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Messages - Dr. Jesus

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Size in pixels? Is there any restraint on this?

I'll do this in v2.0, promise.

The Art Forum / Re: Clash
« on: 30 Dec, 2011 16:23 »
Nice work. My critique is some of the colors like the green in the background as well as the blue spots around the same general area.  They don't seem to match well with the rest of the color palette. The green especially doesn't really feel like it fits with all the black, red and white.


This was a bit of a reintroduction piece, and I was trying to play with a couple different effects that I used to use just to see if I could get the hand of them again. I tend to go with either a plain white background, or a gradient as you see on the right.  The left was meant to be a bright, high-contrast vector style, while the left was going to use more C4Ds & sparkly effects (best word I could think of for it).

Regarding color choices, personally I feel that if anything I should have gone with either a darker green and don't quite see why you dislike the green / blue. I used blue as a bright highlight in several location (lens, some sparkles, glasses), so it's used in that manner a fair bit. That is the only place the green was used, and perhaps I either should have either used it more or simply removed it. Iunno.

I've made a couple modifications to this tag in V2 & V3, as many people told me they disliked the text. At first I just removed it, and in V3 I plastered text everywhere with mixed results. I definitely think I need to reconsider my color choice on the text, but I think it's interesting and could be used to some success if I bother to make a V4, though for now I'll likely just use the textless V2.

Could you make me a valve approved spray?

I'm looking for a creepy graveyard that has TowerSheep carved into the stone arch or something like that.

Something like this but creepier!

Err.. Make me admin? :p

But seriously, what are the requirements for a valve-approved spray. I don't even have one so I don't know. Lol.

And yah, that should be fairly easy to do once you gimme the required dimensions and whatnot.

The Art Forum / Clash
« on: 30 Dec, 2011 12:35 »
So, getting started on graphics again since I have some time over winter break.

I now work on all tags at twice the resolution of what I want the end-result to be, so when I post I will post the large version (so you can see the details), and the small version (how it is meant to be viewed).


V2 Textless

V3 ZomgSooMuchText

If you are going to post please...
1. Honestly critique these tags. I'm not looking to acquire fanboys or impress /gfx/critiques, I'm looking to improve. What do you honestly like about the tags? What do you dislike about them?
2. Don't just rate X/10. That doesn't help me at all. You can rate me X/10, but if you do, please explain why. Rating me on a scale 1-10 only tells me if the tag satisfied your personal tastes, but does nothing for me. I may have a different style / taste than you. However, if you tell me what mistakes I made, where something looks out of place or where two colors clash against one another in an unattractive way, I can use these details to further pursue the style I'm aiming for.
3. Be polite. Else I'll probably just ignore you.
4. If you want a tag, give a good critique of this one. Tell me in at least a paragraph what is good and bad about this tag, and then PM me. In return, the next tag I will make will be for you. (No, you don't get to pick the stock / render / style, etc. I don't mean to be rude, but I like to make what I like to make. If you want a particular stock / render / style, I'll take note of it and make tags ad hoc. If I happen to make one that isn't already promised to someone else that fits what you want then I will give it to you.)


I look pretty sparkly in this picture.

Solved Applications / Re: Shikaru Admin Application
« on: 30 Dec, 2011 07:50 »
You may know the rules, and you might be a fairly friendly player, but there is much more to being an admin than this. I remember my first day on the server you cried RDM about every little instance. I tried explaining to you why these cases (especially the one which involved me) weren't RDM and why you had no reason to be complaining about it, only for you to respond that you're going to have one of your admin friends log on and talk to me about it. Luckily, Accan was online and had my back in this matter, and none of your admin friends showed up.

I  had hoped and thought this might be an isolated situation, but each and every time I've ever played with you, you constantly complained about RDM or being unjustly killed. Maybe this wouldn't influence the way you behaved as an admin, but I find that rather unlikely. You get worked up far too easily.

Now, I will say that when you don't think some great injustice has been performed against you, you tend to be a rather friendly guy, but it's those situations when you get all worked up (which admins often do get worked up and harassed by players a lot) that I feel show me best how you would be as an admin. As such, I could not endorse you.

Just my 0.02 in the matter.

Make a picture of Super Saiyan 3 Goku with every single hair identified, and I will love you forever.

Give me a list of hair colors, and provide a stock picture (The higher quality, the better). That is ridiculously easy to do. >_>

Do nothing Corey wants and draw headcrab zombies holding hands and skipping and I will love you more and longer

Doing something from scratch, rather than editting color is considerably more difficult.

Still, get me some HIGH QUALITY source pictures and I MIGHT be able to do this one. Unsure though. >_>

Might be easier to just do this in Garry's Mod.

Greetings everyone, I'm Dr. Jesus (Pedo Zombie Jesus in game, TTT) and I thought it was about time I started posting on the forums. Mostly, this just means participating in your local art / gfx board, so here I am.

Here's an album of some of my older stuff. Most of my newer work is on a flashdrive somewhere, and I'll post it when I find it.

Also, some samples for ez-browsing.

Introductions Forum / [†] Pedo Zombie Jesus
« on: 29 Dec, 2011 02:34 »
I'm Pedo Zombie Jesus in game. Formerly Dr. Jesus the Eleventh.

Yah, I'm on the forums now.

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