Will be moving and spending time with family, so won't be completely gone, but will most likely not have much time to spend on Hidden.

Hidden: Source / Re: Hidden screenshot thread!
« on: 28 Apr, 2013 22:43 »

Got hidden just about every other round there.

I don't like taking pictures of myself it seems vain I generally only post pics other people have taken of me so I have nothing new.

There were lots more pictures of me before I quit the band i suppose.


Just for you Live
And Chris cause it's sideways

Hidden: Source / Re: Hidden screenshot thread!
« on: 27 Apr, 2013 14:44 »
You managed to get up there only using 2? Nice.

Solved Applications / [Hidden] Leninade
« on: 26 Apr, 2013 18:29 »
Were you recommended by an admin? If so state the name: Red

In game name: Leninade

Link to your steam page:

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:15565056

Do you have past admin experience: Nope

Why you wish to be admin: I play the game a fair amount, and it's frustrating getting people who want to ruin it for others, and not really being able to do anything if I can't get a hold of an admin.

What are some good qualities you possess: Fair amount of playtime ingame, and primarily on CG servers. Don't typically get worked up easily. Am also the delicious beverage of choice of the proletariat.

What country are you from: US

Age: 23

Microphone: Yes, although I tend to not use it.

Additional Notes: Suppose I've been playing on various servers now for a good 6 months or so. Always kept coming back to CG, though.

For those who wonder what I look like, here is the long awaited reveal:

Spoiler for Hidden:


Hidden: Source / Re: Hidden screenshot thread!
« on: 23 Apr, 2013 12:37 »
People were not very happy with me.  Leninade why did you leave???
Hmmmm....I think I left after dominating for a round, IIRC  ;D. But it's tough playing with a bunch of skilled IRIS, since it becomes less of the Hidden hunting and more of the IRIS hunting. Could use the practice, but wasn't really feeling up to the challenge that night, haha.

Hello Leninade! I look foward to getting grenaded by you when your the hidden!  trollface
Only the best for our precious Face :D

Introductions Forum / Re: I am Faceguy/Face/Faceman
« on: 16 Apr, 2013 21:33 »
Hello Conjoint Gaming! My name is Dylan, also known as Faceman/Face/Faceguy. I play the Hidden and am decent at it. I like to play games while I pet my cat, Cookie.
Why hello there, stranger! I too, am also somewhat decent at this game, so perhaps we could trade tips and hints with each other some time!

Hidden: Source / Re: Hidden screenshot thread!
« on: 15 Apr, 2013 00:55 »
It's difficult to get screenshots of, but I've made it somewhat of a game to get the IRIS down to one last guy in the red, then just following him while visible and killing him when he turns around.

I also drink and play. That's fun.

This I like. We should do this sometime.

I try to look inside a server before I enter it.

When I see your name in a weighted server, I usually move on to a different one. I know you can wipe the map with us, I don't need to be reminded again.

Someday, I'll be a challenge, but not anytime soon.

So I guess the forums are where you and I will interact the most.


Sad face. Although it is somewhat of a personal accomplishment when I manage to get an entire server to rage quit after awhile.
Stop looking here, Red.

Crow... You and I are brothers. We live in the same land, you cannot hope to destroy your brother, especially such a one as powerful as I.

Well your name says it all. Your not my brother Red, otherwise you name would be Red, White and Blue. Your a COMMIE! QUICK ARREST THE COMMIE!
Hey, I am the refreshing beverage of choice of the proletariat. You can't possibly have a more just purpose than that. Nothing for you here, Red.

Humble my arse, and "ok at the game" yeah right. This guy wipes the floor with me and that's when I actually put in the effort to shoot when I see him as the hidden. But I will best him someday.

Red is terrible at this game, btw.

I'll get you for that.
Whoa now, I don't know what you're talking about. I'm just an average player.                         Silly

Please don't mislead the populace by telling them that I have some sort of non-existent skill.     Red

Most of you probably don't actually know me, since I tend to stick solely to the Hidden, but I've been spending most of my time on the CG servers as of late. Think I first started playing around 6 or so months ago, and have gotten ok at the game. Was actually kind of surprised that the modding community for the source engine was so large. I've had HL2 since 2007, but never knew I was missing out on so much.

As for the name, it's not usually my first choice for gaming, but it tends to be something that people don't use, so it's usually my immediate back up. And for future reference, Vladmir Lenin is not the same person as John Lennon.

If you ever see me online, feel free to say hi. I usually like to stick to CG#2, but playing with friendly people is always more fun than playing with randoms.
Red is terrible at this game, btw.

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