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Solved Ban Appeals / Athlonz
« on: 19 Jun, 2012 02:33 »
I want to make a personal appeal to get athlonz unbanned

He was banned more than 6 months ago on a bogus charge and was put on probation afterwards and soon perma banned for a simple avoiding a mute

basically he was perma banned for avoiding a mute when you look at it (the whole he was hacking was such BS it is like me finally after all this time saying TENDOVI HACKS BECAUSE HE IS GOOD.  He was a regular and I have had a few people also talking to me on steam asking for his ban appeal.

Anyways I say unban him and let him start a new if worse comes to worse you have to type no more than 2 words and a digit (!ban athlonz 0)

He did have an attitude when people were accusing him of aimbot and it could have been handled better but honestly a perma ban for being mad about a bogus accusation and a mute avoid.

As it stands the ban is 6 months which if you look at it fits the charges and he has done his time

I have played with him once or twice as well one of them on our jailbreak server (sourcebans is not enabled yet for JB and only 4 other CG members were on)

anyways CG what do you think?  I say give him another chance but I want to get the input from others before I talk to Inject and Jorgen

News / Submit Videos for CG Account
« on: 01 Jun, 2012 20:57 »
We are now taking videos for the youtube account

please pm me the following

1.  The video file (properly formatted so I can upload it to youtube without any edits)

2.  Description (can be a sentence or longer if you want)

We will review it for violations of our rules and if so (we will not push for punishments unless it is a serious violation) we will not upload the video.

This is on you guys if you want to

some of you guys have amazing footage and if you all combine your skills we could get a very decent amount of views


we need people to help out

if possible also make an intro with CG and your made by "with your name"  but that is just something extra and I am not expecting it

General Gaming Talk / SERVER UP !!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: 22 Apr, 2012 23:53 »
FREE game to download

the server list and the program to download is there

join our server through that website

server name is ConjointGaming

we are still working on the server but so far it is pretty populated and very fun

try it out!

The Art Forum / My friends Music Video
« on: 22 Apr, 2012 00:49 »
One of my friends shot this video and my other friend is in this video rapping

anyways check it out and leave some feedback about what you think

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Programming / Java Mentor
« on: 21 Mar, 2012 01:25 »
I have been extremely busy programming and doing other homework.

I am just writing simple projects nothing too fancy but I could use some help or a mentor

would anyone be interested?

Admin Department / READ Admin Rank and Requirements
« on: 07 Mar, 2012 04:37 »

These were the set requirements way back near when CG first started
- These requirements exclude the old Super Admin rank from back in the day since we no longer use it

Also this is a page on our new wiki

we will be doing documentation for the community such as procedures, rules etc..... whatever helps set guidelines for everyone to at least read if they have a question.  Kind of like a FAQ about the community

Anyways I want you all to LOOK at the requirements for every rank and debate here if you agree or disagree.  These requirements have NOT been in effect for a long time since near back when CG first started.  However their is not that much difference between our current standards and these.  The major difference makes it harder to achieve veteran admin status.  The Veteran admin status was always supposed to be a hard to achieve type rank but now many people have it when we thought just the standard was 4 months in cg little admin abuse and being active.  This will not affect veteran admins or any admins in their rank.  You won't get shifted down a rank due to the implementation.  Some have been made very hard to achieve such as community leader for good reasons. 

Anyways I want everyone including community leaders and head admins to take a look (should have gotten a pm btw 5 minutes after this message as well as I think about 1-2 months ago) and tell me what they.

what would you want to see

or ctf

Most of the time it is hard to get a server that has a general map selection popular and we have never really had one last us.  If it dies down from how it is doing now and we convert it to a gamemode specific server which one would it be?

Old Time Aways / F#cking Up
« on: 01 Feb, 2012 20:43 »
I have been fucking up very badly recently in school

I don't have very much left that I give priority to in my life anymore

this is an IMMEDIATE withdraw from cg for an unknown amount of time

I will NOT be able to give ANY eta on the ram upgrade at this point do not ask expect it not to happen for a long time

I will not be able to perform any duties for an unknown amount of time

please do not bother me on steam with stupid shit only important things

If I fuck up in college I really don't know what is left.  If I fuck up i want to join the military and go to afghanistan asap.

Sorry this was unexpected just got a call from my academic advisor

Do not rely on me anymore as for I am flakey at best


please talk to them if you bother me frequently  I will block you on steam until my grades have stablized

also I am done partying and doing all of that dumbshit.  Also going ghost on many friends to really get going at it.

This may be a few days to a few months depending

If I fuck up in school I will be retiring from CG permanently

but I have the utmost confidence in the community leaders that run this community they do not need my help anymore and I have not provided much in the recent few months.

I feel bad for bailing but I am on a train going toward shittown and I need to get my shit together before it is too late.

my gpa is 1.66 because I failed a class but still I cannot fuck up anymore


Just need to get my shit together and stop doing everything at the last moment

Debate Forum / MOVED: Linkster97
« on: 23 Jan, 2012 21:00 »

Admin Department / Admin Inactivity
« on: 09 Jan, 2012 20:02 »
If you were not on the forums for the last 2 months you were removed from admin

you are exempt from this if you made a time away

If it shows you have admin on the forums than you are good if not and would like to know why please pm me.  Mistakes do happen and if you believe your admin being removed was a mistake please PM me.

I will be going through the servers talking to head admins about the removal of these admins as their inactivity is beyond unacceptable.

Minecraft / Settings
« on: 03 Jan, 2012 04:55 »
Please post ANY plugins you think should be on the server

I think I will be using bukkit admin mod (haven't had mc in the longest time so things have really changed since it's first release)

Stick with me as I am not familiar with the newer admin mods, settings and plugins.

Also any settings such as pvp on or off etc.....

Team Fortress 2 / 24/7 Dustbowl/Goldrush/2Fort
« on: 03 Jan, 2012 00:37 »

We have had this server up for a while

24 slots

The Head Admin  ( Pwned is head admin of this specific server) is on vacation.

I have seen random people joining constantly all the time but no more than 5.  This is a good sign at least and if we can give it a little push we can probably get another saxton sized server.

I need to fix spawn but that is it and I will do that later tonight.

If the server shows some signs of improvement I will install a rank system that you can view ALL of your stats on our website and everyone Else's.

Minecraft / Server up yes or no
« on: 02 Jan, 2012 06:30 »
The website changed hosts so all of the information on the last thread was lost

I will summarize

should CG put up a minecraft server?

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