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Topics - CamperStrike

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Who were you banned by: Unknown Error

Why were you banned: "Revenge rdm and homophobic speech"

What server where you banned from: TTT

What date and/or time around were you banned:

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:11795881

Your in game name:

Link to your steam page: http://steamcommunity.com/id/magicallyricalgirlJoseph/

Additional comments:

I don't really need to defend myself since the chat logs (which no one checked before banning me) speak for themselves, however I got banned and I feel like I have to at least clear some things up.

I got perma'd yesterday for "double revenge RDM and homophobic language" (which is ridiculous but I'll get there in a few lines).

First things first:

1 - I never RDM'd anyone
2 - Therefore, I did not revenge RDM anyone
3 - I never used 'homophobic language'

Here's what happened. I'm not gonna go into much detail on the first part because it's basically his word against mine until an admin (who couldn't bother to post on the ban request for some reason even though this guy IIZard broke several of the server rules, including "Targetting the same player to make them rage" or "Trolling") joined the server.

ttt_crummy_craddle, this guy IIZard killed me on my T round. I don't deny what he described on his ban request. I threw an incendiary on one of the two small elevator to kill the detective and two innocents (as a T might I remind you), and I think I accidentally let myself be seen by one of the innos on the elevator. IIZard, who's INSIDE the bar (the one with the wooden stools on it), proceeds to say something along these lines "I can just feel that sanic is the T". He then proceeds to gun me down right after. I start questioning right after why he killed me, he starts making up excuses "oh, I saw you throwing the incendiary", right next "oh, you were called out" (keeping in mind he killed me BEFORE I was called out). Like I said, this is his word against mine so I'm not gonna waste any more words on this issue.

Then we get to the round where I supposedly "revenge rdm'd". IIZard is the T and a bunch of people including me and him are at the bar. (FIRST KILL) This other guy NeoHatake (who was already trolling the past round) starts throwing grenades inside the bar and one of them is an incendiary. The only reason it doesn't hit anyone is because everyone is having a massive orgy party at the bar's bathroom. However, I still killed him for it. Checked his body, inno. Whatever, if I had to I'd kill myself the round afterwards. I also need to mention that I hit some people in the process due to the fact that I was using a huge. I don't deny that either.
Right next, while I'm checking the body, (SECOND KILL) I hear sniper shots behind me in my direction. And there was IIZard, holstered, right behind me, running away in the opposite direction. I gun him down, checked his body, T.
(THIRD AND LAST KILL) Now to Booker's kill. I don't even know how to explain how it happened, so I'll try to sum it up: I was jumping on the water tower on the bottom part of the map, Booker outta nowhere spawned below me while I was already falling down so I crushed him. I know it sounds ridiculous and even I would not believe it so I took the slay for it (that's when the admin joined). You can check the damage logs or w/e in order to see that I fell on him.

Fastfoward to the next round, me and IIZard are arguing with eachother. An admin who had NO CLUE of what had happened joins the server slays me without in any part of the process asking me anything. He stays on the server for a few rounds and even though IIZard is blatantly trolling he does nothing about it. Whenever I try to defend myself even if with harsh words (I was never racist or homophobic mind you), the admin went and said "sanic and IIZard, drop it you both". IIZard from now onwards until the map next starts harrassing me, typing down something 'witty' every time I got killed while both an inno and a T, not to mention he targetted me EVERY ROUND HE HAD T as his first kill, which is also breaking a rule. In this case it's not my words against his, you can check the damage logs and can ask whatever admin was on the server when it happened. He'd kill me, get caught for it, die and say "haha worth it at least I raped your ass".

Now for the homophobic part: Do I even need to say anything? NeoHatake and IIZard were both arguing against me (more like trolling, as you can see in one of IIZard's screenshots, NeoHatake saying "Sanic so oversensitive"), so I asked ironically if NeoHatake would suck IIZard off some more because they were defending eachother so harshly. As you may see in the logs, I was never homophobic per say, I never called anyone a ****, I never called anyone gay, I simply said "go suck a dick". Now, if that's homophobic speech, half of the server needs to get banned already.

Now, for the ban request.

Your name in-game: sanic the hotdog

Offender's name in-game: IIZard

Date/Time of the offence: May 30

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:5816715

Server: TTT

Any administrators on the server?: Yes

What was the problem/offense?: Lying to admins, accusing me of being homophobic, trolling

As I said in the title, this is both a ban appeal AND a ban request.

I'm making this a ban request as well because I don't wanna bother making a different thread if the issue is already all written down here. However, if anyone feels this is inappropriate, I can move it to the 'ban request' section.

If it's not already clear to whoever is reading this, I'm gonna break it down in parts:

1 - Lied to admins about pretty much everything, including about me revenge rdming two people where if I DID have had revenge rdm'd I would only have done it to IIZard
2 - Took everything outta context to make me look bad
3 - Did not screenshot the parts where he's blatantly flaming and trolling me
4 - Broke several of the server rules, including trolling, flaming, targetting me constantly in order to try to make me rage, and disrespect (which I don't really mind since I trashtalked him back so w/e)
5 - Accused me of being homophobic when I never were

I really wasn't gonna take this to the forums until IIZard made that ban request lying about everything and taking everything outta context.
For further proof, ask the admin who was on when everything happened and check the chat logs.

Solved Admin Abuse / Tyber/Mr. The Doctor
« on: January 07, 2013, 03:05:25 AM »
Name of player reporting abuse: Camper Strike (named Big Nicked Digger at that specific moment)

Steam ID, to facilitate unban if applicable: -

Server: TTT

Admin who is suspected of the abuse: Mr. The Doctor

In which server did the abuse occur?: TTT

What occurred, what did the abuse consist of: Randomly slaying without asking first my reason to have "rdmed" someone and then proceeding to ban me

What time and day did it happen: 5 minutes ago

Please link any evidence: I forgot to take screenshots but there were witnesses on the server, one of them being Leomire

Additional comments: We were playing at ttt_lost_temple and I spawned as D. I had JUST joined the server. So there I was at the spawn with two other people as well as an AFK detective. I figured "well these two must be both Ts" since they were insisting in staying at the spawn instead of going down. I waited until both went down but the other detective was still afk, and I assumed not for much time since he was just typing stuff on the chat before he went afk, so I figured I'd try to push him down so if he came back from being afk he could actually play and help me. Unfortunately for him it was too late, because as soon as I started pushing him the map started to burn whoever was at the top, which happened to be me and him, so he didn't make it. I went down and played the rest of the round normally.

Then on the next round (can't recall which map but that's irrelevant) I get slain at the preround. I figured whoever did it was fucking around with me in a jokingly way and honestly IDC so I let it pass and said on the chat ">:O". Then for my surprise right when the round began I get slain.

So I opened up the admin chat with @ and asked "why did I get slain?". A few 8 seconds or so passed and no replies, so I went ahead and typed "????" (exactly like this). I dunno which admin it was and frankly I don't care said "stop spamming the admin chat". Then The Doctor said he had slain me for rdming the Detective on the last map. I was quite confused but then I remembered what had happened and CALMLY and IN ONE SINGLE MESSAGE explained to the admin on the admin chat: "what happened was this and that I gave the guy the last touch with my crowbar when I pushed him so it might've showed up as if I had killed him (which by the way never happened to anyone when I was an admin, but I digress)". Then AGAIN another admin said "stop spamming the admin chat". I CALMLY and RESPECTFULLY went in the admin chat and said "I was never asked why I had supposedly rdmed". Then AGAIN someone went (obviously trying to piss me off, unless whichever admin did it suffered from severe retardation) and said on the "@all" chat, "stop spamming". Then by that point was pissed and said -EXACTLY- like this on the admin chat: "terrible admin". Then BAM, banned for one hour for "admin disrespecting".

EDIT: Ignore this.

Also, on a side note, nice job being a bunch of sheeple and siding with him whichever other admins were on the server at the time without even knowning what was going on. Clearly shows how well prepared CG's TTT admins are.

Admin Resignation / Bye
« on: October 12, 2012, 07:50:05 PM »
Which server(s) are you resigning from?: TTT

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:11795881

Reason for resignation: It's time for me to go, my people need me - I'll probably still stick around on the forums, though

Temporary?: No

Old Time Aways / Camper Strike's Time Away
« on: March 17, 2012, 07:22:34 PM »
Name: Camper Strike

Time you are leaving: Until I fix my Gmod

In Which server you are admin on: TTT #1

Additional Comments:

As some of you might have noticed, I've been away from the server for a very long time now (about 3 weeks or so), only occasionally joining the server when people from CG ask me to join if the server lacks admins.

The reason I've been away for this long is because my HD was clogged up with useless sh#t (and the fact that I've been torrenting anime/manga nonstop lately), and I wasn't having time to clean it up, so Gmod took a very long time to launch because of my addons and whatnot.

So I finally got some spare time to clean up my HD and I freed about 20GBs or so, and two or three ago started testing all my Steam games that were still installed to check if everything was alright since I messed around the /steamapps folder to check if there was any mod/addon I wasn't playing anymore and I could delete, and then I finally got to Gmod.

So, here's the problem: When I launch it, it takes literally 30 minutes or so to load the game. And, even worse, it takes waaaaaay longer to join any server than it took before I cleaned up my HD; It took me 15 ~ 30 seconds to join our server and when I tested 2 days ago it took 7 minutes.

I tried deleting all my addons (not that I had a lot, only about 10 or so) and reinstalling Gmod. It didn't work, and I have no idea why it's like this. I haven't changed any hardware or ANYTHING at all on my PC, and all my other games are running just fine.

So until I fix this, I won't be able to join the server, and if anyone could help me solve my problem, I'd be glad.

Solved Applications / Camper Strike's Admin App
« on: October 31, 2011, 10:39:25 PM »
What server are you applying for: NMRIH #1

Were you recommended by an admin? If so state the name:

In game name: Camper Strike

Link to your steam page: http://steamcommunity.com/id/camperstr1ke

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:11795881

Do you have past admin experience: Yes, of course.  parrot

Why you wish to be admin: To noclip through walls and toggle godmode whenever I feel like. Wait, did I say that out loud?

What are some good qualities you possess: I like turtles.

What country are you from: Brazil

Age: 18


Solved Ban Requests / Rushin Russian
« on: August 08, 2011, 06:10:23 AM »
    • Your name in-game: Camper Strike

    • Offender's name in-game: Rushin Russian

    • Date/Time of the offense: Today

    • SteamID: Don`t have it

    • Server: TTT

    • Any administrators on the server?: Just me

    • What was the problem/offense?: RDM 4 people, trolling a lot and left

    • Proof: http://steamcommunity.com/id/camperstr1ke/screenshot/559790099003284459

    • Other comments: That screenshot just shows 2 rdms but he actually rdmed 2 other people in the past round

General Gaming Talk / Post your Starcraft 2 IDs
« on: July 24, 2011, 06:09:28 PM »
No "specific format" for posting, but I would recommend:

Rank (Low diamond, high platinum, mid bronze, high silver, and so on):

Here's mine:

Protoss (random on 2v2/3v3/4v4)
High Platinum

I love custom games and been playing them a lot, but I do play on ladder sometimes.
And feel free to discuss SC2 here.

Solved Applications / Camper Strike's Admin App *APPROVED*
« on: July 17, 2011, 01:52:15 AM »
What server are you applying for: TTT

Were you recommended by an admin? If so state the name: N/A

In game name: Camper Strike

Link to your steam page: http://steamcommunity.com/id/camperstr1ke/

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:11795881

Do you have past admin experience: Nope

Why you wish to be admin: Well, for one, would like to make everyone's experience in the server better, even if it's just a bit. Would also like to help maintain order when theres few admins/no admins on.

What are some good qualities you possess: Well, not sure if this is a quality, but I love TTT and I love the server. I'm very familiar with RDM rules, and aways try to follow them. I'm a very calm person, so you don't see me rage too often (and when I do, I blame the game itself, not the admins/other players :P).

What country are you from: Brazil

Age: 17

Additional notes: I have a mic, but use it only when necessary. I'm not familiarized with console commands like kick/ban/slay, though. But i'm sure I would learn pretty quickly.

Solved Ban Appeals / Camper Strike's Ban Appeal
« on: June 02, 2011, 01:47:11 AM »
Who were you banned by: Shisa

Why were you banned: I checked the "ban" tabs right after i got banned, said it was for multihacking. Nope, no hacks at all.

What server where you banned from: ConjointGaming.com 1# | Customized

What date and/or time around were you banned: June 2

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:11795881

Your in game name: Migger

Link to your steam page: http://steamcommunity.com/id/camperstr1ke/

Additional comments: Shisa went apeshit and banned a bunch of people for no apparent reason, though i heard him mentioning something about people trying to spam commands on console trying to DDOS the server, but i was not one of that people.

Solved Ban Appeals / Camper Strike's ban appeal
« on: March 21, 2011, 12:17:26 AM »
Who were you banned by: No idea

Why were you banned: Apparently racism

What server where you banned from: TTT server

What date and/or time around were you banned: Last week, don't remember the exact day

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:11795881

Your in game name: At the time, it was Digger Nick, but my permanent nickname is Camper Strike

Link to your steam page: http://steamcommunity.com/id/camperstr1ke

Additional comments: Well, i'm not sure why i have been banned, many admins saw my nickname and apparently saw nothing wrong with it, but maybe someone got offended. Well, i'm not racist, it was purely a hilarious name.

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