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Introductions Forum / Re: I'm not exactly new...
« on: 25 Sep, 2012 03:24 »
O hai their Claire. Long Time no see. Soo hows it going with the hubby.? or was it boyfriend.?

Depends on 1) who you are? 2) who you're referring to? :P
You a long time friend but u deleted me from ur list XP. Sejo Mino but i change it from time to time. and when i last heard from u, u were having a fight with somebody... i cant remember.

Oh yea yea. I remember Sejo Mino. I guess you changed your name so much that when I cleaned up my friends list, it just got deleted. Are you referring to DethSeKtor?? As far as I remember, he was the one I was with before we both got banned from this place.
i am guessing that was who it was. But anyways, Long time no see. It was like forever ago.

Yea. About 2 years ago, if I'm not mistaken. Quite a long time.
Do u still live in Texas.? What u been up to all this time since.?
Still in Texas. :P I've been working! duh lol. You know, where you step away from the computer, go outside, get in yer car, go to a place, and prostitute your skills for monies. THAT.
LoL it is good to see that you still look the same after 2 yearz. XP   I been working alot also. LoL Prostitute. XP it is good 2 see that u are humorous.
Romance on the forums tonight I see I'll just leave you two alone to do stuff.
Lol actually she is just a long time friend from long ago. never really got 2 say my farewells seeing how someone kicked me from her list. XP then i tried to add her again and she kicked me again. XP

;_; Sorry. I just don't go on steam anymore. I dunno why you would wanna be on THEE list. Forgive me <3
when i look at this quote train i see a pyramid. also i like lists. XP
Unfortunately, for me, it's not worth going onto steam JUST to add you to the list. :/ lol

Introductions Forum / Re: I'm not exactly new...
« on: 25 Sep, 2012 03:20 »
O hai their Claire. Long Time no see. Soo hows it going with the hubby.? or was it boyfriend.?

Depends on 1) who you are? 2) who you're referring to? :P
You a long time friend but u deleted me from ur list XP. Sejo Mino but i change it from time to time. and when i last heard from u, u were having a fight with somebody... i cant remember.

Oh yea yea. I remember Sejo Mino. I guess you changed your name so much that when I cleaned up my friends list, it just got deleted. Are you referring to DethSeKtor?? As far as I remember, he was the one I was with before we both got banned from this place.
i am guessing that was who it was. But anyways, Long time no see. It was like forever ago.

Yea. About 2 years ago, if I'm not mistaken. Quite a long time.
Do u still live in Texas.? What u been up to all this time since.?
Still in Texas. :P I've been working! duh lol. You know, where you step away from the computer, go outside, get in yer car, go to a place, and prostitute your skills for monies. THAT.
LoL it is good to see that you still look the same after 2 yearz. XP   I been working alot also. LoL Prostitute. XP it is good 2 see that u are humorous.
Romance on the forums tonight I see I'll just leave you two alone to do stuff.
Lol actually she is just a long time friend from long ago. never really got 2 say my farewells seeing how someone kicked me from her list. XP then i tried to add her again and she kicked me again. XP

;_; Sorry. I just don't go on steam anymore. I dunno why you would wanna be on THEE list. Forgive me <3

Introductions Forum / Re: I'm not exactly new...
« on: 25 Sep, 2012 03:18 »
O hai their Claire. Long Time no see. Soo hows it going with the hubby.? or was it boyfriend.?

Depends on 1) who you are? 2) who you're referring to? :P
You a long time friend but u deleted me from ur list XP. Sejo Mino but i change it from time to time. and when i last heard from u, u were having a fight with somebody... i cant remember.

Oh yea yea. I remember Sejo Mino. I guess you changed your name so much that when I cleaned up my friends list, it just got deleted. Are you referring to DethSeKtor?? As far as I remember, he was the one I was with before we both got banned from this place.
i am guessing that was who it was. But anyways, Long time no see. It was like forever ago.

Yea. About 2 years ago, if I'm not mistaken. Quite a long time.
Do u still live in Texas.? What u been up to all this time since.?
Still in Texas. :P I've been working! duh lol. You know, where you step away from the computer, go outside, get in yer car, go to a place, and prostitute your skills for monies. THAT.
LoL it is good to see that you still look the same after 2 yearz. XP   I been working alot also. LoL Prostitute. XP it is good 2 see that u are humorous.
Romance on the forums tonight I see I'll just leave you two alone to do stuff.


Introductions Forum / Re: I'm not exactly new...
« on: 25 Sep, 2012 03:18 »
O hai their Claire. Long Time no see. Soo hows it going with the hubby.? or was it boyfriend.?

Depends on 1) who you are? 2) who you're referring to? :P
You a long time friend but u deleted me from ur list XP. Sejo Mino but i change it from time to time. and when i last heard from u, u were having a fight with somebody... i cant remember.

Oh yea yea. I remember Sejo Mino. I guess you changed your name so much that when I cleaned up my friends list, it just got deleted. Are you referring to DethSeKtor?? As far as I remember, he was the one I was with before we both got banned from this place.
i am guessing that was who it was. But anyways, Long time no see. It was like forever ago.

Yea. About 2 years ago, if I'm not mistaken. Quite a long time.
Do u still live in Texas.? What u been up to all this time since.?
Still in Texas. :P I've been working! duh lol. You know, where you step away from the computer, go outside, get in yer car, go to a place, and prostitute your skills for monies. THAT.
LoL it is good to see that you still look the same after 2 yearz. XP   I been working alot also. LoL Prostitute. XP it is good 2 see that u are humorous.
I've always been humorous ._. yea work sucks lol

Introductions Forum / Re: I'm not exactly new...
« on: 25 Sep, 2012 03:12 »
O hai their Claire. Long Time no see. Soo hows it going with the hubby.? or was it boyfriend.?

Depends on 1) who you are? 2) who you're referring to? :P
You a long time friend but u deleted me from ur list XP. Sejo Mino but i change it from time to time. and when i last heard from u, u were having a fight with somebody... i cant remember.

Oh yea yea. I remember Sejo Mino. I guess you changed your name so much that when I cleaned up my friends list, it just got deleted. Are you referring to DethSeKtor?? As far as I remember, he was the one I was with before we both got banned from this place.
i am guessing that was who it was. But anyways, Long time no see. It was like forever ago.

Yea. About 2 years ago, if I'm not mistaken. Quite a long time.
Do u still live in Texas.? What u been up to all this time since.?
Still in Texas. :P I've been working! duh lol. You know, where you step away from the computer, go outside, get in yer car, go to a place, and prostitute your skills for monies. THAT.

Introductions Forum / Re: I'm not exactly new...
« on: 25 Sep, 2012 03:07 »
O hai their Claire. Long Time no see. Soo hows it going with the hubby.? or was it boyfriend.?

Depends on 1) who you are? 2) who you're referring to? :P
You a long time friend but u deleted me from ur list XP. Sejo Mino but i change it from time to time. and when i last heard from u, u were having a fight with somebody... i cant remember.

Oh yea yea. I remember Sejo Mino. I guess you changed your name so much that when I cleaned up my friends list, it just got deleted. Are you referring to DethSeKtor?? As far as I remember, he was the one I was with before we both got banned from this place.
i am guessing that was who it was. But anyways, Long time no see. It was like forever ago.

Yea. About 2 years ago, if I'm not mistaken. Quite a long time.

Introductions Forum / Re: I'm not exactly new...
« on: 25 Sep, 2012 03:06 »
So I was informed that I have been unbanned from the forums. For those of you who know me, i hate you. And those of you who don't, I hate you too. I don't plan on being here for long. I just felt like lurking around and seeing how very far this community has come.

With utmost respect, lol wut? trying to be polite ._.

O glob what did I do to deserve your hate  meme1 and also hello im MrHoodsie.

 Meme8 I didn't mean it, I swear.

Introductions Forum / Re: I'm not exactly new...
« on: 25 Sep, 2012 03:04 »
O hai their Claire. Long Time no see. Soo hows it going with the hubby.? or was it boyfriend.?

Depends on 1) who you are? 2) who you're referring to? :P
You a long time friend but u deleted me from ur list XP. Sejo Mino but i change it from time to time. and when i last heard from u, u were having a fight with somebody... i cant remember.

Oh yea yea. I remember Sejo Mino. I guess you changed your name so much that when I cleaned up my friends list, it just got deleted. Are you referring to DethSeKtor?? As far as I remember, he was the one I was with before we both got banned from this place.

Introductions Forum / Re: I'm not exactly new...
« on: 25 Sep, 2012 03:02 »
Yea, I've noticed. I mean, if I was still playing games, I'd probably care more though lol

Introductions Forum / Re: I'm not exactly new...
« on: 25 Sep, 2012 03:00 »
O hai their Claire. Long Time no see. Soo hows it going with the hubby.? or was it boyfriend.?

Depends on 1) who you are? 2) who you're referring to? :P

Introductions Forum / Re: I'm not exactly new...
« on: 25 Sep, 2012 02:59 »
Yea. I'm too lazy to be typing in pink. And It was a wonder how anyone could read it, going back through my old posts and stuff.

Introductions Forum / Re: I'm not exactly new...
« on: 25 Sep, 2012 02:56 »
Tis all in the past, brah. Only kids would hold any sort of grudge. :P

Introductions Forum / I'm not exactly new...
« on: 25 Sep, 2012 02:50 »
So I was informed that I have been unbanned from the forums. For those of you who know me, i hate you. And those of you who don't, I hate you too. I don't plan on being here for long. I just felt like lurking around and seeing how very far this community has come.

With utmost respect,


Old Map News / Re: add claire map to zps cg server
« on: 11 Feb, 2010 03:31 »
wai would i be mad? if someone wants to fix the glitches be my guest. just get the map up liek nao >.>

Old Map News / Re: add claire map to zps cg server
« on: 11 Feb, 2010 02:48 »
Name of the map:

In Which server do you wish the map to be added?

Link to the map? (if possible):

Why you think it should be put on the server:

Additional comments:

Any map adding requests should be done within this thread. If done elsewhere, they will be deleted.
ONLY map adding requests. Any unnecessary comments or prolonged discussions will be deleted too.

as juani said....i put my request in teh right place.

as for my map. stop being lazy. for the "glitches" i dun even remember there being any. i know i haz at least 3 people who want teh map up. its GONNA be popular again cuz its MAI map :) made especially for meh by gamelink :P and cuz it'll be a new map to them since its been out of rotation and nominate for ages >:/ thanks you yer sorry ass. anyway

that is all. <3

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