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Debate Forum / Re: The "Friendzone"
« on: 25 Aug, 2013 05:05 »
Top tip for y'all:


Ban Appeal / Sigoshi Unban Please
« on: 21 Aug, 2013 02:25 »
Who were you banned by: Andredem

Why were you banned: <700 karma (692)

What server where you banned from: TTT

What date and/or time around were you banned: 8/20/13 around 9:20 PST

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:8702073

Your in game name: Sigoshi

Link to your steam page:

Additional comments: Now, I'm not refuting the fact that i had 692 karma. All I'm gonna say is that I killed innos who killed innos when I was a detective, and recognized that my  philosophy of "dude you shot an inno that means you absolutely have to be T" is actually quite terrible. That being said, I recognize that I'm really a shitty ass detective, and will vow to turn on "avoid detective" until I lrn2play if I get unbanned. Or, I can wait a week. Which is fine, I guess, but boring.

I am surprised ttt_minecraft hasn't come up.

That's only because its cg's signature map. It's too good to not play.

 reread it and now I feel mentally retarded >.>

But still wellrgr, you still drag it on even after yankees corrected me..

pbt i should have made the wording clearer, shouldn't I...

My vote is for no vote...Rotation all the way!

This way the maps do not have to be neglected -_-

I actually kind of like rotation, but voting is just like, traditional ttt, man... You cant take away that aspect (plus who the hell wants to play cs:s maps i mean come on you can only be traitor on dust2 so many times...)

Friendly petition to make it so that maps to choose from to not include the past 5 maps played because I know I'm as sick as everyone else is of playing island and 67th way over and over and over again.

Like honestly we played island>67thway>richland>67thway>westwood (bc crashing)>67thway too much.

Introductions Forum / Re: The return of Sigoshi.
« on: 11 Apr, 2012 03:05 »
Yeah I remember the name too, remember seeing you around the forum. How was puberty?

How was puberty?

taking a look at some of the changes to the forum since I was gone, I think I have found the perfect way to express my answer to this question
 quagmire Meme5 quagmire ????  ;) ???? Meme5 quagmire

Is that sufficient/accurate?

Also, Thanks for the warm welcome, Wholegrain. I will say that having your profile pop up in steam a few times did help make the decision to come back.

As for Cadaver, squeakysqueak squeaker squeak to you too.

Introductions Forum / Re: The return of Sigoshi.
« on: 08 Apr, 2012 22:10 »
I remember the name but I do not remember the personality at all. welcome back all the same!

Thanks for the warm welcome Old Crow.

I will add one thing to my opening. My moment of awakening was when I started realizing how fucking annoying little kids on the internet could be, and finally accepted why I got muted.

Introductions Forum / Re: The return of Sigoshi.
« on: 08 Apr, 2012 03:26 »
Sadly I don't remember you, but welcome back.  Have you been playing on ttt recently at all?Not much of a point in unmute unless you plan on playing again, but yeah, prob deserve a chance to see if voice is bad or not.

I had planned to return to the server after seeing what responses I got from my post. I figured it would be best to not return to the server if people had a negative response to me.

As to remembering me, I do somewhat remember you. I wonder how well others may remember me.

Introductions Forum / The return of Sigoshi.
« on: 08 Apr, 2012 03:13 »
Sigoshi, a name that, to the right veteran of this group, might cause a familiar bell to ring, and cause memories to be remembered.

Ones of good times,

Ones of bad times,

But more likely than not, ones of earrape.

I joined this group in late 2010, mainly playing on our TTT server. However, left due to one big problem.

I was young.  Well, not young in the sense of "You shouldn't be looking at all this blood and gore young man" but, well,

I was what you would call a squeaker. My voice was simply too high pitched for people to like to listen to on the server, so I was perma-muted. And we all know that no voicechat in TTT means certain death.

However, after intensive puberty shit and shit like that, my voice has gotten deeper. I hope that my voice has now deepened to a point where I will be allowed to speak on the server again.

Thank you for reading this immense textwall. You may now put in your input on whether or not I may live.

And for those whe have joined the group since I left, I would love to meet you all. Don't worry, my voice wasn't THAT high.

oh who am I fucking kidding yes it was. I was permamuted, so that has to speak for something

General Gaming Talk / Source engine command: Impulse 202
« on: 24 Jun, 2011 21:31 »
So I was looking at a list of source console commands and wanted to learn more about the "impulse command". I looked up a list of impulse commands and found this list

Impulse 202 is what really caught my eye... It's apparently makes an audio spray called a jingle. You can link it up with a wav file and when you use impulse 202 it will play the file. It can be used in multiplayer, as it is listed as "Not a cheat". I'm going to test it right now... but I want to know what you guys think of it. Have you guys heard of it?

It won't work in all games, however... it says games "typically appear to disable jingles"

Casting / Re: Any ideas
« on: 11 Jun, 2011 23:11 »
May I suggest that with the new replay function in tf2, we make some awesome movies Machinimas??

edit: shut up finnie.

Solved Applications / Re: Sigoshi Admin App
« on: 24 Apr, 2011 17:25 »
Okay, fine... I'll admit... I'm 14.

But my voice is cracking.

Does that change anything?
... That makes it worse... Who would listen to a 14 year old kid who has a voice crack every time he tries to solve an rdm?

Since people don't like me using my mic, I prefer the chat.
I'm sure that is an allowed method for solving rdms, right?

Solved Applications / Re: Sigoshi Admin App
« on: 23 Apr, 2011 22:17 »
Age. You've got a permamute on you because of that fact too.

It seems that in some sort of server crash, that permamute is gone. But don't use my voice often beceause of this.

Solved Applications / Re: Sigoshi Admin App
« on: 23 Apr, 2011 22:15 »
Okay, fine... I'll admit... I'm 14.

But my voice is cracking.

Does that change anything?

Solved Applications / Sigoshi Admin App *DENIED*
« on: 23 Apr, 2011 03:25 »
What server are you applying for:TTT

Were you recommended by an admin? If so state the name: not that I know of

In game name:(=CG=)Sigoshi

Link to your steam page:

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:8702073

Do you have past admin experience:No.

Why you wish to be admin: I find that I often am online when there are no admins online. I'd like to be admin to fix this problem

What are some good qualities you possess: Being generous to both sides of an argument- I've seen legal stuff, (no, not Phoenix Wright or Law & Order, real deal legal stuff), and know what to do in an arguement.

What country are you from:US

Additional notes:I know most of you think I'm "underage", but please forget all stereotypes that are against me. I know what I am doing.

General Gaming Talk / Re: New Content! Read
« on: 19 Apr, 2011 20:18 »
Seriously? don't know how I missed it.. but i will go build my rave now...

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