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Author Topic: Christovski goes solo. No more BS no more drama.  (Read 3195 times)

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Offline Christovski

Christovski goes solo. No more BS no more drama.
« on: January 18, 2014, 04:20:15 AM »
In-Game Name: too many to list just go with Christovski

Which server(s) are you resigning from?: ZM HA

Steam ID: its on sourcebans you need to go there to remove me anyways

Temporary?: no

Reason for resignation: I'm tired.  Really tired.  I was gonna stick it out until the end of the month, and retire if Inject still hadn't addressed the problems with CL inequality, but Death's resignation sure sped up the process eh?  I dunno if Inject deserved all the flak he got, but he was too much of a coward to address any claims brought against him, and bailed on the meeting where he said he was going to nut up and talk about solving problems to move forward, that's a good enough reason for me to abandon ship, but there's way more to it than that.

I'm tired of drama, and tired of starting over.  Since being a veteran of SKG, I then started over being one of the ONLY server owners in KAT, and then after that one of the founding members of early CG, which was a total fustercluck, then when my server was deleted I left to walk the earth, only to be drawn back over a year later by Pillz, convincing me things would be different.  Then Death and I adopted the orphaned ZM server to bring back to life and well we did, the last couple weeks people have been asking us to make sure the "last good server" on ZM didn't die, but I am completely burned out and tired of the constant stream of spammers, morons, noobs, foreign-language folks who rage when we ask them to use english or don't use their mics, and trolls, the neverending parade of trolls and mingebags, plenty of which inspired by the worthless youtubers spreading the popularity of being a shithead in someone else's game. 

I'm too old for this shit. 

TL;DR: I'm severe when it comes to who earns my respect and who doesn't, and I'm sick of dealing with people who I think are cancer. 

Rant continues:
I'm tired from being one of a small group of people who believe in responsibility and accountability for those in power, I would have resigned 2 or 3 months ago had it not been for people worried the server would be taken down if I did, who wanted the server to stay up as one of less than 5 servers that are up, maintained, relatively vanilla gameplay and at the newest version.  I'm not a manager, I'm not good at overseeing people and keeping them in line, I prefer being responsible for myself and noone else.  So its time for me to go full independent, I'm sorry to those who want me to help them but I'm completely burnt out from being the responsible one (or one of few responsible ones) in any given group.

So I'm out.  I'm done with communities because power corrupts most that seek it.  The influx of young gamers who lust after power, not responsibility or consideration for the good of all, and the popularity of being jerks to everyone, I can't deal.  I'm done.

CG is a graveyard now anyways, my only regret is that ZM as a mod may fully die with the loss of the CG server, without an HA it will probably go down soon, despite being the last bastion of non-OP-mod gameplay.  (I'm looking at you, shitty RPG and upgrade mods, your terrible balance making regular players invincible with no challenge to play)

It was a valiant effort Pillz, but in the end it is all for naught, I'm done and I'm sorry but I'm just too tired to continue this path.  Thanks everyone who was my friend, and who helped me to keep ZM alive long past its expiration date, too many to name but you know who you are, honorable mention to Death whose idea it was to admin the server over a year ago, to Tic who kept things fun, to Rad who came from another community just to hang with is, and BAnananNA and Toku for being my loyal admin crew, too many to mention the ZM FUN NIGHT CREW, you guys really kept ZM popping until the end, we couldn't have had as much fun every couple weeks without you.

Too bad noone else ran any fun nights.

I'm not leaving steam, but I'm not joining any more communities, and generally not playing server-based games.  Hit me up on steam for L4D2, or Starbound, maybe even some R6V2 or other fun co-op games to mess around in, other than that I'll be singleplayering like I have been since the olden days.  After all, I got steam when it first came out (Or at least in September 2003) to get free expansion packs for Half Life, blue shift and opposing force were totally worth it, and then there was always CS1.6, ah the classics.

As Roger Klotz would say: Sayanora Suckers.




I'm game over man, game over. 

Last one out, please hit the lights.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2014, 02:52:41 PM by Christovski »

Luna started the rover's engine.  "AEIOU!" She shouted as she slammed the gas and crashed through the wall.
whenbananasattack: Hot stuff is my life
Toukun: I wanna rock the fuck out.
Ninja Bunn3h: !sex @all

Offline HerpDerpMike

Re: Christovski goes solo. No more BS no more drama.
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2014, 04:52:12 AM »
Good luck with whatever Chris that you wanna do :)

You were a good part of this community.


Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Christovski goes solo. No more BS no more drama.
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2014, 04:52:12 AM »

Offline Tictactoe360

Re: Christovski goes solo. No more BS no more drama.
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2014, 05:08:01 AM »
I'll always be with you.

Offline Ghast

Re: Christovski goes solo. No more BS no more drama.
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2014, 07:11:55 AM »
why was the tl;dr longer than the post? lol
[ZE] Pfc =☆ q-bert™☆=: Ghast from minecraft
Ghast: fuck you q bert

Offline Raunky

Re: Christovski goes solo. No more BS no more drama.
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2014, 07:56:59 PM »
rip in peace

Offline theyankees213

Re: Christovski goes solo. No more BS no more drama.
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2014, 03:43:32 PM »
Im really going to miss you chris. I know i didnt ZM much, but when i did, it was lots of Fun

"Thats my fucking couch!!! NOOO! The humanity!!!!"  -Tyber
"Leet, only blade knows what my butt was meant for."-oobla
"It's all fun and games until one of the midgets pulls out a battleaxe" -Tyber
Why is this even a cloud? -Cortez

Yankees is easy to get mad tell him about the New York Nursing Home team

Offline Finniespin

Re: Christovski goes solo. No more BS no more drama.
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2014, 04:19:01 PM »
kbai, 1 person less to worry about stealing my top poster pos.

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Christovski goes solo. No more BS no more drama.
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2014, 04:19:01 PM »


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