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Topics - Kenny

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Solved Ban Appeals / !!!
« on: 18 Aug, 2010 02:54 »
Some dick copied my name and is apparently getting me banned! HALP!

Old Time Aways / I KEWLONA! FOR NEXT 7 DAYS!
« on: 08 Aug, 2010 04:52 »
Just making sure you guys know Im in Kewlona, and thats why I'm not on CG all the time! I really hope you see this cause im really hoping my Admin will be good. I live in Surrey B.C. and Kewlona is a 5 hour drive, Ièll be back the thirteenth prtty late,so ill try and log some hours on the fourteenth.

Introductions Forum / Ohai there :D
« on: 08 Aug, 2010 04:49 »
So I've heard lots of people haven't heard of me on th TTT serv...  :'( ... Im always on around 10-12 and im a really cool guy. I've played for awhile now but i haven't been very active in the forums until now, I am applying for admin, and I think its looking pretty good :D, Anyway It'd be great to meet some more people in CG so I can feel like a true part of this clan! Pce!

What server are you applying for: CG's TTT server

Were you recommended by an admin? If so state the name: No

In game name: (=CG=)Kenny

Link to your steam page:

Steam ID:
# 1329 "(=CG=)Kenny" STEAM_0:0:13094658 01:18 132 0

Do you have past admin experience:[ECG] TTT server #2

What are some good qualities you possess: I know preferences for punishment. (I.E. Warning,Slay,Ban).
I listen very well. Im very involved when a RDM occurs. Also I have a terrific sense of humor. Plus I'm great with the ladies 
What country are you from:Canada (Best Country in The World!)


Additional notes: My real name is Joe, so if you want to call me that, that's fine.

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